What's your Minecraft Username?: ErikFinster
What's the title of your suggestion?: バケツ罰 (baketsu batsu) – Holding the Bucket as Mild Disciplinary Action
What's your suggestion?:
This form of discipline is often depicted in older anime and those 90s and 80s mangas. It typically involves students standing in a hallway holding water buckets in each hand as a penalty for minor infractions. While corporal punishment (taibatsu) was more common in Japanese schools in the past... methods like "Holding the Bucket" while standing outside the classroom were considered milder, non-violent alternatives. Today, it's used for comedic effect and is really more of an exaggerated punishment rather than a real-life practice - a kind of nostalgic/humorous callback to an earlier time, largely divorced from current educational practices.

Here is the TV Tropes Link
How would it work in SRP?
A student is misbehaving in class or generally on the school grounds. Their behavior warrants scolding, but not something drastic like detention. Yet they remain unresponsive to words alone. They might even run around or keep playing with props or gadgets, despite the teachers intervention. In this case, the Teacher / Professor uses a command on them and instead of a detention slip (which should be used for greater infractions) they are being lightly disciplined by holding a water bucket. The water buckets slow the student down and occupies their hand slots. There is a three bucket per pupil limit (Both hand slots and finally the head slot). (And If we want to give Student Council more power to enact light disciplinary actions - this could fit the bill!)
(My water bucket is already a public item, so it's openly available!)
Symbolic Punishment of Holding the Bucket
The idea of holding water buckets as a punishment is meant to symbolize endurance and repentance. It reflects a broader cultural value in Japan that emphasizes perseverance (gaman) and reflection on one's actions.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It's a milder, non-violent middle-step between light scolding and detention. It's a humorous way to show people that someone has violated school rules signals direct consequences for disobedient behavior. It's temporary and a pupil might be able to atone for their infractions by carrying the bucket to a certain spot or for a certain period to end.
What's the title of your suggestion?: バケツ罰 (baketsu batsu) – Holding the Bucket as Mild Disciplinary Action
What's your suggestion?:
This form of discipline is often depicted in older anime and those 90s and 80s mangas. It typically involves students standing in a hallway holding water buckets in each hand as a penalty for minor infractions. While corporal punishment (taibatsu) was more common in Japanese schools in the past... methods like "Holding the Bucket" while standing outside the classroom were considered milder, non-violent alternatives. Today, it's used for comedic effect and is really more of an exaggerated punishment rather than a real-life practice - a kind of nostalgic/humorous callback to an earlier time, largely divorced from current educational practices.

Here is the TV Tropes Link
How would it work in SRP?
A student is misbehaving in class or generally on the school grounds. Their behavior warrants scolding, but not something drastic like detention. Yet they remain unresponsive to words alone. They might even run around or keep playing with props or gadgets, despite the teachers intervention. In this case, the Teacher / Professor uses a command on them and instead of a detention slip (which should be used for greater infractions) they are being lightly disciplined by holding a water bucket. The water buckets slow the student down and occupies their hand slots. There is a three bucket per pupil limit (Both hand slots and finally the head slot). (And If we want to give Student Council more power to enact light disciplinary actions - this could fit the bill!)
(My water bucket is already a public item, so it's openly available!)
Symbolic Punishment of Holding the Bucket
The idea of holding water buckets as a punishment is meant to symbolize endurance and repentance. It reflects a broader cultural value in Japan that emphasizes perseverance (gaman) and reflection on one's actions.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It's a milder, non-violent middle-step between light scolding and detention. It's a humorous way to show people that someone has violated school rules signals direct consequences for disobedient behavior. It's temporary and a pupil might be able to atone for their infractions by carrying the bucket to a certain spot or for a certain period to end.
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