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ninycold's application #2!! | news reporter.


Level 2

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

Ninycold (applying with!!), litetwix
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

ninys. I do have a microphone

List your timezone and country: MST, Canada

Describe your activity:

I can usually stay on for a couple hours, being either sitting afk working on something outside of the computer screen. One thing I can always do if I am online and available is be around when or if needed by someone either within the faction or outside of it. If possible I would be as helpful as I can. As i am not enrolled in school OOCly and have been searching for a job, the only days i am not active much is saturdays or thursdays. I can always stay on for an average of 6 hours or more if i have something to do. On occasion I will be around the server helping people build there apartments.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Reporter. [Accepted]

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

A big motivator for me right now is that I really don't have anything OOCly and feel this time around i will be more active. Having more time to plan and write out reports, as my previous time in the faction I was working in a very strict working environment. Even with help from my friends encouraging me into making this application, Specifically my friend _tonsils, They made me realize maybe I should give it another shot considering I have more time and already spend most of my time on SRP. Even as I spent my time sitting here writing this application i had so much fun, just being able to finally sit down and write about one of my beloved character. I hope to get into a soft rhythm of playing more characters aside from my main.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

I have some decent experience with writing as I do very much enjoy writing even if it's small lore writings about my characters I've made, being either long paragraphs about their story or being an interaction between other characters of mine. A great part of my day to day life would involve writing even just a simple paragraph, or an entire essay of my character. Even though I love writing about my characters, it would be nice to be able to, one, share my writings and two, have new and different things to write about, even if knowing my skills with writing have greatly decreased. Although, I am still human I do tend to get burnt out, and sometimes It'll take me a long while to make sure what I'm writing is right, or even worth my time or energy. Overall i feel like my relationship with writing can be a bit shifty at times. For once thing I can assure that I will always be willing to push back on myself as i still enjoy a challenge when writing, as I wish to express myself with my writing.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

I am aware of the rules provided and will follow them.

Why should we accept you over others?:

I like to think I can make enjoyable reports being either short and a simple read, or a long paragraph about certain topics that would be just as enjoyable, A short read almost like reading a page of a magazine with colorful pages and pictures, I also feel like I also make a longer more in depth reading experience for who will be reading my reports. I am also always available for either picture, being a model on any one of my characters, I do plan on helping people within the faction with their reports if it is needed. Of course I know my writing skills are least compared to most people in the server but I like to think I can continue to improve as I move forward in SRP.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

I understand my reports will not have any bias of any kind towards any specific groups.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

I have full trust within my own mental health and my time outside of SRP that I can make sure to complete monthly quota, before it is due. Knowing now before I was completely swamped with my summer job.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:

I imagine work as a reporter in SRP, being a large sum of writing in the mix of the select few other things one can do to earn quota. I hope to finish at least more than 1 report a month. I would love to bring more reading material people can read! I also wish to play more of my character whenever I have nothing to do, and spend more time on them. As long as i want to work on anything towards being in the faction anytime I have any free time in or out of SRP.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

’’Mahuen-Ilgop Sacree.’’
The blue haired female said, having her back as straight as she could, taking a seat looking at the person sitting in front of her with a bright smile.

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

The female nodded before speaking briefly. ’’I would like to go by Ms. Sacree, Thank you very much.’’
The female looked stable as she would respectfully place her hands on her lap.

Current Age (25+):

’’46. I am forty-six of age.’’
Nodded her head, as she lifted her hand slightly urging the interviewer to carry on with their questions.

Past job/work experience:

For a moment the female would look at the interviewer taking a pause, slightly within her own thoughts, before replying with a gentle smile.
’’Well, I started my work experience in a small town I lived in known as Gwacheon-si, where I had an office job for multiple years. After being treated with less respect than I wanted, I decided to move here, to Karakura. Where i had gotten the same role as a reporter.’’
She took a pause to take a drink of her water, before continuing. ’’After being resigned from my occupation, I moved back to South Korea, to help my sick grandmother, Where i had tried to keep my experience of being in a news team, Which ultimately failed. Which brings me back here.”
The female had a smile on her lips as she would nod her head, taking another sip of her water.


Without a pause between the questions, Mahuen would speak again.
“Well since the last time I’ve worked here, I have managed to get a degree in English, and well have experience in this working environment. Now being that I would like to think my skills as a writer and news reporter have improved largely.”
Mahuen would nod her head, her head remaining level as she would seem to speak with a calm voice, making sure she made eye-contact with the interviewer.

Nationality and born location:

The female would look down at the ground slightly. Before returning her gaze.
“I am a Korean female, that is all I’ve ever known my whole life.” She’d bring her hand to her cheek scratching the side of it for a mere second.
“While my place of birth would be a small town that I had mentioned before, raised by my grandmother, in the sweet small town known as Gwacheon-si.” She adjusted her posture, taking another swig at her water.

Phone Number:

Mahuen would grab out her phone strolling in it for a small amount of time. Before clearing her throat as she recited her number to the interviewer.
“030-450-0032 should be it!” With that she put her phone safely back into her pocket.

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

She would take a pause for a moment, bringing her fingers to her chin, with a slight hum she would finally return to speaking.
“I would say that I'm a caring person, who has always chosen family before any matters. I know I can also prove to be a hard working person, sometimes being so, too much.. I tend to drown myself within my work. I also know I can confidently express myself within my writing as well within my social skills. I am not one to be afraid of showing who I am, when appropriate.” Finally finishing speaking she would nod, ending her sentence.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

Mahuen would look at the interviewer moving her arm behind her head scratching the back of her neck, her lips opening once more.
“Well I would certainly be more interested in writing about people's interests and how far it can vary, and how many different variations of said topic could be said. Well one main way i plan to execute this, is Interviewing people of many age ranges! Or some with a similar age, to see if age can be a main factor in their interests.” She’d nod her head again as she would move her head to the left side of herself.
“If it was needed and if a topic would be of much interest in myself and people surrounding me, I would be more than willing to be outside of my comfort zone. Of course I always strive to give myself a challenge.”

What are your expectations for the job?:

“A few expectations I inquire about are that I am treated with respect of course, and that I will have the enjoyment of writing about topics that interest myself and others within the community! As long as I have people I can work alongside.. Instead of being alone in my office like back in my hometown.”
The female would awkwardly let out a chuckle, moving her hands to rest in her lap.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

The female would say a sentence in Korean, and seemed to finish her sentence in Russian.
“I speak both Korean, and Russian. And of course Japanese, We are in Karakura! Korean was the only thing I ever spoke in Gwacheon-si, and Russian was for my late fiance.”

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Now, we are all aware of the many different arrays of styles that Karakura can have in the streets.. Being either a more street style way, with crop-top and a simple baggy pants, and a loosely fitting jacket, or a more traditional look, a kimono wrapped around you with a design of flowers and little to no skin showing at all! While I am aware some people also like a more formal look, with a suit and tie, or a floor length dress. There are the individuals that are faithful to the different seasons of the year, dressing how it is appropriate for the weather outside, right now being bundled up in bulky clothing with fleece-lined tights! Although there is one thing that in Karakura, I and a few others have noticed is the different dyed hair color there is in our very city.

Red hair does happen to seem like that most popular when it comes to dyed hair, being either a ginger natural head. The bright vibrant color of it or either being a darker more maroon color. Either way most of the different colors seen by other people can vary so very wildly, of course there is no harm in having a natural hair color such as blonde or brown, but they are so many different ways to style your hair, being with adding color into it, or having it put up in braid or a simple ponytail! With red being a fairly neutral color no matter who and what has the color on themselves. Did you know
some people can have hair that
goes to their
ankles? And still be fine with the length of it?! Like that has to be a lot to take care of and make sure it is still healthy and well, but then again that brings up the question. When is an appropriate time to cut off your hair? Is it when it gets too unmanageable? Or maybe it is when it begins to grow out of your preferred style!

Well, back to the topic at hand! I know so many people like to have multiple colors in their hair, a large amount of people love to do the half and half look making it far easier to mix and match two colors, while others like to have a nice ombre effect, which fades one color to another. Maybe even have a style for the individuals in these two pictures! That seems to be strands of their hairs dyed different colors so it can be a nice explosion of colors! Of course it is all about personal preference as I've said before.
Like the mostly blue haired person, has a mix of a sky light blue mixed in with a blonde and a platinum white within his base of blue! While the more feminine individual appears to have a lime green mixed with strands of pink and white hair! Which both of these color combinations look beyond perfect for the way they are displayed on their heads as well as compliments their outfits with excellence.

And now we move to the one style that is so simple but so gorgeous: the single colored full head of hair, just like the red haired people! Instead with many other colors! Such as green, blue, purple and pink. Coming in all lengths and styles, and of course different shades of each color imaginable! The beautiful fact that you are able to braid your hair, put it in a bun, and still have the same beautiful look of the colors, even the large pop of color
no matter where you walk in Karakura, you are sure to see at least one person with an abnormal hair color.


Next time you are outside, or even looking out your window maybe you can see how many silly little red haired people there may be! Maybe this article can show how the ever growing amount of people that enjoy having their hair dyed. Being the multiple colors or the split dye, or even just the simple one color wonder! And if possible I would love to see what your opinions are on when either you cut your hair, or when you think is the most a
ppropriate to do so!

Here are the out-take photos of the one’s seen before!

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

"Hello Niny, I'm so glad you were able to make it today, I'm sure your rather nervous.. So please, be sure you are as comfortable as you need to be." Mahuen would place a glass of cold water infront of Niny, just on the side of the desk Niny would be sat. "Okay, straight onto the questions, so I'm not taking more of your time." Mahuen would take a pause pulling out a notebook with the questions written on it. "So Niny, What first motivated you to dying your hair?" Sat fully listening to Niny's anwser, being ready to write it down, even if there was a recording rolling already.

"Oh, yes.. Well for a long while in my childhood I was never really fond of my hair, the natural state of it being a dark almost black brown color, And well ever since moving here my hair always reminded me of my late mother. I never liked the woman. So i never had a second thought of it." Niny would speak with almost no hesitation, meeting the gaze of Mahuen, as Niny's hands would be on her own lap.

"I See, what an interesting reason to want to change your appearance." Mahuen would write down Niny's answer in a brief summary. Before looking at her next line for her question. "Now, What products do you tend to use more on your hair, to keep its vibrancy and of course the color in it?"

She would move her hand to her chin, taking a ever short second to pause. "Well, I suppose it tends to change a lot as my amazing uncle in Russia would always bring me products he loves and knows what would work well with my hair type, and i trust him well, of course because he is a huge fan of dying his hair as well! And if i recall correctly he owns his own salon!" Niny would have a wide smile as she would nod her head, then grabbing her cup of water ahead of her, taking a short sip of it.

"Your uncle owns a Salon, how neat!" Mahuen would softly smile on the side of her mouth, as she would write down as Niny spoke. "Of course, I'm not judging I just find such interest in such a person." Mahuen cleared her throat. "Have you had any difficulties when it came to dying your hair?"

Shook her head as she pulled a strand of hair from her shoulder looking at it. "Not from what i recall, I have gotten better at dying my hair on my own, and i dont think, there was even a shade of red that didnt match me!" Niny would let out a chuckle trying her best to lighten the mood.

"Well of course, having the skills to dye your own hair must count for something!" Mahuen would again write down the answer reaching out taking a sip of her cup of coffee that was sat on the desk. "Do you follow any tips or tricks to make sure your hair stays healthy after dyeing it yourself?"

Niny would nod her head slightly, as if she was still thinking of a good enough answer she could say that would make some kind of sense to the interviewer. "Well, am I am aware of if my hair will bleed dye in the shower, If I do take one. But on average I would prefer to wash my hair at least once every 4 days, Oh days that's I'm not showering, I will be washing myself in my bath of course. Over all, I doubt my hair is even remotely healthy! Either way I do have products that reduce the damage that is done to my hair, and I can only assume it works considering my hair hasn't fallen out yet!" Let out an awkward chuckle as she fell silent again.

Mahuen would smile at her as she took another sip of her coffee writing with her other hand, nodding her head to Niny. As her eyes shifted down to the next question displayed on her notebook. "How often are you re-dying your hair? How many different colors have you had."

"Well I would say I am re-dying at least once every two weeks, I want to keep my style of bright red hair as long as I can." Taking a small pause to drink some water from her cup. "I've only ever had red dyed on my hair although I have thought about dying it another color, but for now I am fine with red, now, if we count the multiple shades of red I have had, Then I would at least say more than 10!"

"Mm.. That does seem reasonable, and can I say red does suit you really well!" Mahuen would again write down her answers as she would again move her gaze to the next question, placing a finger on the paper as she read it aloud. "What do you think are the biggest benefits of dyeing your hair at home versus going to a salon?"

"Of course, I've always thought of going to a salon and getting it done there, but most of the time i only go when i need my hair either re-styled or a new haircut! Buuut one of the biggest benefits I can say is, its in the comfort in my home, and I don't have to worry about being judged for what I'm doing, not like i care! But its also really peaceful for me, I feel like if I ever got rid of that aspect of my life I wouldn't know what I would do!" She rambled on, before finishing her sentence with a bright smile as always.

Nodded her head, soft pen writing would be heard as she would turn her head back up to Niny with the same lively smile. "How do you prepare your hair before dyeing it, and do you do anything to protect it during the process?"

"Well, i usually shower, if I have one available. Which my home right now doesn't, just a bathtub. When I'm either ready to re-dye my hair or go for a different shade i am likely to clean my hair to the best of my ability having it clean and ready for new or more dye. I would then dry my hair only until it's damp for the dye to hold onto. After putting the dye in, i would usually leave it in for a most an hour or an hour and a half. And put in product that's in another language I don't understand. And then I just let my hair dry completely before rinsing out the rest of the dye, and boom! My hair is re-dyed." Nothing more was needed to be said so she gestured her head to Ms. Sacree.

"Oh wow, thats quite the process, im surprised you were able to recite that to myself with such haste." Mahuen nodded her head seeming to be pleased with the response she was giving, deciding to write down a small quick step by step run down of what Niny had said to her. "Okay, this should be our third to last question! What are some of your favorite brands or products when it comes to at-home hair dyeing?"

"Hm.. I would say the ones that my uncle brings to me from i think is France, 'Kuerastase' i think it is called!" She would complete butcher saying that word. "And well, most products i used are either made somewhere i can read the labels of.. I'm sorry I couldn't answer your question to the fullest." A bright smile remained on Niny's lips.

"Oh that's perfectly fine, Niny." Mahuen would nod her head, scribble scribble, as Mahuen wrote down. continuing on. "Do you have any advice for someone who is considering dyeing their hair at home for the first time?" Mahuen would be seen ready to write down Niny's answer.

"Well, i would certainly say be careful, and wear gloves or your hands will more than likely be stained the color you are choosing! And it may very rough at first to get all the parts in your hair at first, but with time you can be able to get all different angles by yourself, with me, i had to get my older brother to help me fully dye my hair without any slouchy parts. And overall, dont overthink it, who cares what people will think about your new hair! Its yours not theirs. Just have fun with it, express yourself how you want to!" Niny would say finalizing the interview Ms. Sacree and Niny had.

With that Mahuen would close her notebook after writing down Niny's words, as she would stand from her chair reaching her hand over shaking Niny's hand as she would speak with Niny. Inaudible from the recorder. Mahuen would stand up walking Niny ouside of the buliding. For a short moment their was a sound of silence, when the door opened again, having the recording end after a few foot steps from heels.

Additional Information: Please forgive my small errors, I am editing this at 6 am. And thank you for taking the time to read my application!!
PLEASE NOTE: I am awful with.. formatting and figuring out features in google docs, and or the forums <3


Level 185
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying. However, you have not been accepted this time as we have found other applicants more suited for the position!

You may re-apply whenever!

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