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ninycold's reporters application


Level 1
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
ninycold, jumpdawindow (shared account)
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
my discord is ninys
List your timezone and country:
MTS (GMT-6, Canada
Describe your activity:
I usually play for around 6-8 hours a day depending on if I have anything going on in my real life. I can always log on if needed and I'm often on anyway even if i have nothing within the game to do. If I am on doing nothing i will usually be on a different tab creating different skins that people may or may not have asked for, other than that I'm usually on with little to nothing to do
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
The main motivation i have for applying for reporter is so i can have a reason to write about the little things i find happening in the schoolRP server and i find it fun to write about different things that are happening with in the game, and it would be nice to have something to do that isnt one of two things to do.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
When i was in school i used to adore doing any kind of writing but never really liked doing much else and i always felt it was my best subject but i had stopped going to school since last month due to personal issues and, I have missed doing any form of writing it was something a brought peace to myself i liked the aspect of being able to write about a bunch of different things, and i think having a character with something that is purely that would be interesting to myself.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I am aware and will follow the set of rules that have been provided to myself.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I feel although my writing skills aren't the greatest i feel like i could bring entertaining stories within the reporter role. While i have already been working on enhancing my skills having different topic i can choose to write from will also give me that experience i cauld need to bring more news to the community.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand that all my reports have to remain neutral and i will remain as a one party writer.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I trust that I can remain motivated each month to meet the quota.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
What I think it would be like to work as a reporter is wandering around as my character and asking them about the certain topic I would like answers to and then if I am satisficed with the amount of answers I've received I would return to my office being in a place my character would reside as their home, and would begin to write the rough draft of the report. rest for the night and awaken bright and early to do some editing of the paper, then eventually sending it in to get it approved!

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
Mahuen-Ilgop Sacree
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Ms Sacree
Current Age (25+):
Past job/work experience:
I used to reside in a small town in Korea where i had a small boring office job.. i left looking for a new place in hopes of looking for a better place for myself to continue my passion of writing even if i hadnt even graduated or even got close, but i still managed to get that one in Korea!
I would say my qualifications for this job would be that i am able to speak with anyone at anytime and i have amazing social skills and can get anwsers for stories i may write or for opinions for topics! While i think another one of the qualifications would be that i have always been determined to spread news or infomation to others and that i have rather fast typing skills i can always find ways to keep myself busy too! if im not working on a new paper i will have to be already souting for new infomation within the community or dangers about it to warn others of.
Nationality and born location:
South Korea, Gwasheon. Korean female

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
I would like to say i'm a rather friendly person i can usually be kind no matter the situation
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I am more interested in writing about the safety of this town, and if i had to pick another subject i would pick to write about weekly stories of the weeks. How i would achieve the towns safetys writings would be to maybe scout around the dangerist areas such as powerplant or the sewer systems and right now anything that could be dangerous. while for the stories of the week, i would either write about what happened to myself that week if anything. i would ask permission to write about other peoples stories if they show interest in sharing. As ive mentioned i would go into areas that i wouldnt be comfortable in due to the criminal activity in said areas but i would still be able to exit that comfort in hopes of change of the safety.
What are your expectations for the job?:
Some of the few expectations i have for this job is to have a nice environment to write about things i have an interest for and potentially help the people of the town. While still being a person myself i cant do much but continue to spread awareness of to the town and the mysterious things that could happen.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Although being gang affiliated when i was a girl in this town i have now since left that life.
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Korean and JSL.


You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Have you or someone else noticed something strange? Maybe it's the air, maybe it's the instant rain, or the lack of merely cloudy days in Karakura, well, I sure have! Well, that's not what I'm trying to inform you about. Rather, what I would like to bring to light is the overwhelming amount of literal minors in this town who have left their birth parents. Most of these minors are runaway children! I find it so strange. I walk the street and I swear it's a constant thing! I'm concerned for all these parentless young ones. After all, most of them don't know how to survive in the real world. Since they have ended up in this place that has little to no adults around, they are easily drawn to the dangerous things such as gang violence or teen pregnancy. Well, I want a reason for this to stop! We need to keep these mere children safe! I want to see them grow into healthy adults who can live in a normal society.

As myself being a victim of the minor-influenced gang wars, I found myself hard-pressed to escape that life within the city. So, I left, learned from different places, and even got a job -- not the greatest job, but it was a job. And I always, I wanted a good reason to write instead of the same thing over and over. So I myself being concerned for the town, I explored the city, going to the most dangerous places looking for anything that could have led these kids into the hell they have consumed. Wandering and wandering, I've found words on many walls, a lot of them saying "join this" or "we are the better one", or just in general trying to drag others into the loop of their mess. If I could, and had the help, I would remove them all! But I am only one person that can warn everyone. While at it, I decided to talk to some students who have been in the mess of it all. One being a small deaf Russian girl, in her experience, she was just a girl who decided to leave home early. She herself has always been alone in the area known as 'powerplant', one of the many times this girl was there, someone has stolen her. She would awaken in someone's apartment, next thing she knew, she was knocked out again after trying to fight off 3, so-called gangsters, after she awakened again, she found she was dumped into the sewer system with the lack of ear and both her ears chopped clean off.

Another female I've decided to speak to was a red-haired girl, who appeared to be almost bits and pieces of a human. As I asked her about the life in Karakura, she said it was not what she had hoped as when she first arrived. Herself being from an abusive mother, her oldest brother took her and raised her in Karakura, but due to the terrible nature it had, she too found herself in a mess. Having many guys abuse her thoughtfulness and kindness and use it as a weapon to hurt others, and had her drag them to secluded areas, to eventually be slaughtered like animals of a farm.

All of this because these children don't know how to live a normal life without destruction; it was apparent that life here would turn out this way. After all, if the police force seems so little, it's hard to even do anything. If I did something myself, I would get a charge. It's so hard to help the change this town desperately needs. Even so, I will continue to spread awareness of the terrors of this town, and I hope to be able to help, even in the slightest, in bringing peace.

# 2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[Q] If you had to name 3 things about Karakura would you say?
[A] The few things i would name about Karakura would be.. a lot of unnecessary criminal activity and an lack of many things to keep rolling on going. and my last one would be.. the surprising number ratioing children and adults.

[Q] How do you feel about the different scenarios that happen within the community?
[A] I would say a lot of it consists of violence or just the strangeness of the animals in our town. i find no middle ground between the two personally.

[Q] Do you have any interesting opinions on being a street racer in this town?
[A] Personally i feel like if people are street racing they are usually exile at driving and i feel like its nothing far bad as other thing they could be doing, but i can understand why it is such a popular crime, its usually the one i find the most fond of, for the mere fact it doesn't typically hurt people unless they aren't great at driving.

Additional Information: Thank you for taking the time to read! and i apologize for any minor errors.


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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