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[WIP] Ken Endo | Character Biography


Level 64

⚸Ken 'V' Nescu⚸
"Thinking back on everything... all my life, I've only ever suffered, and I've only ever kept pushing forward. It makes me wonder, whats the point? Why do i even continue?"
ϰ.The basics.ϰ

Given Name:
Virion (Formerly)

Endo (formerly)
Nescu (currently)
Xyrcan (Formerly)



Ken (健): This is a common Japanese name element and means "healthy," "strong," or "fit."
Endo (遠藤): This is a surname. "En" (遠) means "distant," and "Do" (藤) means "wisteria."
but when in a more poetic sense his name can be interpreted as "the whispers of rebirth and growth" depending on how you interpret the name




Skin Color:
Light Tan

Eye Color:
Dark Hazel

Tousled hair messy and untamed

Hair Color:

Ken usually wears darker colors or robes among many other things his signature outfit consists of wrappings and dark blue robes tied by a sash and a black sleeveless form-fitting shirt and pants

ϰ.General stuff.ϰ

Date of birth:
January 24th

Place of birth:



Sexual orientation:

Religious beliefs:

Political beliefs:


Ken is a 6'6 raven-haired young man previously he had a usually laid-back demeanor. And sharp eyes that are always looking around, observing his surroundings. Now, he seems a lot more subdued his eyes carry a hollowness to them with every action he does it feels fake like there's no life to them coupled with his tired eyes and messy hair he looks rugged.

For the most part, Ken does his best to be polite, though he can be very stubborn, rude, and outright malicious at times. However, all the smiles and anger he displays are nothing more than a facade. After everything that has happened and the continuous losses he's endured, Ken simply doesn’t have the energy to feel any real emotions. He pretends for the sake of not being a bother to others, but deep down, he doesn’t—and refuses to—feel much of anything. Occasionally, he allows himself to sink into moments of sorrow, falling into a well of despair as he reminisces about everyone he’s lost so far.



Ken always has a duffle bag with him that has a dragonfly crest on it his favorite animal he also always carries a staff with him to protect himself in situations where he'll need to defend himself if he ever gets into any altercations

ϰ.Skills & Issues.ϰ

Ken likes a wide range of things, but some of his favorites are reading whatever that may be. He doesn't mind if it's a novel or a manga - he just loves reading and indulging himself in the new worlds he can find through reading, even mediocre stories. He doesn't mind reading simply because he'll have fun.
He also likes the colors blue and green, his favorite shade of color being cyan. He enjoys being physically active and is always wanting to take long walks around Karakura. He is also someone who enjoys botany and nature and is obsessed with plants and animals and loves them all dearly. He also enjoys writing small stories or even poems of his own, a recent hobby he picked up on, in fact.

One of the things Ken doesn't agree with is revenge, which is why it's one of the things he dislikes the most because, from what Ken has seen and experienced, revenge only leads to hate and hate leads to more revenge, which leads to more death, which leads to more hate. It's a never-ending cycle that Ken despises, which is why he always tries to empathize with people, even if he doesn't agree with them or dislikes them, because he'd rather come to an understanding than a burning hate. Another thing Ken dislikes is the loss of life of course. Ken isn't naive enough to think that there aren't people who do deserve to die, but he simply feels like murder should only be used as a last resort, and prefers to reason with people instead of harm. However, Ken isn't above harming; he just feels like there should never have to be a point where murder is the only answer, even if he knows it will always be an inevitable answer, depending on the situation. One another thing Ken dislikes is alcohol or any type of drugs. He doesn't care if people around him do it, nor will he try and stop people from doing drugs, he simply refuses to take any. His parents were drug addicts, doing anything from drinking to some of the more "problematic" substances, which caused his parents to become very abusive to him as a child. This is why he wants to stay away from drugs of any kind.

Stubborn, Ken is extremely stubborn when it comes to certain things. He is always willing to reach an understanding under peaceful means, but if there is ever a point where harmful action must take place, Ken will do anything in his power to try and form some peace from the harm, trying to do anything to not make it come to that point. Sometimes he can't really see when the line between understanding and harm has been crossed, which causes him to be hurt in the crossfire. Despite his stubborn nature, Ken can become selfless, especially to the people he cares for. He is extremely selfless, treating everyone near him or close to him carefully because of his love.
In fact, Ken's love can also be his biggest enemy - ironically enough. Ken is a person who is capable of a great amount of love, but that love can turn into hate in an instant, as hypocritical as that is for him. However, Ken acknowledge this flaw and does everything he can to keep himself level-headed, keeping any hate from getting the best of him.

PTSD: Ken may not seem like the type to suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), but he does. His PTSD stems from his childhood experiences, including witnessing many bodies surrounding him, suffering physical abuse at the hands of his parents, and bouncing from foster home to foster home, some of which were not filled with the best people.
Inferiority complex: Ken suffers from an inferiority complex that started in his childhood, when his parents would blame and argue with him for not being as smart or active as other children his age. While these feelings may have diminished after the death of his parents, he still experienced relentless bullying from the homes he was placed in, which only exacerbated the insecure feelings he already had. This is why he tries his best all the time and exercises, as he still feels like he's not good enough.
Nightmare disorder: Ken suffers from chronic nightmares from past trauma. While these nightmares may not occur daily, they still happen frequently, which causes him to dislike sleep. Sleep for Ken is not a pleasant escape to a far away world; it is a trip where he is forced to face all his fears.
OCD: Contrary to popular belief, OCD isn't just being clean; it stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, meaning that Ken obsessively obsesses over things that a normal person wouldn't, which leads to compulsions or obsessions. One of his compulsions is to triple-check any locks when he is at home, no matter what, as the stress of not doing so greatly affects his concentration. Another compulsion is tapping three times before doing anything of note, such as cooking, opening a drink, or reading a book. Ken does this to ensure he doesn't let his anger get the best of him, as he doesn't want to hurt the people he cares about. Whenever he begins to think of these thoughts, his hands start to shake slightly, and he has to excuse himself to try to reign in his obsessive thoughts before he becomes extremely stressed out.

Love, despite being a weakness of his, is also something Ken takes great pride in. He is extremely compassionate and empathic towards those he cares about, and that motivates him to try even harder to protect them. It may be a big weakness, but it is also one of his main motivations.
Determination is another one of Ken's strengths, despite his doubts about himself. He has incredible willpower that drives him to persevere through any challenge, even when he is alone. He never lingers on his failures but uses them to fuel his determination and push him to keep moving forward. His determination is a big driving force behind his stubbornness.
Intellectually, Ken is a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for. He has a surprising capacity for logic and reasoning, which allows him to adapt to challenges with ease and retain his composure even when those around him are panicking.
False confidence is another aspect of Ken's character. Despite not being confident in himself, he knows that people won't take him seriously if he doesn't appear confident. He puts on a masks of confidence, which allows him to interact with others easier and have smoother conversations. Even though he doesn't believe in his own confidence, others do.

ϰ.Personal Relations.ϰ
(Yo if ya wanna be on here and you've interacted with Ken fully hmu on discord so I can add ya [whisperthefallen] and this will be updated over time . . if I remember)

This section is a WIP :-:

Last edited:


Level 64
Thread starter
Added his Backstory finally not the most detailed work but its whatever Ill make it better with time

[Grade 12] Ken Endo
[Bird] Yatagarasu​

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