cOUGH ... Uhm.
I don't really like how super Clique this Community can be sometimes, although there are small amounts that aren't like that :).
the system of popularity. Since I am an elder player like Zero below me, I wish that reputation wasn't a determining factor in getting into Staff or more important things like lore, events, etc. I've observed that people's popular characters are more a result of who they are than of how they have improved SRP overall. Even if I am in a lore family, this is to add to them as well. I may also say that the invitation only is more friend-only and cliquey. I think that many of the folks in Heddo, Akihito, and Saiky are excellent roleplayers (I adore the Heddos). However, they are typically not well-known, and if they are, they don't always appear in roleplay scenarios like Years Before where the majority of circumstances, events, or things happen. A Saiky or an Akihito would be in the center of it. Must they? No, not at all. However, compared to most families, these families receive the best treatment in the Saiky + Akihito estate, and the estate isn't often used outside of family gatherings, personal role-playing, etc. Since it has taken up a lot of space and the stunning mountainside (I liked that area..), it would be wonderful if the estate were genuinely used and more accessible to the public. I personally, just don't think that big of an estate should of taken over the Zen Garden. I get it. But why not Mansions?, A whole block dedicated to them? Why an whole estate which is closed off to many
Now, regarding Families. I love the new families popping out and wanting to be different. Bring new stuff to Karakura, but I feel those families get hardly any recognition unless the people who play as Adults make some type of big appearance in one of these Factions. Hospital, Government, KPD.
Reegarding Factions, Can we change the Factions being controlled by the Lore Families? I am loving the School Faction & KPD are becoming different. It's actually quite nice to not See Akihito, Saiky, nor Heddo in control. As, these families are LORE & Popular families as well all know because they've been around, but there is no real reason to give them all control. Be different staff! Create different families or join Families that taken you're interest (please.)
The Toxicity in the Community. I feel no one has ever or never mention this but I'ma go ahead and say it. 55% of the Community can absolutely be toxic. Most won't notice or Care but one thing I've noticed the most is people like to play fake Kind. Then, turn around and be genuinely the meanest people with their Friend's in private. I get it, Friend group. But don't pretend to be nice when you aren't at all. Another thing Clique's tend to do- Especially those who are in power..