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Allow multiple factions on one account


Level 18
Community Team
What's your Minecraft Username?: bunhye
What's the title of your suggestion?: Allow multiple factions on one account

What's your suggestion?:
It feels like limiting players to one faction per account doesn't make much sense, especially considering it's easily bypassed by using alternate accounts, which aren’t restricted in any way. People are spending thirty dollars per account that likely won’t be used for anything other than SRP, which seems like a waste of money. Sure, there should be restrictions (like not allowing players to be part of multiple teams at once or hold multiple roles in the same faction) but outside of that, I don't see the point of the limit.

One reason might be to avoid players getting faction roles on their alternative slots, though I’m unsure if that’s a system limitation or an actual rule. I've had my adult and high school roles switched around, so the plugin doesn’t seem to be the issue. Another possible reason is the desire to have players focus on one faction and commit fully to it, but if that's the case, then why allow alternate accounts? I know people with multiple accounts in factions like Faculty, EMS, and school teams who don’t seem to have any trouble keeping up.

It could also be about money. But, Minecraft gets revenue from accounts, right? But they don’t get money from the accounts people pay for on these servers, so I don't understand how that would factor into the decision. Instead, players would probably spend that money directly on the server, if anything.

Now, I’m not suggesting we should have a complete free-for-all, but the system could definitely be loosened up a bit. Maybe allow players to have one non-paid faction (like Council or FB) and one paid faction, or even just set some other reasonable limit. That way, there would be more workers available for whatever players need, and perhaps this would also allow for faction expansion.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
The paragraphs above ^^


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

I do not agree that normal players should have access to more than 1 faction on one account, the only people who can bypass this is Staff members who has KimiNoUso's permission and if Josh himself changes one of their profiles to a Primary slot. I understand that this is troublesome for players but there was a previous suggestion that was similar to this.


Level 18
Community Team
Thread starter

I do not agree that normal players should have access to more than 1 faction on one account, the only people who can bypass this is Staff members who has KimiNoUso's permission and if Josh himself changes one of their profiles to a Primary slot. I understand that this is troublesome for players but there was a previous suggestion that was similar to this.
Can I ask why you disagree with this other than the fact that it is currently unique to only the staff role?


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team

I know in the end that this will be denied regardless of what’s said, but I hate swapping accounts back and forth consistently; decided to be vocal about it. Like you said, I don’t get why it’s limited to just one because the whole reason people wanted this to begin with was to be able to swap between other roles, not characters


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
The point of this limitation was to allow more players to take up faction roles and stop player’s from hogging factions, and whilst yes players generally buy alt accounts to bypass this limitation, it would only allow as many accounts as they can afford as purchase of more accounts is generally discouraging.

Giving players more primary profile slots will create more of a faction hogging issue around players, and whilst yes, faction leads can mitigate this by simply denying players they don’t want in factions if they are already in too many, it would make adding more primary slots useless regardless if we put that into play as faction leads would deny you anyway.

not to mention that the more factions a player is in, the more it divides their time among the factions which could potentially plummet the player into inactivity on one or more of their factions, having this physical limitation ensures:

- Players think about what they would like to do on the server
- Do not withhold faction roles and opportunities from other players
- Remain active in the factions or factions they are already apart of

One might argue that it’s the faction lead’s responsibility to upkeep the activity of their players but if we are just going to end up kicking you because you don’t have time for the role or prefer another faction, what was the point in you having that extra role regardless.

Last edited:


Level 43
-1 and +1

I very much dislike that you need an alt account for other factions, because it is incredibly pricey. So I feel like it should be allowed to be in maybe 2 on one.

That said; I also would much prefer just limiting factions to one per person. Imo restricting things to one primary slot per account does not prevent faction hogging. Maybe reduce it, but definitely not prevent. There was a period not that long ago where a solid 70% of shrine were alt accounts. I personally really dislike that - I feel like one faction per person is much more fair with regards to what people are allowed to join.


Level 66
+1 at least allow 2 factions per account, there are people who are in 3-4 factions with alts, so…


Level 73
I like the idea of a paid faction and non-paid faction, such as Employee on one and Journalist/school team on another. There still should be restrictions, but the main idea would be cool.


Level 219
-1 it's not really up to staff if someone decides to spend their money on an alt to join more than one faction. Also, everything ethan said above ^


Level 200
Metagame, no matter what's implied, it will exist but at least through having alternative mc accounts it's harder to accomplish. The only preventative measure is to disallow being in two similar OR apposing factions / limit how fast you can switch. Which isn't happening.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.


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