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Denied DivingBlues || Psychiatrist Application


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
Currently I am not the most active person on the server. This is due to demotivation and the lack of passion for anything roleplay related after having a lack of interest in roleplay. However when I am in roleplay and motivated my times can range from 6-8 hours depending on how long I wish to remain online. Due to me being on school holidays currently I am able to be on for as long as I like. But depending on my free time I plan to dedicate as much as I can to get on and be around on SRP.

Some days my weekday freedoms will change as I do work a job and I have school some days. The shifts normally are for about 4 hours and then I can log on before or after depending on my choice. Due to it also being my last graduating year of school I may be offline for a few hours after school while I complete or finish all homework, before being able to log on. Depending how busy I am with homework and studies will determine if I log on that day, some days I may not log on due to working or studying for school. However I do intend to, if accepted, have a huge spike in my activity as I dedicate my time to EMS.

Weekdays when free:
8:00am - 7:00pm​
8:00am - 7:00pm​
8:00am - 7:00pm​
8:00am - 7:00pm​
8:00am - 7:00pm​
8:00am - 9:00pm​
8:00am - 9:00pm​

Weekdays when at school:
4:00pm - 8:00​
4:00pm - 7:00pm​
4:00pm - 7:00pm​
4:00pm - 7:00pm​
4:00pm - 7:00pm​
8:00am - 9:00pm​
8:00am - 9:00pm​

I am flying out to another country on the 8th (return on the 21st) making me unable to be online for a bit. However I have complete access to discord and am able to VC freely, so I’d be able to attend anything on discord only. I however wont be able to log on in-game for about a week but once the weeks over I’ll be able to. I will also be bringing a notepad for homework allowing me to take notes if need be for anything.

What is your timezone?:
Currently my timezone is AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) but it will soon change back to AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

List your current and past applications:
OOC Applications:
Staff - Accepted:
Staff - Denied:
Staff - Denied:
Build Team - Accepted:
Lore Team - Accepted:

IC Applications:
KPD - Accepted:
Shrine - Accepted:
Teacher - Accepted:
Judge - Accepted:

List your current roles on the server:
DivingBlues (Account applying with):
Main Profile: Adult; Koizumi Saiky
Alternate Profile: Adult; Kairi Kaseya

DrivingCrazy (Alt):
Main Profile: Shrine Priest; Sakura Harukichi
Alternative Profile; Duck; Quill

SetteSeas (Alt):

_CreditCardInfo (Alt):

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have been on SRP for around 4 years leading to me being able to experience a lot of what this server has to offer. Beginning off in SRP I was normally just learning the commands and limits to my roleplaying skills, this then led me into my short few months of GangRP which soon ended in early 2021. From there I applied for teacher which taught me how to work and cooperate with new and old players and understand the different roleplay styles and levels of roleplay experience. I remained in teacher for a year before quitting and taking a small gap. After that I returned to apply for Shrine which since has remained with me and I have been in the shrine for around about 3 years. However I do intend to leave after experiencing all the shrine has to offer and spending most of my time roleplaying with new and old players and learning different styles and techniques. During my time in shrine I also applied to be a Judge however it didn’t last long due to issues with timezones and my training. A few months after that I got the chance to roleplay as an officer in KPD. This was a whole new experience for me and I was able to learn some new things in my time as an officer. I sadly had to leave after being in a mental health battle and being not as active as I would’ve liked to have been. Since my break from most of the heavy factions I have spent my time relaxing and relearning how to enjoy SRP as a player. With my four years of experience I have seen almost every aspect of roleplay SRP has to offer from working in hardcore detailRP to relaxed and rather fun OfficerRP or casualRP. As my final year of SRP I want to give the one faction I have been looking for a chance.

What is your motivation for applying?
I would say its a long time dream of mine. Since joining SRP I always wanted to apply for EMS, it had always been a passion and an aspiration, however I felt as if I would never be ready for it or make the cut. Since then I have spent my time exploring the aspects of SRP and understanding the roles and rules better in order to achieve my goal. Since being a kid I’ve OOCly always wanted to be a paramedic and even now some part of me wishes I could be. Most of my real life friends take part in being a psychiatrist or learning psychology. While I never took those classes, the whole idea of being in a medical field, real or fake, has always interested me. I love spending time learning how to help and guide people, sometimes today I spend time helping my sick grandfather around his garden as he can no longer be alone to do it. With my interest in EMS since I was 13-14 years old, I finally told myself in my last year of highschool and last year of SRP that I would give it a go. I want to complete what I started and learn something new and do a new form of roleplay that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to achieve earlier on. As a person I feel ready to begin something new and try my hand at being a psychiatrist on SRP not only learning about helping people and diagnosing neurodivergent people but also paying homage to many of my friends whom I have helped though hard times and also dedicating it to the many wonderful people along the way who either wish to aspire to do it in real life, or are interested in this just as much as I am. I want to complete my goal I set as a kid and finish it in my big last year of playing on SRP.

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Due to my time in KPD I found it comes a little hand in hand with the Hospital Faction.
With many issues becoming a heavy load on officers or players in general normal Doctors are called to either assist or treat wounds who are brought into the waiting room for help. EMS workers may also be called by a broadcast through a shared channel to come assist with injuries and wounds that might present themselves in the event of an emergency for KPD.

Psychiatrists are often assigned to one or more officers to help complete evaluations. These are sets of questions asked to the officers to make sure they’re mentally stable and fit to continue working without putting risk or harm onto themselves, their co-workers or others around them.

Doctors and Psychiatrists normally also are responsible for helping treat patients. People who come into EMS for therapy will work with their assigned or asked psychiatrist to set a comfortable time for both parties in order to sit down and have the appointment either diagnosing the patient or spending time helping them recover from traumatic or dangerous experiences. For doctors they’re normally there on stand by or out the front helping treat patients who come in with injuries or wounds. Sometimes they are also there on standby as paramedics return the patients after getting them from the reported location.

There are also paramedics which are in a small division of their own. These are normally more experienced players who each or as a group work together responding to emergency calls on situations with players experiencing injuries. They’re able to respond to calls and reach locations as they use an ambulance to drive to these locations and help handle injuries and return them to the Hospital for treatment.

Depending on the level of experience and time spent in the faction the players may undergo stages of promotion to higher positions as they begin to learn and treat new people and patients along the way. This system allows for the most experienced to be able to assist and train new employees when they are brought into their new roles.

Roles and Responsibilities:
Director (Lead):
The Director is the overseer of the Hospital in some aspects. They take care of hospital funds, hiring and employing new workers, management and constant monitoring of the workers, new surgeries and are responsible for leading and helping the Hospital grow and function. They mainly make sure the Hospital is running and working as intended.

Clinical Lead:
They’re the main leads of the small divisions within the hospital. Commonly Clinical Lead’s are responsible for overseeing most trainees when they’re still learning in their new positions. They help train, organise and keep the sections running reporting anything back to the Director(s) on things that could be going well or wrong. Some Clinical Leads also work alongside their departments helping bring forward their knowledge and make sure difficult situations are done swiftly.

Clinical Supervisor:
Clinical Supervisors act as right hands for the Clinical Leads. They’re responsible for reporting back things to the higher ups and are able to help control and run the Hospital putting inputs into ideas and choices made by the Clinical Leads. These guys are responsible for helping manage their divisions, assisting in training and supervising new employees to make sure they’re doing their best. They can also provide assistance if need be and are always around doing their duties too. Most Clinical Supervisors may also be undergoing normal working schedules alongside their co-workers and help with simple questions or tasks.

Paramedics are responsible for responding to calls and acting to bring patients into the stations. They’re responsible for helping stabilise patients within or out of their ambulance van and are the emergency responders. If the patients aren’t directly brought to the Hospital itself they’re tasked to go out and collect and stabilise the patient long enough for them to be transported to the Hospital where they’ll receive the correct treatments. Some ambulances are also sent out to patrol, and are on the road and the first to respond when calls come in. They’re also able to assist or help attend Doctors and Psychiatrists with their tasks as they have been trained in both fields.

Doctors are responsible for all the surgery and treatment stuff. They help to diagnose and prescribe medication to patients and help to attend to injuries and bad injuries. Many Doctors are the first responders to any calls that revolve around major injuries and needing surgery. The Doctors are the first responders to anything that is brought forward. Many of the issues are handed to the Doctors. Not only that but prescribing medication to sick or in-need patients who come to the Hospital. They’re also responsible for re-prescribing medication for those who may need it for more. Doctors are responsible for being able to also determine or make sure that the patients are prepared to return after their surgeries are done and can recover in recovery for the right amount of time.

Attending Doctor:
There is also (resident doctor) these guys do the same thing as a normal doctor but are below. They may not be a full fledged doctor yet and are slightly below the Doctor. However they are there to help assist, provide their own help to patients and handle their own treatment of injuries and prescribing medication too. Sometimes they might stand by to assist or watch surgeries to learn or help gain more knowledge then they already know on a topic.

They’re responsible for attending to patients who would like to have therapy for issues or be diagnosed with a mental health or neurological disorder. Psychiatrists mainly attend to patients needing brain scans and helping work through neurological disorders along with working with the patients to find solutions via medication or behavioural tactics to treat the issue. Along with that patients who wish to have therapy can book a date and time with a psychiatrist of their choice or assigned by higher ups to have therapy sessions. They’re also responsible for giving assigned officers evaluations every month determining from their answers and behavioural responses to situations. Many questions asking about them and past or during the month situations they experienced to see if they’re right to work. If they are fine, they’ll be told and are able to go and continue working. If their behaviour is seen to be a risk to those around them the Psychiatrist will assign a certain amount of time for the officer to take time off work in order to recover.

Attending Psychiatrist:
There are also (resident psychiatrists) who are like the Doctor positions as well just under a different department. Both ranks are able to take their own patients and handle different situations once they have completed their training. If they’re unsure the higher ups are there to answer questions. Sometimes they may also come to spectate or participate in sessions in order to gain information or learn. However it is rare. They’re able to use any facilities in the Hospital like normal Psychiatrists and prescribe medication or diagnose patients.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I do.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character’s Full Name:

Kairi Kaseya.

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female and she / her.

Character’s Age (if accepted):
I am 35 years old, born on December 21st in 1990.

Character’s Academic Background:
I attended school at Karakura High until Grade-12 where I then moved to Tokyo, Japan for my university degree where I studied Herbal Medicine as a Bachelor and remained again to get a Masters in Psychology.

Bachelor Herbal Medicine.
Masters in Psychology.

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:
Unmarried, Single.

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Character Backstory (Optional):
Beyond the mountains of stone, ringed with lines of colours that bordered and boxed the city of Karakura in suppressing the secrets of a city hidden from the world. Amongst the small town of Tsubasa on the edge of the snow kissed forest on the 21st of December 1990 two twins were born at the same time. At first, it almost seemed they were snow itself, both bearing pale white skin and glacier blue eyes. The girl they chose to name Kairi and the boy became Anri. Kairi had a talent of taking interest in mastering and perfecting one thing and one thing only, while her brother took a different route. From the beginning she began to learn the traditional ways of her heritage within the Kaseya family with a modern twist. Well aware from the beginning her family was once influential across Karakura, before the rise of modernisation changed the undertow of tides that guided society.
Once both children were ready, their parents sent them to the local school, where Kairi and her brother would wander the quiet streets in the morning to the small space. At first, they were mistaken for ghosts, both quiet and bore the pale features of albinism having pale skin, glassy eyes and flowing snow white hair. Many would whisper about Kairi for her lack of speech sometimes, or her observing everything around her.
After their graduation, like many students across the island of Karakura, many of the students outside of the mountain ranges would shift into the well known Karakura High. Like her brother, she attended the school and while trying not to be the ghost of her twin brother she was commonly found beside or alongside him. Like a little ghost of his own shadow she almost seems shy, or quiet however had no intention of speaking and instead took interest in her studies and perfecting her skills in her interests.
Eventually like her brother she graduated and moved to Tokyo to both study their dream degrees at Tokyo University. While her brother chose a different degree, Kairi chose to attempt to study Psychology and Herbal Medicine spending time acing her degree scores and graduating just after her brother. They had always taken interest in trying to go for the best, and Kairi wished to return to Karakura in hopes to return home and find a place to finally settle down, beginning her return to the city her family once found a home in.

(this is really brief I know but it's a work in progress…)


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Kairi personally specialises in Psychiatry due to her interests in keeping things open. To her the whole idea in learning about the mental response to certain things in life has always interested her. Whether it's emotionally triggered, stress related or traumatically triggered it always seemed to bring her curiosity and spike her interest in researching it. In her early life she had a friend who experienced high levels of anxiety and stress, who she spent a lot of time working with to help calm and distract them. After they found out about their diagnosis and need for medication Kairi became interested in learning about neurodivergent people and how she could offer them help or help guide them. Her love for caring for others and being able to support people helped motivate her to go on to study Psychology and specialise in Psychiatry keeping her options open and allowing for her to be able to experience a wide range of personalities and scenarios. This focus was driven deep into the motivation after she began to study psychology and mental disorders as a hobby in her free time which led to her passion and interests in learning to take up a psychology degree and become a psychiatrist.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
No, this would be her first official job after her graduation and time taken to relax and prepare. She intended to only work at Karakura Hospital and spent years working to try and achieve her goal in spending time to perfect her skills and research in order to apply for her dream job in her home island.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Sometimes Kairi could be mistaken for a ghost, always seen drifting quietly around the streets of Karakura with a lack of words uttered from her lips. Her complexion is clear with paper white skin almost reflecting the sun whenever she chooses to arise from her dark corner of her world behind books and learning about her family heritage. Flowing softly around her when it is out is long silk white hair, with soft waves as if it is the tide itself contrasting the sun's rays. Some loose locks flutter around her face to frame her pale stature. Her eyes remind one of glassy clear oceans, light blue and devoid of anything dark but within them held a strong sense of control and pride, justice and determination. Her eyelashes are almost the same as her hair, snow white and framing her glassy eyes. There always seems to be a lack of makeup upon Kairi’s face, as if she allows herself to indulge in her natural ghostly beauty and only often the soft flare of rosy coloured cheeks contrast her rather cool and bland colour tone. To match, Kairi compliments her features with silver jewellery, nothing more than simple earrings and a few bracelets. Normally to contrast her ghostly features caused by her families running genes of Albinism she wears dark reds and blacks to draw focus to her. Her outfits are stylish yet having a soft air of elegance to her, bold to demand attention in contrast but also simple to compliment her.

What makes her unique:
Kairi, like her twin brother, was born with Albinism. This gives them both a ghostly appearance almost seeming otherworldly with their features devoid of any colour being rather lacking. What makes her unique is her calming yet also confident aura. She holds herself tall with pride despite lacking colour and seeming rather bland in others eyes. Her understanding of those around her, their emotional connection or sense to things gives her a critical perception of others. Often, if she feels off about something or has a feeling depending on the moods around her, Kairi will be able to pick up if something is wrong or going to go wrong. Her strong perception and simple appearance can sometimes seem daunting or as if she simply blends into the surroundings when she chooses to remain quiet. But her strong desire to make a difference and live up to her family heritage motivates her to make changes and help as many people as she can, while quiet and almost sharing a powerful aura too she tries her best to help everyone she can. Kairi is also very focused, if she is doing work or trying to achieve a goal she hyper fixates on it and will not stop or take a break until she completes the task she’s currently focusing on. Sometimes leading to trends of constant back to back fixation as she motivates herself to finish everything she can before taking a break or taking up something new.

Others Perception:
Some people may see Kairi as a ghost, or be shocked by her Albinism but also feel comfortable to talk to her. While she might at first seem opposing with her ghostly form and strong desire to help people and support those around her, many find she is welcoming and interesting to talk to. Asking questions not only about them but caring to consider how they’re feeling and if they’re curious about her as well. Sometimes she can be seen as head strong by others believing in herself and her dear twin brother that they will make changes and go far despite their simple appearances and forgotten lives. Kairi tries to support and welcome in anyone she can while retaining an unbiased and level head with everything she faces, critical and polite with her judgements and choices.

How does your character act around the hospital?
Being a Psychiatrist Kairi would retain a calm and collected demeanour when working with patients. Carefully listening and making sense of everything they explain and tell her. Considering every best outcome and option to offer them, while also remaining collected as she works through their diagnosis or struggles as a team. While her patient is speaking Kairi would remain quiet and let them speak taking notes when things of importance come up while also remembering their face, struggles and ways to work around it. It would offer the patient some form of silent comfort as she sits to support and help them as best she could. When asking questions or reporting her diagnosis or observations to them she would keep her tone light and soft, trying to give them some sense of peace in such a space. During her questions Kairi will make sure to constantly check in with the patient and make sure they’re comfortable and alright as she continues on.
If the patient becomes worked up or feels stressed and overwhelmed she’d offer them some space and pause the questions or session to allow them to calm down, offering them something to snack on if need be or even some tissues giving them time to calm down. After everything she’d offer them to do another appointment or even leave the situation alone and ask for them to return another day when they are prepared.
In a case of the patient acting out, Kairi would first give them space and prepare to call for backup. Being experienced through her training in cases of violence she would prepare everything she needed beforehand if she feels like the patient will act out depending on their arriving demeanour or how they act as the session continues. However many of these precaution actions she takes she makes sure to keep them on the down low and let the patient know before they begin if something is to happen safety precautions will be taken to protect hers and theirs safety no matter what happens.
Within the hospital offices if she finds her co-workers are busy working through paperwork or handling something out she would silently enter and grab what she needs from within the space. If she also needs to work and feels the sense to find some company, she may join some of her co-workers in the shared space and fill out her paperworks and medical updates alongside them keeping a respectful tone and polite quietness aware of those around her.
If she is with some of her co-workers on a break Kairi would offer them a welcoming and light conversation to give them a break from the stress of work sometimes. However, being aware of the work and trying to make sure she isn’t interrupting anything going on around her. If she is busy always trying to prioritise what she needs to get done first before going to relax or speak with those around her, however, try to make time for them during her breaks.
When Kairi is out in the main area either at the desk or greeting patients she’d offer them a light smile and try to speak to them in a casual tone, aware that formalities can sometimes deter people when speaking to others. However her demeanour would be calm and collected letting herself feel and seem professional in the eyes of those who walk into the Hospital and those who she works with. Showing pride for the job she's done.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Being on her own is her most comfortable space and where she works the best unless its with her brother. However she often makes an effort to try and socialise with others breaking the trend from her rather secluded life. However she is more comfortable working by herself and in her own space as it's something she grew up being comfortable with. But if needed she can go ask questions or help others around her out by breaking out of her normal bubbled trend of remaining by herself despite it being her comfort zone.

Additional Notes:
If accepted I intend to leave shrine, it has been on my mind for a while and I intend to leave shrine if I am to apply / or be accepted into EMS.



Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. However, after discussing your application with the higher-ups, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application this time around.

This decision was made based upon the following reasons:

- Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications and little amount of slots, we are not able to accept your application at this time.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to keep an eye on the Karakura Emergency #announcements channel for future application waves, and to re-apply at a later date if you're still interested.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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