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Tips For New Gang Roleplayers


Level 7
HI GUYS its baldy waldy your fav criminal

So recently ive seen alot of new faces around gang rp and crime rp and ive been asked certain questions by a few people I've helped so I thought, why not just make a forum post!

For those who don't know me I've been involved in gang rp for around 3 years now, I've had a lot of love hate moments and i believe ive made a name for myself on the server, recently ive taken a step back from gangs as im waiting for a certain project ( side eyes a certain person ) and moved onto more focused into crime, and general roleplay around the server. so im gonna share some questions ive been asked and share my answer on them!


If i wanted to start a gang how would i go about it:
This question gets asked several people on a daily basis, and everyone has their own opinion about it, but i personally believe if you do wish to go on the painful and stressful road of being a gang lead you need to first have a decent understanding of the rules, ive seen a few people who just found out about gangs that have just, create discord server, cool name boom gang. if this is you i would suggest joining gangs and starting your journey there, as it will give you a sense of what happens and how a gang lead should act. Second, have a good reason to create your gang, over a large amount of time several gangs have come out and claimed to want to take over the criminal world and destroy other gangs but that's repeated and dried out, instead take a bit of time to think why your character would need to start a organization, as it wouldn't make sense for a guy who's a family man never committed a crime to suddenly be like "Oh yeah what if i just got a bunch of people together and caused issues" so in all you just need time and to work hard, get your motive, your theme and your goals and start from the ground up.

Why has gangrp just died out? : Gangrp hasn't died out there's more gangs now compared to a couple of years ago, all that's happened is change, more and more people decide to join the community daily, and each one adds there own change and their own style, some take a dark road which we have seen several examples of, and some decide to try their hardest to make a positive impact which thankfully we have seen often. Its come along way and is changing day by day, Its come from a few gangs doing brawls inside powerplant and the occasional gang event, to multiple gangs working together to make some insane events and still keeping the aspect of gangrp by having brawls, committing crimes and most importantly keeping the roleplay aspect, its something that is often forgotten within the community.

How do i meet new people and find some roleplay?: This one is pretty simple, go out and start roleplaying, just because a character is classed as a gang character doesn't mean you cant go have fun dont make the same mistake i did which is using one character for perms and the gang it just doesn't go well, in my experience it dragged my reputation through the dirt and made me have the words "Toxic" "Perm baiter" "Troll" cemented onto my name, and trust me its not fun at all, over a year or so ive slowly built up what i think is a good reputation ive made countless new friends and have had some amazing memories. But back to the question if your out looking for roleplay your doing it wrong you just talk have fun and see where it goes this is seen on my past character Koba (Free him he did fuck all) started as a simple gang member meeting new people, turning into a gang lead which i did events cool lore and other stuff to eventually falling and getting arrested for a lot of stuff. Now i do miss playing him yes, however it opened a new door for new characters new stories and new opportunities to meet people.

My personal opinion on gang roleplay:

I love Gangrp, ever since i found out about it ive fallen in love with the events roleplay fights and the new people ive met, if im honest gangrp helped me out a very rough spot in my life even if it sounds silly i was able to come home talk with people and just forget about the outside world, it truly is a brilliant place if you give it a chance and try make a difference, i would write more but i am very very tired so i might make a pt2 who knows!

That all much love to everyone have a amazing 2025 -Bald1


Level 66
Tip from me, look for consented RP, it’s more fun for both sides, make interesting lore, meaty beefs, etc. Constented RP you can usually do with your close friends!


Level 108
one tip from me!

in 1v1 combat don't worry about being the most aggresive or quickest action, whilst that may be intimidating and almost shocking it isnt the best.

try focus on intelligent, unique acts that put you in a better position than the other player. dont js focus on hits, focus on specific things like hand position and stance. whilst this sounds like a p2l act, play normal roll combat like its p2l if that makes sense


Level 7
Thread starter
Tip from me, look for consented RP, it’s more fun for both sides, make interesting lore, meaty beefs, etc. Constented RP you can usually do with your close friends!
agreed consented perms are brilliant because theres more opportunity for what you can do and where it can lead for your characters

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