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Denied "The red Butterfly" cqz_'s Psychiatrist Application #3


Level 11

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?
cqz_ _

Describe your activity on the server:
As I am currently writing this it is the school holidays which means I have every single day to be online and playing my EMS character, which is a total of like what.. 12 hours a day? maybe even 20! When school starts back up I know I won't be spending just as much time since well.. 9am-3pm thats 6 hours out of 12 gone, then on wednesdays and thursdays i have an extra activity which takes and hour 30, that's now 7 hours 30 out of 12 hours. But if I were to be honest and ignore all of theses facts my overall activity would have to be an 8.9/10

What is your timezone?:
My time zone is:
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Time zone in Queensland (GMT+10)

List your current and past applications:


ACCEPTED 'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢꞮƦʟꜰƦ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴀᴘᴘʟꞮᴄᴀᴛꞮᴏɴ -Accepted
DENIED 'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢꞮƦʟꜰƦ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏƦ ᴀᴘᴘʟꞮᴄᴀᴛꞮᴏɴ -Denied -Denied -Denied -Denied -Accepted

LANGUAGE APPLICATIONS: -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted

TEAMS: - Denied -Unchecked -Denied

List your current roles on the server:
I currently only have 12th grade x4 spots.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying for a while now.

Although I might not know just how many years I have spent on roleplaying platforms, servers, etc etc. If I were to take an estimate maybe six to seven years now! Woah!! Since I first started to roleplay I have gained an interest for literature. But by learning and gaining, I've also had time to suss out how to roleplay affectively, keep the flow going. I have roleplayed out many situations that might not be normally SRP material, yet either way I believe it's alright to say it here. I've done roleplays from vampires, to normal cities, werewolves and sometimes on roblox a hospital game! I believe I have come such a long way from where I originally was six/seven years ago. I've been on Minecraft servers, C.AI.. All the Ai's I suppose. I have taken part in a wide range of roleplay such as CombatRP, DetailRP, fearRP, romanceRP, jockRP, motherRP, i've even gone in depth and did GangRP in my time on these different servers. Of course there are many other Roleplays I have done but none of them quite connect to SRP as they are mostly related to different types of monsterRP. I have also been able to experience being apart of HS-Council and TeamRP/JockRP! I was a Councillor for a good few days, being able to give out detentions and roleplay situations that were either swirlies or assault, that can be exhausting when you have to argue with the students doing the wrong thing, but those situations gave me a better mindset and I learned from it on how to deal with stressful and violent behaviours. Team/JockRP I was next on the Col-Track team for a good few months after being on Hs-Council, I do one hundred percent miss the way I roleplayed and interacted with the community back then, but as I watch it grow from where I am now I'm happy to say i'm proud. last team on my list is HS-Football, wow was that a journey! I believe i was on the team for 2-4 months? (Liz correct me if I'm wrong). I grew to love the jock community once again while on the team as it had definitely improved in some aspects of its roleplay, like rules, plugins, more and different people to roleplay with, more opportunities to make friends, and more! For my first SRP faction I was a teacher for a month or two, it did get really stressful and I learned to deal somewhat with it, though I definitely did have to reach out to my colleagues oocly to be able to do some things. I've experience a lot of things on SRP and consider myself a well known person amongst the karakura teams, outside of teams, and oocly. I definitely have a lot of friends (31 full pages) and everything i've experienced and everyone I have met, I couldn't ask for better friends and roleplays. While there are a lot of ups and downs in factions and teams there's almost one thing guaranteed you'll learn from the experiences and opportunities.

What is your motivation for applying?

As I was reading through my past applications for EMS I realised that my motivation hasn't change too much from then to now, and if I were to be honest, it's growing. And fast. All the years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds I have spent on this server reflect into who I am turning into today, I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for my friends now. These incredible people not only fueled my want to be on the EMS team, but they also helped me go beyond, think past my creative box and lock in for this application! As i'm sure you've already read this before but, I am motivated to apply for the hospital faction because of my pride in helping others feel at ease and get heavy and mental draining things off their chests. I feel so much joy and happiness when I've been told I'm a great friend for listening and giving advice, so why not try and be MYSELF on srp? Why not help people, even if they aren't real people. I have taken the advice from my last denied application and got into teacher, which I did enjoy, but it just didn't hit me right, the way my passion of helping people does, aka, being a psychiatrist. I like to engage myself in different factions in the server, but if I had to pick the number one, it would have to be EMS. I love the roleplay, and I want to be apart of it, I want to be able to have an excuse to detailrp. My outlook on the factions community as a whole helps me understand the motivation of others to want to make them be apart of EMS. In the past, and still today, I'm constantly being told about how fun and welcoming the community is and just by knowing that makes me yearn to be apart of such said community. But, wait...There's more? Well one could never have just quite enough motivation for something if its their known passion, Oocly and Icly. Apart from all the detail roleplaying, and the community, there's opportunities that lay deep within the hospitals walls lays a non-related family, where everyone helps each other.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

Psychiatrist! Again :3

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
Despite having applied three times already (2 psych, 1 doctor) My knowledge really just remains the same as the other applications. I know its a very stressful work line sometimes and that it requires a lot of time, patience and effort which I am willing to put in.

A director is very important in an hospital as they coordinate and supervise the fulfillment of the healthcare protocols, procedures and standards, assessing the different departments as well as providing technical support for medical doctors, to ensure the quality of medical activities in the health structure and that protocols, security and decontamination rules are followed properly.
A psychiatrist is there to help someone with their mental health, give diagnosis towards certain disorders/ailments, and to offer therapy if they find it necessary. Their whole job is to be able to offer support towards others, in whatever psychiatric aspect possible.

A doctor is usually found helping with basic stuff, such as prescribing medication, prescribing a prosthetic, taking consultations and helping with genuine health, that does not require surgery. They tend to offer support for the physical aspect of things, usually being with medication or a referral.
Clinical Lead:
Clinical leads provide expertise, formal and informal clinical advice and support to facilitate the effective and appropriate provision of psychological care and interventions by all members of the treatment team.

Clinical supervisor:
Clinical supervisors are those who oversee and mentors psychiatric trainees or professionals. They provide guidance, evaluation, and support to ensure proper diagnosis, treatment and patient care.

Attending Psychiatrist:
Attending Psychiatrists are a senior medical doctor specializing in psychiatry, responsible for supervising residents, overseeing patient care and making critical decision regarding diagnosis, treatment and mental health conditions.

Senior Psychiatrist Resident:
Senior Psychiatrist Residents are a senior psychiatrist in an advanced trainee in psychiatry, responsible for managing patient care, performing assessments, and worker under the supervision of their higher ups, while gaining experience to better themselves as a psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist Resident:
Psychiatrist Residents are a medical graduate training in psychiatry, gaining hands-on experience with patients and in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions under supervision of more experienced Psychiatrist such as the clinical supervisor.

Trainees in psychiatry are a medical professional/graduate undergoing specialized training in mental health, focusing on diagnosis and treatment, while gaining experience and proving themselves worthy of being apart of the system. In other words this is their Trial Era. The only chance they get at becoming a Psychiatrist Resident with enough work.

Clinical Lead:
Clinical leads are typically/mostly responsible for the overseeing of the delivery of High-quality patient care and making sure the practices and guidelines ensure that clinical standards are maintained.

Clinical supervisor:
Clinical supervisors are like the Clinical leads but their primary goal is of clinical supervision is to protect the patient's welfare and see to it that the integrity of clinical services are followed.

Attending Doctor:
Attending Doctors are responsible for diagnosing and treating injured patients, performing physical examinations, ordering and interpreting diagnosis tests, and developing treatment plans for the patient/s.

Senior Doctor Resident:
These Senior Doctor residents may serve a team providing direct patient care, or may be part of a team providing recommendatory or diagnosis Services.

Doctor Resident:
Doctor Residents! These guys perform initial assessment of medical and physical status of patients.

Trainees in being a doctor are medical graduates undergoing a specialized training program, learning more practical experiences in various specialties, developing clinical skills and preparing for independent practice in medicine, while gaining experience and proving themselves worthy of being apart of the system. In other words this is their Trial Era. The only chance they get at becoming a Doctor Resident with enough work.

Radio Codes:
I do not think EMS still use these codes but just to show my knowledge I have written them down anyways.

Code black: bomb threat - suspicious object.
Code grey: security needed, someone is unarmed, but is a threat to themselves or others
Code blue: life-threatening medical emergency.
Code brown: external emergency (disaster, mass casualties etc.)
Code orange: evacuation.
Code purple: medical emergency.
Code red: fire.
Code yellow: internal emergency.
Happy Pill Pharmacy

The Pharmacy other than just fulfilling prescriptions, a pharmacy may offer preventive healthcare services like vaccinations. Up-to-Date technology at a pharmacy can assist a patient with prescription reminders and alerts about potential negative drug interactions, thereby reducing medical errors.

Eyepatches cover one of your eyes, so they're great for protecting after a surgery or other procedure. They can help prevent infection after eye surgery and stop dust or other items from getting into your eye and causing irritation. It can also help you stop rubbing and touching your eye after surgery.

A bandage is a strip, can be any length, of cloth that is used to wrap, or cover an injury on someone's body to protect it from infections

Glasses are wearable accessories and medical devices to help people see. They adjust the light before it enters your eyes, helping you see clearer at variable distances.

Melatonin plays a role in the sleep-wake cycle. Can help you sleep if you have insomnia!

Cough syrup:
Cough syrup affects a certain part of the brain, cough center, to help you stop coughing. This product also contains antihistamine, a type of drug that blocks the action of histamines (which can cause fevers, itching, sneezing, a runny nose and watery eyes), that works by blocking some natural substance(histamine), which causes allergy symptoms.

Iron supplements:
Iron supplements are used to treat or prevent anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) when the amount of iron taken in from the meals is not enough.

Multivitamins can produce enzymes and hormones, boost your immunity, and keep your nerves and organs functioning properly. Basically keeping you alive if you don't have enough vitamins in your body

Paracetamol is a medicine used to treat mild and moderate pain. But it can also be used to treat fever (high temperature). It's definitely dangerous to take more than the prescribed amount of dosage. Paracetamol overdose can damage your live, even causing death due to the excessive amount of it.


Aspirin is commonly used to treat pain and fevers due to various causes.

Crutches are to help people walk if they have a broken leg and or have disabilities.

is used to treat bacterial infections for example, chest infections and dental abcesses. It can also be used together with other antibiotics and medicines to treat stomach

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes I completely understand

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes I completely understand and acknowledge that by applying for this role I will have to dedicate myself to that role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I fully acknowledge.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes I fully acknowledge.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

A small smile graced Tamsibarósa's lips as she spoke to the interviewer.
"Takíyōa Tamsibarósa, a pleasure, though you can call me Taki for short."

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
"She/Her | Female."

Character’s Age (if accepted):
"I am of 26 years old."

Character’s Academic Background:
"Oh this. . My academic background is alright I believe, I had gone through to my bachelors, graduating with a bachelor degree is psychology." She pursed her lips into a forced smile.

Character’s Nationality:
"My nationality? Well my Mother is Italian and my Father is Romanian, but I like to say my nationality is Italian."

Character’s Marital Status:
"Single." She seemed annoyed by the question but continued smiling.

Character’s Religious Denomination:
"I have no religious denomination. And it's purely by choice."

Character’s Spoken Languages:
"I speak Korean, and italian, maybe even some Latin too."

Character Backstory (Optional):

[Didn't get around to writing it sorry]

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)

Psychiatry | Child and adolescent psychiatry

Psychiatrists are medical doctors that specialize in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of addictive, adjustment, anxiety, behavioral, emotional, mental, mood, psychotic, and sexual or gender identity disorders. What exactly made Takíyōa drawn to this type of Psychiatry is the fact that her OWN childhood was full of mood swings, anxiety, hiding from people or things, and most importantly, not having someone to go to. She couldn't go to her mother, or father, she was too afraid. So she wants to be that someone that others can go to for advice, or even just to listen to their rants.

"I was drawn to Child adolescent psychiatry due to my own childhood. I suppose mine wasn't so bad, but my parents neglected my feelings and words a lot and I feel a need to be there for the children and teenagers nowadays. I want to be the person they enjoy talking to, that they feel safe talking to. I want them to know that there is always someone there to talk to them. But there's also disorders and treatment of other things that i'd like to help the teenagers of karakura with and so that's why my medical speciality is Child and adolescent psychiatry."

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Takíyōa Tamsibarósa completed nursing school then spent a four-year psychiatry residency overseas in Italy before applying for the role of children's psychiatrist in Korea. She’d work there for roughly about half a year in korea, while she spent half a year in korea she had learned Korean to better help communicate with the korean kids and teenagers, giving her a better understanding of what they were trying to say as not all kids she had talked to understood italian nor could speak it. When she was in Europe learning about psychiatry she had learned quite a bit of how kids and adults needed support in many things and had grown to love helping and supporting others, this also led to her understanding every is different no matter if it was speech, size, culture, personality or education. Everyone needs someone to sit and listen to their rantings, and she was happy to do it, sometimes even giving advice out when asked, or deemed necessary.

"I completed nursing school by the age of 21 and then spent four years in a psychiatry residency overseas in italy where I learned italian. After spending four years there i applied for the role of children's psychiatrist in korea, I'd have spent around... roughly half a year there learning their language and helping children with disorders, anxiety and anything else. I had better learned the troubles of others by just speaking to them and listening, I understood their pain and i helped give advice. After the half year I moved to karakura, which brings us to the present, and me applying for Psychiatrist."

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Takíyōa Tamsibarósa is a force to be reckoned with, despite her unapproachable gaze deep just below the surface lays a nurturing and kind soul. Her bright blonde hair unraveled down her shoulders like a child opening a present on christmas, her eyes a beautiful orchid blue that seemed to sparkle every time she smiled-her confidence added to her aloof allure and lightheaded smile. If you saw Takiyōa in public she was most likely smiling! Others might think of her as a second mother, the one always there, always trying to help in some sort of way or form.

How does your character act around the hospital?
Takíyōa is a respectful, enthusiastic lady, and definitely behaving while working around the hospital. A lovely lady Taki is, she loves to listen and give advice to anyone in need, doesn't matter if you're her patient or co-worker, you ask, she delivers. Despite her lonely past she still finds it within her to be enthusiastic and grateful for the things she does have. And her personality definitely doesn't change while off duty, she's still the same happy, enthusiastic woman who loves to help others. Taki would remain calm and collected while also having an open mind to anything she hears, she's a motherly person who adores helping anyone, co-workers, her patients, randoms, literally anyone that asks or looks like they need it.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Takíyōa has been alone most of her life, always jumping from friend to friend, yet sometimes she found herself engaging with more social and exciting people to be around. She likes to be alone, to have her moments to think and speak. Though maybe one day she wished it could change and she would be a social butterfly but despite her past she doesn't mind working with others! Especially if she could make friends with her co-workers along the way.
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Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. However, after discussing your application with the higher-ups, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application this time around.

This decision was made based upon the following reasons:

- When choosing applicants for the Hospital faction, we tend to look for individuals with a decent reputation on the server. You can try to apply to other factions or community teams, or interact more around the server, to boost this!

Nonetheless, we encourage you to keep an eye on the Karakura Emergency #announcements channel for future application waves, and to re-apply at a later date if you're still interested.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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