IGN (In-Game Name)
[ALT] OmegaHater
Discord Name & Tag
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications
Describe your activity on the server
I would argue that I am pretty active as a player. I actively try to achieve high activity on the server by engaging with other factions/engaging with server activities. Spending around 4+ hours on SRP daily whenever I find the time in my schedule! My main account (SigmaHater) is pretty much seen daily since I am the Captain of the HS Swim - activity is a pivotal focus of the team, so I try to log on to set an example for other team members. However, I still manage to log on to my two alt accounts (BetaHater & OmegaHater), to participate in various faculty activities as a Head of Department in the Professor Faction. Or simply engaging in FamilyRP!
This table below will be formatted in AEST (UTC+10) Timezone
[ALT] OmegaHater
Discord Name & Tag
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications
Student Council | https://schoolrp.net/threads/high-school-student-council-stefana-vero.66930/ - ACCEPTED
Nurse | https://schoolrp.net/threads/nurse-application-betahater.69950/ - ACCEPTED
Medical Science Professor | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betaha...witch-from-nurse-professor-application.73859/ - ACCEPTED
Nurse | https://schoolrp.net/threads/nurse-application-betahater.69950/ - ACCEPTED
Medical Science Professor | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betaha...witch-from-nurse-professor-application.73859/ - ACCEPTED
French | https://schoolrp.net/threads/french-language-application-meatshadowhater.64105/ - ACCEPTED
Spanish | https://schoolrp.net/threads/sigmahater-language-application-spanish.64690/ - ACCEPTED
Korean | https://schoolrp.net/threads/sigmahaters-language-application.66043/ - ACCEPTED
Hawaiian | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betahaters-language-application.69853/ - ACCEPTED
JSL | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betahaters-language-application.70876/ - ACCEPTED
Height (7’2ft) | https://schoolrp.net/threads/sigmahaters-other-application.74449/ - ACCEPTED
Chinese | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betahaters-language-application.80823/ - ACCEPTED
Chinese | https://schoolrp.net/threads/omegahaters-language-application.81021/ - PENDING
Spanish | https://schoolrp.net/threads/sigmahater-language-application-spanish.64690/ - ACCEPTED
Korean | https://schoolrp.net/threads/sigmahaters-language-application.66043/ - ACCEPTED
Hawaiian | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betahaters-language-application.69853/ - ACCEPTED
JSL | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betahaters-language-application.70876/ - ACCEPTED
Height (7’2ft) | https://schoolrp.net/threads/sigmahaters-other-application.74449/ - ACCEPTED
Chinese | https://schoolrp.net/threads/betahaters-language-application.80823/ - ACCEPTED
Chinese | https://schoolrp.net/threads/omegahaters-language-application.81021/ - PENDING
Describe your activity on the server
I would argue that I am pretty active as a player. I actively try to achieve high activity on the server by engaging with other factions/engaging with server activities. Spending around 4+ hours on SRP daily whenever I find the time in my schedule! My main account (SigmaHater) is pretty much seen daily since I am the Captain of the HS Swim - activity is a pivotal focus of the team, so I try to log on to set an example for other team members. However, I still manage to log on to my two alt accounts (BetaHater & OmegaHater), to participate in various faculty activities as a Head of Department in the Professor Faction. Or simply engaging in FamilyRP!
This table below will be formatted in AEST (UTC+10) Timezone
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
6:00AM TO 11:00PM | 6:00AM TO 11:00PM | 6:00AM TO 11:00PM | 6:00AM TO 11:00PM | 6:00AM TO 11:00PM | 6:00AM TO 11:00PM | 6:00AM TO 11:00PM |
This is a rough schedule that I will be online but if I am needed for any given situation or needed for assistance with other officers, I will be more than available to come serve for the occasion with notification from either a Discord ping or Personal DM!
The table below will represent my Character Activity on the server
Hunter Yoshida-Togomi Main (SigmaHater) | Stefana Vero Main (SigmaHater) | Apollo Chen Applying (OmegaHater) | Calypso Lí Alternative (BetaHater) |
A prideful Bobcat Team Member who also happens to be the Swim Captain. This character would arguably have the most character development of mine. Going from being in the GangRP sector to reforming himself into a Jock, developing a noble name for himself representing the Togomi Family name. | A Latina originated - rich girl who tends to have an over the top personality but leverages somewhat of an High IQ who values her education, who could blame her?! She was an Ex-College Councillor! Nowadays, she wants to become Onrain Verified! | Born in Malaysia - Older Brother to Athia & Adonis Chen. His personality comes across as standoffish - stubborn at times, ambitious and striving himself further on his path into becoming an officer of the law and taking a KPD internship in College | Head of Department for Medicine in the Professor Faction, he prides himself on quirky and airheaded personality - Striving to make a strong bond with his students and help them with their academic pursuits! Finding an opportunity to gloat about being a Basketballer back in his prime! |
What is your motivation for applying?
Throughout my expenditure on SRP, I’ve explored many elements of RP that include CrimeRP, JockRP or simply AdultRP as a whole, there’s many more that I have yet to explore. But KPD has always been a goal of mine ever since I’ve joined the server! I’ve simply always been interested in KPD and what offerings it brings as a faction - how it simply functions and how they interact with the server. This really helped me to develop a curiosity of what the role presents.
Participating in the 2025 KPD internships, it gave me an opportunity to get a taste into what the faction faces on a daily basis and meeting characters associated with KPD. Learning about behind the scenes action has been a real motivator in applying for the faction, giving me a fresh perspective on KPD as a whole, it’s a faction that I am very interested in joining.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police Hierarchy: Main & Detective Division
Main Division:
Commissioner - Faction Lead (Hirathex) | The Commissioner is the highest serving role in the KPD faction, overseeing the entire faction as a whole. They are in charge of the entire Department, tasks set by the Government faction and ensuring that capable officers are able to take on any situation at hand. |
Captain - Higher Up (Ecocide) | The Captain’s role focuses towards the Main Division - the highest ranking officer within the Main Division. They provide instruction and guidance to all officers associated with the Main Division. |
Lieutenant - Higher Up (RexLobo, strawbarys) | The Lieutenants are the final higher-up rank for the Main Division and have been entrusted by the Commissioner to keep the Commissioner + KPD Higher-Ups up-to-date with information concerning the Division. They are the main communicators between the Higher-Ups and the lower ranked members. They also focus on Training Procedures, ensuring all Main Division officers are trained up to standard. |
Sergeant | Sergeants are experienced officers within the Division, they help overlook lower ranking officers, taking notes of their performance and work standard - transferring the information to Higher-Ups to keep on record of certain officers. |
Corporal | Corporals are typically the most trusted out of the lower-ranked members. They help out Cadets and Patrol Officers with various police work - giving assistance when conducting training. |
Patrol Officer | After passing Cadet Exams and attending required training, Patrol Officers have been entrusted in handling situations with other Patrol officers present. They still require guidance and supervision in this rank however. |
Cadet | Newly accepted into the faction, this role will undertake training and preparation procedures in order to progress to Patrol Officer - which will require an Exam. Most responsibilities are restricted for this role - cannot request off-duty or patrol alone. |
Detective Division:
Detective Superintendent - Higher Up (6Pancake) | This role focuses mainly on the Detective Division, ensuring the Division runs efficiently. They are in-charge to all Detective Work activities - delegating certain tasks throughout the Division. Similar to the Main Division’s Captain in responsibilities. |
Detective Chief Inspector - Higher Up | DCI are similar to those in the Lieutenant role in Main Division, they are the main communicators between the Higher Ups to the Lower Ranking Detectives. Keeping attune to Detective Division updates and delivering information, if needed. |
Detective Inspector | Inspectors are those of experience and have proven their dedication to the Detective Division, partaking in conducting training for Constables - delivering Performance notes to Higher-Ups. |
Detective Sergeant | Granted a successful exam, they will receive the basic responsibilities needed to fulfil their role as Detective Sergeant. Maintaining their code of confidentiality with cases and participating as a Detective Division Officer. |
Detective Constable | By expressing interest within the Detective Division, applications may open up for possible slots within this Division. If selected to branch off, they’ll receive this role which will partake in mostly training & preparation for succession within the Division. |
Police Duties: Day-To-Day Responsibilities
Desk Duty | Officers typically sit at the front desk of the KPD Building, awaiting citizen requests. The main duty of this task is to assist the citizen and offer support to what is requested. Common requests could include Processing bail, Scheduling visitations, Viewing personal criminal record, Crime Reports or Answering Queries. |
Taking Reports | This task is typically for when someone wants to lodge a report for committing a crime or suspicious behaviour via Desk Duty, Patrols, 110 Calls or any interaction with a citizen during Police Work. Depending on the incident, the severity of the report can increase (Major or Minor) - regardless KPD officers need to handle such reports with consideration. |
Patrols | Required to be performed daily within the KPD Faction, Patrolling is a common procedure. A selected group of officers will partake in a set of established routes across Karakura - watching for any criminal activity, hostile conflicts, handling situations or socializing with the general public. When performing this task, they may also make reports on anything suspicious found whilst on Patrol. |
Detaining/Arresting | When reports are placed, there is a chance that they will need to detain an individual/group in regards to the severity of the report - in some circumstances you will need to perform an Arrest. The reported individual will be searched, interrogated via the Detective Faction, etc. If found guilty, then the individual will be charged and will proceed with jail procedure. If found to be free of charges, they will be released but placed on file. This duty can be performed during Patrols additionally. |
Raiding | A warrant needs to be issued with proper evidence before partaking in this duty - usually only issued via reports of possible illegal weaponry or 110 calls describing a hostage/kidnapping situation. Then officers will dispatch to the location - searching the premises for any illegal weaponry, gang activity, etc. |
Visitations | Performing this duty, the individual requesting the visitation will be allowed 15 minutes to contact the jailed person they wish to contact. The officer will need to check the jailed person’s record to see if they are a felon, which will lead to a denial of the visit. The officer is to then attentively watch over both parties to make sure personal information is not disclosed or just suspicious behaviour in general. |
Police Weaponry: The Items used
POLICE BATON | Used for close combat, this steel plated item is for protective purposes or to knock down individuals who pose a threat (2 Hit Points). All Officers can use this item | |
STUN BLASTER | Used to temporarily immobilize an individual - halting them in their movements for a 60 second period. This item can be used at a long-ranged distance (8 Blocks Proximity). All Officers can use this item. | |
TRANQUILIZER | Used to neutralise an individual at a long-ranged distance (Roughly 30 Blocks) - leaving them unconcious for 2 mins. Only trained ranked officers (Sergeants + Detective Inspector + Higher Ups) can use this item | |
RIOT SHIELD | Used for defensive & offensive purposes, this tempered-glass item is to place safety into the hands of the officer. The Riot Shield can protect against sharp and blunt weaponry or push over individuals/groups for a solid line of defense. Part of RIOT Gear, All Officers can use this item. | |
HANDCUFFS | Used to restrain individuals via their wrists to secure an arrest/detain. All Officers can use this item | |
POLICE RADIO | Used to communicate between KPD and EMS, these items are also waterproof. All officers can use this item | |
PEPPER SPRAY | Used to blind an individual temporarily against those who pose a threat for a 60 sec period. This item has 3-time use limit and is medium-ranged (2 Blocks). All Officers + EMS Workers can use this item. | |
N/A | BODY CAMERA (ITEM-RP) | Used to record footage during all Police Work activities, it’s a constantly recording item and has waterproof capabilities. All Officers can use this item. |
N/A | CROWBAR | Used to open doors or locked chests with a prying force during Raid procedures. Corporal + Higher Ranks can use this item. |
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
SchoolRP (SRP) focuses on many aspects of roleplay, not just simply Academic-alike roleplay. Crime is a huge sector that fills the player base of which allows for interactive events, implementing drama with players and ultimating maximising the roleplay experience for all. Without the police faction being a detrimental piece to SRP, the server experience would simply not be as enjoyable for both parties and chaotic with no set of Judicial systems in place to keep all players acting accordingly ICLY. The Police also brings in realism to the roleplaying aspect to SRP, knowing that your character's actions have consequences and have a penalty to those very actions.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes obviously, it’s mandatory to attend training, if online!
What's your character's full name?
Apollo Chen
How old is your character (if accepted)?
What are your character's gender and pronouns?
Male, He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application
Masters Degree - Criminology & Investigative Services
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?
Mandarin [Applying]
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Apollo Chen, a young adult man standing to be at a height of 6’1, exudes a placid - almost composed expression etched onto the seams of his Malaysian-bred features. The mosaics of his V-tapered athletic build - broad shoulders that burdened the lineage of the Chen name subsiding down to a lean waist that conceded burns from his past. His short, black hued mullet cascading into spontaneity waves, midnight blue ingrained into messy styled locks. Sharp, centralised pearly white canines jutted into an somewhat approachable smile yet still remanded a guardedness about his character. Featured etched into his left eyebrows was an arguably purposeful eyebrow slit - adorning piercings to complement such. Transpiring as quite standoffish - his dark blue eyes piercing with a sort of detachment, observing but rarely giving away too much. Intensity in how the man is perceived by others, restraining oneself to him - a mask that he wears with dignity, not with overt force. The tone to which his voice spoke was quite direct - confrontational with rasp-alike undernotes. When it came to his clothing choices - he never was inclined to the professional route… Seen wearing casual, streetwear in contrast to the traditional suits counterparts would be seen dressed in.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professionally, Apollo never gives too much of himself for the disposal of others… Except a facade to reserve himself - leaving the true inklings to himself. He values his work ethic before all, not letting his emotions take hold of his true work, but cold is not the best way to describe his character. The outside exterior always would present to be confident, charming almost - thinking that this would give the impression that he wasn’t approachable. But still maintaining policing standards when it came to duties - confrontational and polished, equipped mentally for the challenges of the force.
On the casual note - the mask that sprawled on his character seemed to drift slightly but not entirely. Deemed to be quite sarcastic but nonchalance with his methods towards his family - typically his siblings. He seemed to be quite attentive additionally, picking up on minor things present in conversations or simple body language - skills that he did take on professionally.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Teamwork has been something that Apollo truly values in his overall work ethic, recognizing that it is a foundation of what KPD is built upon. Different aspects - communication, trust and collaboration are outlets that Apollo acknowledges is needed for successful teamwork on the line of duty. He is quite ambitious when it comes to putting in solid hard work and yearns for colleagues who are equally as driven/focused upon their aspirations and goals within the field. However, one key principle holds firm into his character - it’s that respect isn’t something granted, it is earned with dedication. He strives to somewhat bond with his co-workers on a personal level or at an professional manner - attempting to validate his merit to earn that respect.
What's your character's backstory?
March 22nd, 1999 at 01:49AM: Apollo Chen - First-Born Legacy
Brought into fruition underneath the sign of the Ox, a symbol of diligence, honesty and persistence - characteristics soon to be incorporated into his being with time. Born into the hospital of Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where his childhood home resided underneath the Chen Lineage. Being the First-Born of two, many expectations were placed upon Apollo… More than he could physically bear - found to be regularly in a state of survival from such an early age. Raised into a strict household where the pressure was constantly placed to adhere upon, never questioning the authority of his parents. His father, a former military officer for the 21st Special Service Group - Special forces within the Malaysian Army and his mother, a Clinical Nurse Specialist at the same hospital, Apollo was born. Despite such shackles remanded onto their child, they provided him with the essentials or what the boy warranted for his upbringing. For most of his childhood, he was confined to solitude - left to his own devices where he learnt to craft the mask that he wore. In his early days, he was captivated with artistry - learning to paint objects around him then switching to figures. Art was like an escape to him, a feeling that allowed him to express himself with a canvas. He attempted his best to keep his artistic spirit hidden from his father but he was very watchful over him. Viewing such a sight, his father set his Canvas into a blazing inferno in front of Apollo’s eyes, then held an inflamed lighter to the side of the boy’s torso to remind him - to abandon that side to him and to leave it in his past.
Soon after that incident, his father was honorably dismissed from the Military through an Medical Discharge - injuries that were sustained from an specialised exercise. Now being at home more, his father decided to take on the responsibility of transferring his skillset to his Son - teaching him the ancient and intricate Martial Art of Silat. His father being taught the discipline at a very early age like Apollo will undertake - following into the steps that he father wanted from him.
Supernova’s Descent into Darkness
20th of December, 2005 at 04:56AM, his baby sister - Athia Chen was finally born. He noticed his parents act differently towards her - showering her with gifts and giving her anything that she desired. Apollo came very acquainted with the idea that they simply adored Athia more - his mother always boasting that her dreams finally came true - the dreams for a Daughter to be underneath the Chen Lineage. Apollo’s mother was a very loving woman but she tended to turn a blind-eye to his father’s morals when it came to Apollo… Though she was a very strict mother, always making sure he always studied, did chores - did household requirements he was forced to do. Apollo’s father had a softness to Athia- rarely forcing her to do many activities.. Though he did force her to take up Orchestra once she hit 6 years of age - Apollo often heard her atrociously play the harp late at night… The only rest he could get during his days but he didn’t mind - he knew that it was a passion from young Athia - and he wasn’t the one to strip her from her talents unlike what his father did to him. But even if he tried, their father would put a stop to his behaviour immediately. Being so deprived from his family's love, he developed a resentment towards Athia - often shutting her out though still remained protective of his sister. The Chen Family prided themselves on three values - ‘GRACE, AMBITION, PREFECTION’, those values were subjected onto both Apollo and Athia, no matter the cost.
A Drop of Rain Silenced
7th of July, 2007 at 06:45AM, another brother was born into the Chen name, Adonis Chen. His father treated Adonis quite similar to how Apollo had been treated at his age, often placing a huge burden on the two sons. There was a slight leniency towards Adonis compared to Apollo but he couldn’t bear to watch the cycle repeat itself - watching flames of passions his brothers smothered by his fathers grasp. Apollo finally gained the courage to stand up to his father about how poorly he has treated his siblings, a crack shattering the mask that remained on himself - a side of himself that he tried so desperately to hide. Oddly his father just accepted Apollo’s words, dismissing himself from the situation. But that same night, he found all of his items packed and a pamphlet of military school directly on top of the suitcase. The boy knew that his father wanted to get rid of him and the next day, he had been shipped off to a Japanese Military Academy, the one that his grandfather went back to in his adolescence. Despite such a drastic move, Apollo actually preferred it this way. The Academy taught him various aspects which he carries professionally and developed his want to explore the judicial route later into his life.
Karakura Prefecture - Life after
After concluding his studies at the Japanese Military Academy, receiving his master’s degree in Criminology & Investigative Studies. A path that Apollo wanted to take was to become a private investigator, he applied for similar jobs in the mainland city but Apollo had no luck. His father was quite impressed with his efforts with the Military Academy and was very accepting of his efforts to pursue that field - despite pestering him to follow a similar path to himself within the military but Apollo denied that request. He heard word from his brother, Adonis that he was planning on moving to Japan after his sister, Athia, recently got a slot on the cheer team in Karakura College - being in Mainland Japan heard word about the town and its offerings. Arriving in Karakura, he reunited with his two siblings - away from their parents' influence but he had missed much information from his siblings upbringing. Finding an advertisement for new police cadets for KPD - the local Police Department in the area, he took the opportunity given to him. To make a fresh start for himself and to develop his skills - and to well utilise the degree he acquired.
Apollo Chen
How old is your character (if accepted)?
What are your character's gender and pronouns?
Male, He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application
Masters Degree - Criminology & Investigative Services
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?
Mandarin [Applying]
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Apollo Chen, a young adult man standing to be at a height of 6’1, exudes a placid - almost composed expression etched onto the seams of his Malaysian-bred features. The mosaics of his V-tapered athletic build - broad shoulders that burdened the lineage of the Chen name subsiding down to a lean waist that conceded burns from his past. His short, black hued mullet cascading into spontaneity waves, midnight blue ingrained into messy styled locks. Sharp, centralised pearly white canines jutted into an somewhat approachable smile yet still remanded a guardedness about his character. Featured etched into his left eyebrows was an arguably purposeful eyebrow slit - adorning piercings to complement such. Transpiring as quite standoffish - his dark blue eyes piercing with a sort of detachment, observing but rarely giving away too much. Intensity in how the man is perceived by others, restraining oneself to him - a mask that he wears with dignity, not with overt force. The tone to which his voice spoke was quite direct - confrontational with rasp-alike undernotes. When it came to his clothing choices - he never was inclined to the professional route… Seen wearing casual, streetwear in contrast to the traditional suits counterparts would be seen dressed in.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professionally, Apollo never gives too much of himself for the disposal of others… Except a facade to reserve himself - leaving the true inklings to himself. He values his work ethic before all, not letting his emotions take hold of his true work, but cold is not the best way to describe his character. The outside exterior always would present to be confident, charming almost - thinking that this would give the impression that he wasn’t approachable. But still maintaining policing standards when it came to duties - confrontational and polished, equipped mentally for the challenges of the force.
On the casual note - the mask that sprawled on his character seemed to drift slightly but not entirely. Deemed to be quite sarcastic but nonchalance with his methods towards his family - typically his siblings. He seemed to be quite attentive additionally, picking up on minor things present in conversations or simple body language - skills that he did take on professionally.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Teamwork has been something that Apollo truly values in his overall work ethic, recognizing that it is a foundation of what KPD is built upon. Different aspects - communication, trust and collaboration are outlets that Apollo acknowledges is needed for successful teamwork on the line of duty. He is quite ambitious when it comes to putting in solid hard work and yearns for colleagues who are equally as driven/focused upon their aspirations and goals within the field. However, one key principle holds firm into his character - it’s that respect isn’t something granted, it is earned with dedication. He strives to somewhat bond with his co-workers on a personal level or at an professional manner - attempting to validate his merit to earn that respect.
What's your character's backstory?
March 22nd, 1999 at 01:49AM: Apollo Chen - First-Born Legacy
Brought into fruition underneath the sign of the Ox, a symbol of diligence, honesty and persistence - characteristics soon to be incorporated into his being with time. Born into the hospital of Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where his childhood home resided underneath the Chen Lineage. Being the First-Born of two, many expectations were placed upon Apollo… More than he could physically bear - found to be regularly in a state of survival from such an early age. Raised into a strict household where the pressure was constantly placed to adhere upon, never questioning the authority of his parents. His father, a former military officer for the 21st Special Service Group - Special forces within the Malaysian Army and his mother, a Clinical Nurse Specialist at the same hospital, Apollo was born. Despite such shackles remanded onto their child, they provided him with the essentials or what the boy warranted for his upbringing. For most of his childhood, he was confined to solitude - left to his own devices where he learnt to craft the mask that he wore. In his early days, he was captivated with artistry - learning to paint objects around him then switching to figures. Art was like an escape to him, a feeling that allowed him to express himself with a canvas. He attempted his best to keep his artistic spirit hidden from his father but he was very watchful over him. Viewing such a sight, his father set his Canvas into a blazing inferno in front of Apollo’s eyes, then held an inflamed lighter to the side of the boy’s torso to remind him - to abandon that side to him and to leave it in his past.
Soon after that incident, his father was honorably dismissed from the Military through an Medical Discharge - injuries that were sustained from an specialised exercise. Now being at home more, his father decided to take on the responsibility of transferring his skillset to his Son - teaching him the ancient and intricate Martial Art of Silat. His father being taught the discipline at a very early age like Apollo will undertake - following into the steps that he father wanted from him.
Supernova’s Descent into Darkness
20th of December, 2005 at 04:56AM, his baby sister - Athia Chen was finally born. He noticed his parents act differently towards her - showering her with gifts and giving her anything that she desired. Apollo came very acquainted with the idea that they simply adored Athia more - his mother always boasting that her dreams finally came true - the dreams for a Daughter to be underneath the Chen Lineage. Apollo’s mother was a very loving woman but she tended to turn a blind-eye to his father’s morals when it came to Apollo… Though she was a very strict mother, always making sure he always studied, did chores - did household requirements he was forced to do. Apollo’s father had a softness to Athia- rarely forcing her to do many activities.. Though he did force her to take up Orchestra once she hit 6 years of age - Apollo often heard her atrociously play the harp late at night… The only rest he could get during his days but he didn’t mind - he knew that it was a passion from young Athia - and he wasn’t the one to strip her from her talents unlike what his father did to him. But even if he tried, their father would put a stop to his behaviour immediately. Being so deprived from his family's love, he developed a resentment towards Athia - often shutting her out though still remained protective of his sister. The Chen Family prided themselves on three values - ‘GRACE, AMBITION, PREFECTION’, those values were subjected onto both Apollo and Athia, no matter the cost.
A Drop of Rain Silenced
7th of July, 2007 at 06:45AM, another brother was born into the Chen name, Adonis Chen. His father treated Adonis quite similar to how Apollo had been treated at his age, often placing a huge burden on the two sons. There was a slight leniency towards Adonis compared to Apollo but he couldn’t bear to watch the cycle repeat itself - watching flames of passions his brothers smothered by his fathers grasp. Apollo finally gained the courage to stand up to his father about how poorly he has treated his siblings, a crack shattering the mask that remained on himself - a side of himself that he tried so desperately to hide. Oddly his father just accepted Apollo’s words, dismissing himself from the situation. But that same night, he found all of his items packed and a pamphlet of military school directly on top of the suitcase. The boy knew that his father wanted to get rid of him and the next day, he had been shipped off to a Japanese Military Academy, the one that his grandfather went back to in his adolescence. Despite such a drastic move, Apollo actually preferred it this way. The Academy taught him various aspects which he carries professionally and developed his want to explore the judicial route later into his life.
Karakura Prefecture - Life after
After concluding his studies at the Japanese Military Academy, receiving his master’s degree in Criminology & Investigative Studies. A path that Apollo wanted to take was to become a private investigator, he applied for similar jobs in the mainland city but Apollo had no luck. His father was quite impressed with his efforts with the Military Academy and was very accepting of his efforts to pursue that field - despite pestering him to follow a similar path to himself within the military but Apollo denied that request. He heard word from his brother, Adonis that he was planning on moving to Japan after his sister, Athia, recently got a slot on the cheer team in Karakura College - being in Mainland Japan heard word about the town and its offerings. Arriving in Karakura, he reunited with his two siblings - away from their parents' influence but he had missed much information from his siblings upbringing. Finding an advertisement for new police cadets for KPD - the local Police Department in the area, he took the opportunity given to him. To make a fresh start for himself and to develop his skills - and to well utilise the degree he acquired.
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Owning a Pocket Knife in Karakura is strictly prohibited - If caught with such an item, there will be a felony charged for Possession of Illegal Weaponry and jailed for 3 months with a fine for ¥150,000 yen [¥50,000/month]
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
ᯓ★ The lowest tier of pain medication. Commonly used for temporary relief of pain, such as for cuts and headaches.
II. WOODEN CANE | ¥7,000
ᯓ★ An assistive cane used for those who have mobility issues. Typically for long-term use.
ᯓ★ A small device capable of amplifying sound for those impaired of hearing.
ᯓ★ Medication that consists of a combination of vitamins to treat and/or prevent vitamin deficiencies.
V. GLASSES | ¥4,000
ᯓ★ Eyewear for vision correction.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
First method of action that he would conduct would be to request via the radio for backup, observing what was taking place and relaying the correct information. Acting fast since the co-worker can hear exactly what is happening on the radio, he would equip the right police tools necessary to deal with such a situation - trying to separate the two parties - de-escalating the situation entirely. He then would attempt to get the co-worker away from the inmate, using verbal force for them to comprehend. Once the co-worker is separated - hopefully with a higher-up officer who responded to the backup call. He would then secure the inmate into the jail, making sure they can’t make a sudden escape. Then he would radio in for EMS to check on both the inmates and co-workers sustained injuries from the conflict. Additionally, making sure he had all evidence readily available to show higher-ups as he would be a witness to such an event.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
The best line of defense that would be taken is to call for backup immediately - informing them of the locations and what exactly is happening that is viewed. Taking a quick course of action, he unholstered his taser from his belt - ordering everyone involved to get onto the wall or simply onto the ground. If they refuse to do so, then he will tase the individuals hitting them in vital locations to immobilize them to the ground. Successfully taking the individuals down, he would limit their reach from weapons, etc - confiscating them from their grasp. Then all the individuals are secured, handcuffed - ready to pat down, detaining processes. If the co-worker is critically injured, he would radio for EMS and bring them to the hospital to get medically treated.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Succumbing to corruption isn’t a very intelligent thing to do but it is something that does happen within KPD. The mode of method that should be taken is to observe the individual that is suspected, then to gather as much viable information that can be used to accuse them for such actions of Corruptancy. Then he would file for an investigation, relaying all information to the higher-up team for disciplinary actions concerning the co-worker. There would not be communication really directed towards the officer in question as they could very well tarnish their behaviour before Higher-Up intervention takes place.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
This is quite simple, the bribery request would be denied immediately, making it quite clear by verbal instruction to not bribe him again. Then the individual would be awarded a fine of Bribery for ¥15,000. If offered once more, then he would charge them for an arrest, under the Minor Crime of Obstruction of Justice - Bail being ¥100,000.
Owning a Pocket Knife in Karakura is strictly prohibited - If caught with such an item, there will be a felony charged for Possession of Illegal Weaponry and jailed for 3 months with a fine for ¥150,000 yen [¥50,000/month]
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
ᯓ★ The lowest tier of pain medication. Commonly used for temporary relief of pain, such as for cuts and headaches.
II. WOODEN CANE | ¥7,000
ᯓ★ An assistive cane used for those who have mobility issues. Typically for long-term use.
ᯓ★ A small device capable of amplifying sound for those impaired of hearing.
ᯓ★ Medication that consists of a combination of vitamins to treat and/or prevent vitamin deficiencies.
V. GLASSES | ¥4,000
ᯓ★ Eyewear for vision correction.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
First method of action that he would conduct would be to request via the radio for backup, observing what was taking place and relaying the correct information. Acting fast since the co-worker can hear exactly what is happening on the radio, he would equip the right police tools necessary to deal with such a situation - trying to separate the two parties - de-escalating the situation entirely. He then would attempt to get the co-worker away from the inmate, using verbal force for them to comprehend. Once the co-worker is separated - hopefully with a higher-up officer who responded to the backup call. He would then secure the inmate into the jail, making sure they can’t make a sudden escape. Then he would radio in for EMS to check on both the inmates and co-workers sustained injuries from the conflict. Additionally, making sure he had all evidence readily available to show higher-ups as he would be a witness to such an event.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
The best line of defense that would be taken is to call for backup immediately - informing them of the locations and what exactly is happening that is viewed. Taking a quick course of action, he unholstered his taser from his belt - ordering everyone involved to get onto the wall or simply onto the ground. If they refuse to do so, then he will tase the individuals hitting them in vital locations to immobilize them to the ground. Successfully taking the individuals down, he would limit their reach from weapons, etc - confiscating them from their grasp. Then all the individuals are secured, handcuffed - ready to pat down, detaining processes. If the co-worker is critically injured, he would radio for EMS and bring them to the hospital to get medically treated.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Succumbing to corruption isn’t a very intelligent thing to do but it is something that does happen within KPD. The mode of method that should be taken is to observe the individual that is suspected, then to gather as much viable information that can be used to accuse them for such actions of Corruptancy. Then he would file for an investigation, relaying all information to the higher-up team for disciplinary actions concerning the co-worker. There would not be communication really directed towards the officer in question as they could very well tarnish their behaviour before Higher-Up intervention takes place.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
This is quite simple, the bribery request would be denied immediately, making it quite clear by verbal instruction to not bribe him again. Then the individual would be awarded a fine of Bribery for ¥15,000. If offered once more, then he would charge them for an arrest, under the Minor Crime of Obstruction of Justice - Bail being ¥100,000.
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