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バケツ罰 (baketsu batsu) – Holding the Bucket as Mild Disciplinary Action


Level 206
What's your Minecraft Username?: ErikFinster
What's the title of your suggestion?: バケツ罰 (baketsu batsu) – Holding the Bucket as Mild Disciplinary Action

What's your suggestion?:
This form of discipline is often depicted in older anime and those 90s and 80s mangas. It typically involves students standing in a hallway holding water buckets in each hand as a penalty for minor infractions. While corporal punishment (taibatsu) was more common in Japanese schools in the past... methods like "Holding the Bucket" while standing outside the classroom were considered milder, non-violent alternatives. Today, it's used for comedic effect and is really more of an exaggerated punishment rather than a real-life practice - a kind of nostalgic/humorous callback to an earlier time, largely divorced from current educational practices.


Here is the TV Tropes Link

How would it work in SRP?
A student is misbehaving in class or generally on the school grounds. Their behavior warrants scolding, but not something drastic like detention. Yet they remain unresponsive to words alone. They might even run around or keep playing with props or gadgets, despite the teachers intervention. In this case, the Teacher / Professor uses a command on them and instead of a detention slip (which should be used for greater infractions) they are being lightly disciplined by holding a water bucket. The water buckets slow the student down and occupies their hand slots. There is a three bucket per pupil limit (Both hand slots and finally the head slot). (And If we want to give Student Council more power to enact light disciplinary actions - this could fit the bill!)
(My water bucket is already a public item, so it's openly available!)

Symbolic Punishment of Holding the Bucket
The idea of holding water buckets as a punishment is meant to symbolize endurance and repentance. It reflects a broader cultural value in Japan that emphasizes perseverance (gaman) and reflection on one's actions.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It's a milder, non-violent middle-step between light scolding and detention. It's a humorous way to show people that someone has violated school rules signals direct consequences for disobedient behavior. It's temporary and a pupil might be able to atone for their infractions by carrying the bucket to a certain spot or for a certain period to end.
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Level 5
I definitely think for those that can be trusted to properly RP it out, this is definitely a much more fun way to role play a punishment. It seems so simple too, just give each teacher 3 buckets to store in a chest in their classroom, then have that student stand at the back with the buckets in hand. I can see it being very funny to wander the halls and see a student stood outside the classroom holding buckets.



Level 206
Thread starter
I definitely think for those that can be trusted to properly RP it out, this is definitely a much more fun way to role play a punishment. It seems so simple too, just give each teacher 3 buckets to store in a chest in their classroom, then have that student stand at the back with the buckets in hand. I can see it being very funny to wander the halls and see a student stood outside the classroom holding buckets.

Yes - the soft (non-command) option would be to just hand out buckets to all faculty members and to ask people to properly RP it out.


Level 12
If you have people that can RP it out properly it would be extremely funny yes, I like the novelty of it. If there's already bucket items around, why not? More creative punishments and general disciplinary action is always a plus for people who are willing to engage with it properly.



Level 163
If possible since whenever a student receives a bucket in their inventory it can become temporary locked meaning they are not allowed to swap the bucket with another item during their discipline duration. Which comes to my other suggestion is having a timer for how long the student would need to hold their bucket(s) and when their time is up the student either gives back the bucket(s) to the faculty member who gave it to them or to a designated chest where students drop off the buckets. If a student tries to dispose their bucket before their time is up it won’t allow them and instead say in chat [!] Your time is not up yet! Or something similar like that.
This would help bring out more roleplay with this discipline for the students.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

As teachers, we are able to give students jobs other than detention tasks! But, it is based per person as there is a problem with people not properly following the FearRP Rules of detention or following rules to begin with. I, personally, along with other faculty members is if a student is actually cooperating, they get to go clean the bathrooms or classrooms.

Now, the special tasks must correspond to why they got detention. Like for example, if a student was shoving another in the pool. They would have to clean the locker rooms by the pool or clean the bathrooms on the ground floor of the school. Or if they were caught assaulting another student, they could spend the next hour or two cleaning chairs or the gym area with the treadmills! But its situational-based, but I do like the idea of added tools like this to faculty!


Level 117

I'm unsure if a command is necessary. Something as simple as putting bucket customs in all of the faculty (private) chests would be amazing. Anyway to more creatively RP punishment would be awesome, and I'd be all up for this. Cleaning is fun and all but this sounds like it'd be p funny to RP


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
[THE] punishment is meant to symbolize ... repentance ... and ... reflection on one's actions.

Mmm, yes, my character likes this word.

The implementation of a command is curious though- I imagine it may be difficult to implement.
BUT. if it is implemented or approved *like that*, I would advise teachers/faculty to be required to have the students' main hand, offhand, and head be 'empty' first, OR the command to simply not work until they are.

All for the buckets being put in faculty chests or whatever though. There's already a copious supply of umbrellas and such.


Level 206
Thread starter
Yes there are of course a bunch of technical details I thought about that I didn't include in my pitch, since I'm not as good in providing technical solutions to problems as ANY proficient coder with some basic logic skills.

Of course this opens questions:
If it's a command that auto-generates water buckets in the hands of students - what happens to items that they held in their hand (and optional head) slots? What happens when they are being carried or carry someone? What if they swim while being targeted with the command? What if they are hugging or raising their hand? (will a bow or a trident reappear when the buckets vanish again?) What happens when they relog - does the slowing effect of carrying buckets behave like the alcohol poison state? What happens when people in bucket mode change characters or go into Build Mode in a club room or are teleported into a Football Game? I'm sure there are satisfying answers to these questions and it might introduce a few bugs need further finetuning.

There are several different ways to implement the Disciplinary Action of Bucket Holding - from soft RP based implementation to actually building a command for it. My secret hope is that someone with technical understanding looks at this and says "I already got a few ideas how to implement this" but I'll let fate decide.


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
There are several different ways to implement the Disciplinary Action of Bucket Holding - from soft RP based implementation to actually building a command for it. My secret hope is that someone with technical understanding looks at this and says "I already got a few ideas how to implement this" but I'll let fate decide.
I do not have any sort of technical understanding of coding in the slightest, but I'm holding out hope with you that someone else does. I do have an idea for an RP based implementation of how this could work based off an SRP drinking game.

When you are made to carry the bucket there will be a certain number threshold you will need to roll over to be able to hold the buckets up properly. The number threshold is based off the number of buckets you are made to hold and will increase in difficulty the more buckets there are.

One bucket, you must roll over 12: /roll 50
Two buckets, must roll over 50: /roll 100
Three Buckets, must roll over 115: /roll 150

If you fail the roll for the buckets will fall and the student will need to clean it up and try again before attempting to again, properly hold the bucket. Depending on the punishment's severity they will need to succeed multiple rolls in a row before being allowed to leave, which can be up to the faculty member themself.

Visual Example:1735935812744.png
Disclaimer: I am by no means saying faculty have to do this or that this is a new rule. This is just an add-on to the current suggestion. I, lobsterrdog, have no liability over any spilled water or damaged buckets as a result of this message.

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