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If you could orchestrate any arc for your character?

ᶻ Wrath ♡ .ᐟ

Level 101
hi ^_^ i've been around a bit lately, but!!! i have a question i wanted to ask the populous;

Due to some of SRP's limitations, whether it be limited people or parties to roleplay with, faction limitations, or otherwise, if you could carry out any potential arc for your character and take them into a new direction in their story and character that you couldn't currently accomplish within the realm of SRP- what would the ideal arc be? What changes and developments would you like to invoke?

(phrased a bit oddly, i hope my point gets accross...)


Level 36
So I adore these types of questions because I could yap about my main roleplay character, Naomi Inoue, for literal hours - so, prepare for a pretty long response because I have thought about this a LOT </3

When it comes to character arcs and orchestrating them, a large amount of ideas I've had for Naomi's character arcs have been planned within the restraints of SRP, including permission from my wonderful faction lead to do certain things, amongst others. I don't have any definitive "arcs" that I could reflect on for Naomi, but if I had to describe all of his "eras", as I've taken to calling them, each event/mini-arc/etc. would fall under the following:
  • Karakura Hospital
  • Attacked by a patient
  • Kidnapping & first medical leave
  • Descent into crime (BMDA, CC, etc.)
  • Second medical leave & what followed
  • BMD
Each of those arcs, or eras, have been immensely influential to his character over the year I've had him! Luckily, all of my general plans and ideas have been able to go forward, even if it's not to the extent I would've wanted from it. Honestly, I generally don't... plan things for Naomi. I let the current take him wherever he ends up, and this has landed him in more trouble than it's worth more times than I can count. He's a bit of a danger magnet.

But, onto the actual question of the post (sorry for rambling, I love Naomi) - If I could carry out a potential arc for Naomi, without SRP's limitations, what would it be?

I've toyed with two ideas for Naomi; neither of which I went through with due to a) the manpower needed and b) how awkward I'd feel letting it play out. The first was meant to be near the end of his hospital career, where he ends up injuring his psychiatrist. He'd drive off into the night on his motorcycle, and it'd prompt this huuuge chase by KPD, and inevitably end dramatically with Naomi being arrested, probably after attacking or outmanoeuvring a few cops along the way. I didn't want to lose him, though, so... it got scrapped (along with the other two reasons). I don't think I've ever talked about this properly with anyone, to my knowledge, so.. (And I might end up writing something like this if I'm bored one day, as an 'alternate universe' story.. God knows I have plenty of those already...)

The other is a more recent one, which might still play out - just offscreen, but something about him reflecting and coming to a harsh realisation that he doesn't recognise himself anymore (with all of his crimes, his aggression, etc.), and that prompts him running off.. to search for himself (or just isolate himself, because who is he? What if the people he loves don't recognise him anymore?!) - That's a big one! If I could, I'd want to roleplay the whole thing out, completely in character, with visits and breakdowns and all that jazz - but with the map limitations I wouldn't be able to. Eventually, it might end up being some sort of story if I need to shelve Naomi for a bit, but ultimately it won't ever happen in character. Not the full thing, anyhow; maybe the running away part.

Outside of Naomi, though, there's always been a small spark in my brain where I've wanted my Heddo character, Mewo, to run a flower shop. You'd think I could do this, but being a BMD means I can't be a shopkeeper I fear :( - Character arc wise, this would probably be the best decision I could ever make for Mewo (who hated/hates all of the jobs in Karakura) and he'd probably be stable for once in his life. Maybe when I quit BMD, shopkeeper will be next on my list of factions (to finally give Dr. Heddo a break, bless his heart) - maybe!

But yeah. Sorry for the long post I get really passionate </3


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
The only arc I haven't yet had the privilege of going was the Gang Lead/ Crime Family Lead Route for both my current and former BMD characters. I've some gang ideas that I just don't have the chance to properly flesh out because I'm a BMD, which is why I'm always open to helping out other gangs!
This urge to make a gang is so potent I've contemplated leaving BMD several times just to make these gangs a reality, but it's not worth it and I simply don't have the time to invest for those projects.

Originally, Saint Salvador was going to lead a small Crime Family/Cult with a personal limit of 15-20 people all filling out a specific branch in the family tree that mimicked the Lore Family Tree of the Salvador Family. They would have a self-claimed turf over the Church/Graveyard and the North end of the Forest where most of their activates would take place which would range from family bonding, turf defense, and vague cult actives.

For Sirius, he was going to be the lead of a Vigilante Gang which I won't go into detail about since this idea alone makes me wanna quit BMD and become a gang lead one day.

Also the higglebottom was suppose to be a crime family, you can see it in it's lore posts.

For the most part, every arc I've wanted for my characters has happened and they've grown in ways I'm content with.
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Level 185
News Lead
There are two arcs that I would've loved to see with two of my character's.

The shorter "arc", being that of my character Kazuo and his plea deal (Karakura's first!!). I would've loved to see that as a full fledged trial with the result of him being able to walk free. But that's not just the part I would've wanted to see, but the publics opinion. That's something I would've loved to see. A court case for 2nd degree murder gone to manslaughter and the man gets to stay as Publisher of the News? To see the publics reaction to such a violent act be let loose and allowed to roam. Just the drama sounds enticing enough and the emotions that could bubble up from that sort of arc would've been beautiful. Also would've been a great end to that arc.

As well as, I believe it would've been so cool to see the strain it held on the Government — with the fact that it has no control over the News Faction. So that plus public knowledge would've been so cool.

With my second character, I would've loved to see a reveal arc for my character Annabell Sturm.

Esteemed former Captain of the KPD, long time Governor of Karakura and occasionally the Mayor. You'd think she's the pinnicle of justice.
Its an arc I've written in my mind over and over again. People finding out about the cruel things she did as an officer and got away with. Things that made what Preston Herrington and Hiroto Akihito look like childsplay. The controversy of her hiding truths about her time within the KPD. As well as the guilt that follows her.
- Two chances to kill Karakura's most prominent "villains" but didn't!!
- Violent and unreasonable kills against criminals
- Working for a corrupt commissioner AND being aware of it
- Making a deal with the commissioner, to save her own life
- Leaving Karakura under his grasp — knowing what person he was.

- Escaping a trial that ended in blood shed, because she knew if she'd stayed. She would've been a victim.

I really would've had such a fun time for people to recognize Sturm as who she is and was. Not some white knight in shining armor, but a terrible person who let power get to her, over and over again. Sadly never did it / wanted to as Sturm is such a dear character to me, as well as something like that would be stressful to plan and figure. So for now it just exists in my brain.


Level 19
Ooo this type of post!!

There's one character I always play, not as much anymore since she's living her best life.
Yaban Heddo! She was my main character during my KPD arc which was the corruption arc I wish I had a chance to play out.

See, Yaban wasn't the most 'behaved' per say during KPD. Infact she held a lot of anger towards people, including her own co-workers because of an attack that happened, the case was dismissed along with a few other things that occurred, she had so many reasons to turn on KPD during her time and allow her anger to be released but she did not. I think that would have been her ending era if she had followed through with her plan and did what she desired to do. She would have ether left Karakura or eventually been arrested for her crimes! No guilt her side.

- Kidnapped as a result of someone being arrested, was used for ransom.
- Attacked on solo patrol, case was dismissed (Lack of evidence to find the atracker, who she told them who it was)
- Jumped with two other cops, easily escaped but attackers got away
- Friends were kidnapped and attacked, attacker was not found yet the name was looming.

^ These are just a few things that could have lead to her corruption arc, would have been funny to play out!


Level 44
There was an arc I actually wanted to do for Hiiro Shimamura, and that was to have him join a gang from the very start of his journey in Karakura
At the time, his mindset was still set on wanting to 'serve' someone and fulfill his initial purpose from his home town. It was an ideal moment for him to join a gang or clan to fulfill that part of him
But uh I chickened out.. heh.. (and also for other reasons but it was mainly that)


Level 206

- graduating PHD from Karakura and going to Tokyo-U Institute to do research on virtual particles and fringe science
- return to Karakura and become a professor at the Karakura College
- become a contract government scientist and research EM fields/Teleportation/Infraworld phenomena
- turn mad after a major personal tragedy and become a proper MAD SCIENTIST
- or alternatively, recover from tragedy and become a buddhist priest and a semi-member of the local Shrine


Level 29
Reiji Kagami Story Arc until present day
Note: this time line is more based on his lore rather then evens that happened ICly since I spent a good amount of time not only learning my character but also writing his lore. Plus it's hard to Incorporate lore that's been voided.

- settling in at Karakura: The moment I first joined SRP and was slowly learning the rules of the server. Lorewise this is when Reiji first arrived at Karakura originally from Hokkaido Japan. From there he would have a hard time settling in and face bullying on a day to day basis.

- 4 years of Hell: (Despite only being several months of playing SRP) Lorewise it's when Reiji has to work extremely hard from keeping up with his studies, to working part time as a teenage actor. From there he would have met some people where he'd either maintain long term relationships, to parting ways due to different paths in life. He would have also made connections with the right teachers and professors hoping they could help him follow the right path.

- Ame's Arrival: This is the moment when Amano (Reiji's little sister) would have arrived in Karakura to follow in her brother's foot steps (and this is when I started playing as her more often with my remaining character slot as I only played as Reiji att). From there Ame would have a really rough start living in Karakura as she had several near death incidences and was diagnosed with several mental health problems. What became more unfortunate for her was that Reiji ended up leaving for University to The University Of Tokyo (aka I benched off Reiji as I had plans on making him part of Teacher faction.)

- New Life & Happy Ending??: Many years would pass and Reiji is now living humbly with his wife Miyako and 2 kids Hikari and Emiko. They Both graduated from the University with a degree in Applied Physics & Psychology respectively. They could have lived different lives on the mainland, but Reiji suggested that they live in Karakura despite the horrendous crime rates as he believes that Karakura provides certain skill sets you wouldn't obtain if you lived on the mainland in the scenario they were to have kids. And wanting to be with his little sister and his children, Reiji ended up becoming a Teacher at KHS and hopes from this decision he could see more people become as successful as he was. Additionally Miyako would also become a Professor to also help Reiji in his foreseen goal of being able to help their children grow.

Amano Kagami Story Arc Until present day
compared to Reiji's Amano's time in Karakura is pretty sad but she gets better and it follows what originally the plan with more ICly evens then Lore.

- Before enrolling into KHS: Before she even enrolled into KHS, she went over to Karakura to scout of schools. From there she ended up becoming part of a delinquent group who called themselves The Bad Boys Club Plus Rut. From there they caused a bunch of trouble from assaulting people who wronged them, to petty theft. From there Amano would hid her real name having the group call her Ameno instead or Ame for short. But due to one of the members mysteriously disappearing, the group split apart as Ame went on to do her own thing.

- Enrolling into KHS: Not wanting to ruin her chances, she ended up dying her hair back to her natural hair color before finally enrolling into KHS, the school her brother attended. From there she tried to keep an opened mind, but it would also be what gets her into trouble. She was constantly bullied, received threats, and her grades overall weren't the best. Because of this she would end up struggling from several mental health problems. Primarily she would have a bad case of Clinical Depression which overall caused her to have a weaken immune system. Typically it could be handled with medications, but Reiji feared that it could cause her to make more poor decisions, as he wants Amano to handle her condition naturally, with one of them being the 5 hugs per day.

- Spiraling out of control: You would expect this to help out, however Amano's conditional would have gotten much worse and not just that she would lose her sense of reality. Fortunate for her there were 2 people who ended up helping her with her condition and made sure she could follow the right track. One of them however suggested she dives into music which ends up being her biggest turning point in her life.

- Musical Journey: One thing Amano would realize is that despite not having many friends or any of Reiji's smarts, she would have a natural talent for music. Like she would quickly be able to pick up on the guitar and find her natural singing voice which she trained consistently as years go by. From there she finds that making music being her way of dealing with life. Amano would first post music covers via Onrain which gave her some good publicity, and as of now she writes her own songs, with many of them representing a moment in her life.

- First debut: Having been playing music online her entire time is enough to satisfy her however her roommate encouraged her to play out in public and express her songs through the streets. She first debuted her music and her artist name AmeNo, at the board walk at Rotatsu's stage. From there she'd surprisingly has a good start but was overall ruins as some people who interrupted her while mid performance. From there she lost her confidence as a musician as she left the venue thinking people don't care about her music, as she smashed her guitar in frustration. The path she carved out to her had sunken in.

- Current day: As of now Amano would continue her musical career with the encouragement of some fans. She would have made a second debut this time in Seikatsu where her 20 minute performance ended up giving her the push she needs to make her dreams of spreading her music much more clear. Additionally she is also taken up 2 girls to also follow suit in music like she is after listening to her perform. One of them is Learning the bass while the other is learning the drums. Amano's whole Idea is to become a solo artist has always been clear while having 2 other people help her perform is new to her, and is currently in a bind.
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