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We listen we dont judge! SRP edition


Level 43
we listen and we don't judge,


Level 206
we listen and we don't judge,
Occult Club is not just about Tea Parties and collaborative Research and Prayers and playing on chess boards and esoteric spirituality - we are invested in supernatural things. Don't just come to Occult Club looking for detailRP and cultural appreciation - we also have lots of spirit stuff going on.
Come to Occult Club for the Occult.


Level 117
ohhh opinions..: OH BOY DO I HAVE AN OPINION!!!! amongst many opinions i may or may not have…


(this is of absolutely no offense to the people who do enjoy it and put much skill towards making nice skins in this style…. i see the point behind having a universal style that’s generally easy to understand and replicate to bring more people together to create their own skins in their own image….)

HOWEVER!!! we’ve gone so far to stifle out interesting palettes and the colors and features we use on skins >_< people will go out of their way to be mean or outwardly cruel for people who don’t use the style obligated and squander out roleplay opportunities if their character’s skin doesn’t outwardly fit the ‘server style’ on occasion. i don’t like it!!!!!!!! i like colorful eye-catching palettes and to pour colors into the things i make….
i’ve recently decided i don’t care, given people have always been weird to me over my skins and the way they look and i’d rather make something i can be proud of myself for and enjoy than be constantly chasing after a style i don’t particularly like in the first place ^_^ but other styles and shading is something i’ve learned srp to be particular and odd about sometimes….

I remember seeing Graves for the first time and thinking that his skin was probably the most creative I've seen. There's definitely something rewarding about having your own style for whatever art you're doing


Level 82
we listen and we don't judge,
Occult Club is not just about Tea Parties and collaborative Research and Prayers and playing on chess boards and esoteric spirituality - we are invested in supernatural things. Don't just come to Occult Club looking for detailRP and cultural appreciation - we also have lots of spirit stuff going on.
Come to Occult Club for the Occult.


Level 29

That would be a good business move if you started buying out all of 11-7s coffee supply and selling it to faculty members. (Our coffee machine requires us to actually make the coffee, it's tedious and we're out of coffee.)

We listen we dont judge!​

This is why we went on strike.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
We listen and don't judge.

Asking Teachers/Professors to host classes or teach during every school day that happens on SRP demotivates us and makes us NOT want to host classes. There is a lot that goes into hosting a class with our systems and all the new things being added, we are also human too who do this in our free time.

We listen and don't judge.

Government Trials take time and ooc planning to make them happen in game. I understand that trials might not happen often and you want your characters to get through their non-guilty plea or have their lawsuit. But, it takes time to make sure everyone is able to make it to the trial. Please be patient with us as we have a lot of cases to get through. And be nice to the police about it too, its not their fault either. We all are just human at the end of the day.

We listen and don't judge.

Crime/GangRP of the server isn't dead or dying. There is just a lack of motivation within the current gangs/members because they aren't gaining 'perms' on people. Gang/CrimeRP is not ALL about permissions, it's about that roleplay(As that is why we play on a roleplay server). Plan things with other groups, work out events with your current groups, and get more attention in one way or another in an icly sense. Get creative, get that motive to have icly beef with other characters.


Level 18
cOUGH ... Uhm.

I don't really like how super Clique this Community can be sometimes, although there are small amounts that aren't like that :).

the system of popularity. Since I am an elder player like Zero below me, I wish that reputation wasn't a determining factor in getting into Staff or more important things like lore, events, etc. I've observed that people's popular characters are more a result of who they are than of how they have improved SRP overall. Even if I am in a lore family, this is to add to them as well. I may also say that the invitation only is more friend-only and cliquey. I think that many of the folks in Heddo, Akihito, and Saiky are excellent roleplayers (I adore the Heddos). However, they are typically not well-known, and if they are, they don't always appear in roleplay scenarios like Years Before where the majority of circumstances, events, or things happen. A Saiky or an Akihito would be in the center of it. Must they? No, not at all. However, compared to most families, these families receive the best treatment in the Saiky + Akihito estate, and the estate isn't often used outside of family gatherings, personal role-playing, etc. Since it has taken up a lot of space and the stunning mountainside (I liked that area..), it would be wonderful if the estate were genuinely used and more accessible to the public. I personally, just don't think that big of an estate should of taken over the Zen Garden. I get it. But why not Mansions?, A whole block dedicated to them? Why an whole estate which is closed off to many

Now, regarding Families. I love the new families popping out and wanting to be different. Bring new stuff to Karakura, but I feel those families get hardly any recognition unless the people who play as Adults make some type of big appearance in one of these Factions. Hospital, Government, KPD.

Reegarding Factions, Can we change the Factions being controlled by the Lore Families? I am loving the School Faction & KPD are becoming different. It's actually quite nice to not See Akihito, Saiky, nor Heddo in control. As, these families are LORE & Popular families as well all know because they've been around, but there is no real reason to give them all control. Be different staff! Create different families or join Families that taken you're interest (please.)

The Toxicity in the Community. I feel no one has ever or never mention this but I'ma go ahead and say it. 55% of the Community can absolutely be toxic. Most won't notice or Care but one thing I've noticed the most is people like to play fake Kind. Then, turn around and be genuinely the meanest people with their Friend's in private. I get it, Friend group. But don't pretend to be nice when you aren't at all. Another thing Clique's tend to do- Especially those who are in power..
Last edited:


Level 163
We listen, but we don’t judge.

The one thing I’ve seen in my own eyes and experience is the groups everyone has. It’s their own clique of people they’ve let in. Over the years I’ve been on this server I’ve realized making new friends or just approaching people in general has became harder because of everyone finding their own little groups. Once the people have found their own groups to hang out with it’s usually hard to get into that group just to be friends with.

I wish the old srp could come back. Where people would be so open to greeting people, to welcoming them, and letting them in with their other friends. Where everyone would get along whenever they came across someone.

Now it’s based on popularity in the server. If you’re well known and popular it’s easier for you to fit in with everyone and get let in on groups. If not popularity then it’s the way your skin may appear if someone likes it they’ll approach you and talk to you and even stick around. If it’s not the way your MC skin looks then it’s your characters intriguing name making that person want to approach you.

This doesn’t just happen to veteran players but even to the newer players that join this community looking for people to interact with.

Another thing I’d like to mention the bias in tailoring. This goes to a comment that was made earlier about the srp shading style. I’m against it as well, I wish to see more unique styles from tailors. There is some out there but majority of the tailoring base is evolved around the srp style just for them to be noticed and get commissioned for their style. This also just doesn’t go for the srp style but it goes back to the well known players aka popularity that gets them commissioned. If they don’t have a srp style shading but are popular and well known in the server they will get orders or bids on auctions.

I wish and hope the community could expand more on variety of shading styles. I wish they wouldn’t have to feel like they must fit in with the community by having this same clean shading just to not be outcasted. I support bringing variety of shadings to the community. I support bringing more diversity of styles to the community. It should be more appreciated and supported by the community. We should stop displaying that everyone must follow this clean soft shading style to fit in. Instead we should encourage these different artists that bring style to their work. To make everyone stand out in their own way. To make everyone feel appreciated and valued by their style.

I miss that old srp. Where everyone would be appreciated and supported. Will it come back? Will a new evolved version of our community appear? I’m unsure. The community has dug itself so deep to this mindset of having to follow these standards or qualities to fit in. This even includes trying to make friends or be let into groups. But there’s hope that a change can be made to make a greater, supportive and appreciative community for everyone.


Level 18
We listen, but we don’t judge.

The one thing I’ve seen in my own eyes and experience is the groups everyone has. It’s their own clique of people they’ve let in. Over the years I’ve been on this server I’ve realized making new friends or just approaching people in general has became harder because of everyone finding their own little groups. Once the people have found their own groups to hang out with it’s usually hard to get into that group just to be friends with.

I wish the old srp could come back. Where people would be so open to greeting people, to welcoming them, and letting them in with their other friends. Where everyone would get along whenever they came across someone.

Now it’s based on popularity in the server. If you’re well known and popular it’s easier for you to fit in with everyone and get let in on groups. If not popularity then it’s the way your skin may appear if someone likes it they’ll approach you and talk to you and even stick around. If it’s not the way your MC skin looks then it’s your characters intriguing name making that person want to approach you.

This doesn’t just happen to veteran players but even to the newer players that join this community looking for people to interact with.

Another thing I’d like to mention the bias in tailoring. This goes to a comment that was made earlier about the srp shading style. I’m against it as well, I wish to see more unique styles from tailors. There is some out there but majority of the tailoring base is evolved around the srp style just for them to be noticed and get commissioned for their style. This also just doesn’t go for the srp style but it goes back to the well known players aka popularity that gets them commissioned. If they don’t have a srp style shading but are popular and well known in the server they will get orders or bids on auctions.

I wish and hope the community could expand more on variety of shading styles. I wish they wouldn’t have to feel like they must fit in with the community by having this same clean shading just to not be outcasted. I support bringing variety of shadings to the community. I support bringing more diversity of styles to the community. It should be more appreciated and supported by the community. We should stop displaying that everyone must follow this clean soft shading style to fit in. Instead we should encourage these different artists that bring style to their work. To make everyone stand out in their own way. To make everyone feel appreciated and valued by their style.

I miss that old srp. Where everyone would be appreciated and supported. Will it come back? Will a new evolved version of our community appear? I’m unsure. The community has dug itself so deep to this mindset of having to follow these standards or qualities to fit in. This even includes trying to make friends or be let into groups. But there’s hope that a change can be made to make a greater, supportive and appreciative community for everyone.
You've motivated me to add on.


Level 163
cOUGH ... Uhm.

I don't really like how super Clique this Community can be sometimes, although there are small amounts that aren't like that :).

the system of popularity. Since I am an elder player like Zero below me, I wish that reputation wasn't a determining factor in getting into Staff or more important things like lore, events, etc. I've observed that people's popular characters are more a result of who they are than of how they have improved SRP overall. Even if I am in a lore family, this is to add to them as well. I may also say that the invitation only is more friend-only and cliquey. I think that many of the folks in Heddo, Akihito, and Saiky are excellent roleplayers (I adore the Heddos). However, they are typically not well-known, and if they are, they don't always appear in roleplay scenarios like Years Before where the majority of circumstances, events, or things happen. A Saiky or an Akihito would be in the center of it. Must they? No, not at all. However, compared to most families, these families receive the best treatment in the Saiky + Akihito estate, and the estate isn't often used outside of family gatherings, personal role-playing, etc. Since it has taken up a lot of space and the stunning mountainside (I liked that area..), it would be wonderful if the estate were genuinely used and more accessible to the public. I personally, just don't think that big of an estate should of taken over the Zen Garden. I get it. But why not Mansions?, A whole block dedicated to them? Why an whole estate which is closed off to many

Now, regarding Families. I love the new families popping out and wanting to be different. Bring new stuff to Karakura, but I feel those families get hardly any recognition unless the people who play as Adults make some type of big appearance in one of these Factions. Hospital, Government, KPD.

Reegarding Factions, Can we change the Factions being controlled by the Lore Families? I am loving the School Faction & KPD are becoming different. It's actually quite nice to not See Akihito, Saiky, nor Heddo in control. As, these families are LORE & Popular families as well all know because they've been around, but there is no real reason to give them all control. Be different staff! Create different families or join Families that taken you're interest (please.)

The Toxicity in the Community. I feel no one has ever or never mention this but I'ma go ahead and say it. 55% of the Community can absolutely be toxic. Most won't notice or Care but one thing I've noticed the most is people like to play fake Kind. Then, turn around and be genuinely the meanest people with their Friend's in private. I get it, Friend group. But don't pretend to be nice when you aren't at all. Another thing Clique's tend to do- Especially those who are in power..
Beautifully and truthfully said


Level 30
cOUGH ... Uhm.

I don't really like how super Clique this Community can be sometimes, although there are small amounts that aren't like that :).

the system of popularity. Since I am an elder player like Zero below me, I wish that reputation wasn't a determining factor in getting into Staff or more important things like lore, events, etc. I've observed that people's popular characters are more a result of who they are than of how they have improved SRP overall. Even if I am in a lore family, this is to add to them as well. I may also say that the invitation only is more friend-only and cliquey. I think that many of the folks in Heddo, Akihito, and Saiky are excellent roleplayers (I adore the Heddos). However, they are typically not well-known, and if they are, they don't always appear in roleplay scenarios like Years Before where the majority of circumstances, events, or things happen. A Saiky or an Akihito would be in the center of it. Must they? No, not at all. However, compared to most families, these families receive the best treatment in the Saiky + Akihito estate, and the estate isn't often used outside of family gatherings, personal role-playing, etc. Since it has taken up a lot of space and the stunning mountainside (I liked that area..), it would be wonderful if the estate were genuinely used and more accessible to the public. I personally, just don't think that big of an estate should of taken over the Zen Garden. I get it. But why not Mansions?, A whole block dedicated to them? Why an whole estate which is closed off to many

Now, regarding Families. I love the new families popping out and wanting to be different. Bring new stuff to Karakura, but I feel those families get hardly any recognition unless the people who play as Adults make some type of big appearance in one of these Factions. Hospital, Government, KPD.

Reegarding Factions, Can we change the Factions being controlled by the Lore Families? I am loving the School Faction & KPD are becoming different. It's actually quite nice to not See Akihito, Saiky, nor Heddo in control. As, these families are LORE & Popular families as well all know because they've been around, but there is no real reason to give them all control. Be different staff! Create different families or join Families that taken you're interest (please.)

The Toxicity in the Community. I feel no one has ever or never mention this but I'ma go ahead and say it. 55% of the Community can absolutely be toxic. Most won't notice or Care but one thing I've noticed the most is people like to play fake Kind. Then, turn around and be genuinely the meanest people with their Friend's in private. I get it, Friend group. But don't pretend to be nice when you aren't at all. Another thing Clique's tend to do- Especially those who are in power..
Your preaching fr and I completely agree with you on the family stuff. Popularity shouldn't be a determining factor when getting into staff or events and such. I also wish that families who try to be something different got more recognition for it.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
we listen and we dont judge

in 2017 i used to push people off the old bridge when player collision was enabled every time they AFK'd


Level 5
Thread starter
we listen and we don't judge,


Level 5
Thread starter
cOUGH ... Uhm.

I don't really like how super Clique this Community can be sometimes, although there are small amounts that aren't like that :).

the system of popularity. Since I am an elder player like Zero below me, I wish that reputation wasn't a determining factor in getting into Staff or more important things like lore, events, etc. I've observed that people's popular characters are more a result of who they are than of how they have improved SRP overall. Even if I am in a lore family, this is to add to them as well. I may also say that the invitation only is more friend-only and cliquey. I think that many of the folks in Heddo, Akihito, and Saiky are excellent roleplayers (I adore the Heddos). However, they are typically not well-known, and if they are, they don't always appear in roleplay scenarios like Years Before where the majority of circumstances, events, or things happen. A Saiky or an Akihito would be in the center of it. Must they? No, not at all. However, compared to most families, these families receive the best treatment in the Saiky + Akihito estate, and the estate isn't often used outside of family gatherings, personal role-playing, etc. Since it has taken up a lot of space and the stunning mountainside (I liked that area..), it would be wonderful if the estate were genuinely used and more accessible to the public. I personally, just don't think that big of an estate should of taken over the Zen Garden. I get it. But why not Mansions?, A whole block dedicated to them? Why an whole estate which is closed off to many

Now, regarding Families. I love the new families popping out and wanting to be different. Bring new stuff to Karakura, but I feel those families get hardly any recognition unless the people who play as Adults make some type of big appearance in one of these Factions. Hospital, Government, KPD.

Reegarding Factions, Can we change the Factions being controlled by the Lore Families? I am loving the School Faction & KPD are becoming different. It's actually quite nice to not See Akihito, Saiky, nor Heddo in control. As, these families are LORE & Popular families as well all know because they've been around, but there is no real reason to give them all control. Be different staff! Create different families or join Families that taken you're interest (please.)

The Toxicity in the Community. I feel no one has ever or never mention this but I'ma go ahead and say it. 55% of the Community can absolutely be toxic. Most won't notice or Care but one thing I've noticed the most is people like to play fake Kind. Then, turn around and be genuinely the meanest people with their Friend's in private. I get it, Friend group. But don't pretend to be nice when you aren't at all. Another thing Clique's tend to do- Especially those who are in power..
this is so relatable, because when my main character was in highschool, she wasnt that well known, until she changed her appearance, joined 2 adoptive families, and started gaining some attention, that era has lasted a year or two if im not wrong, and after I got a reshade (AND I LOVED AND STILL LOVE MY RESHADE, CREDITS TO THE TAILOR!)
of my skin, its like all the reputation and determination that i was building up for my character all of a sudden disappeared, thats when i realised that some people can befriend you in srp just for your looks, and not for who you truly are, or what interests you can share with them, and some people, a good 30-50% of people will actually cherish you for being their oocly and icly friend no matter who you are and what you are

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