What is your Minecraft Username?:
What is your timezone?:
Please provide your Discord tag:
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Council Application #1 [APPROVED]
Council Application #2 [APPROVED]
KPD Application [APPROVED]
KPD Application #2 [DENIED]
KPD Application #3 [APPROVED]
Psychiatrist Application [ACCEPTED]
Caretaker Application [APPROVED]
Russian Application [APPROVED]
Korean Application [APPROVED]
Spanish Application [APPROVED]
JSL Application [APPROVED]
1ST Chinese Application [DENIED]
2ND Chinese Application [APPROVED]
Polish Application [APPROVED]
French Application [APPROVED]
Describe your activity on the server:
Lately, my activity hasn’t been where I’d like it to be, which is part of why I applied—I genuinely want to re-engage and become more active again. Recently, I’ve struggled to find reasons to log on, often making excuses or getting distracted by other things. I can’t pinpoint an exact reason behind it all, but I know I want to change it. SRP has been a big part of my online experience, especially because many of my friends are on the server, making it a great way to spend my free time. Drifting away isn’t something I want, so I’m determined to fix that.
List your accounts and roles on this server:
7vampyres: [College] · [College]
twothousands: [Grade-11] · [Adult]
lovehues: [Adult] · [Bear]
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
What is the student council and what do they do?:
The student council is a community made up of two teams—college and high school—who, despite their different grade levels, collaborate to create a positive school environment. Together, they organize events for the whole student body, taking into account the interests and preferences of their peers to ensure everyone can enjoy the activities. In addition to planning events, the student council serves as role models, demonstrating expected behavior and setting a positive example for others. They have the authority to issue detention slips when necessary and actively patrol the school grounds to address any inappropriate behavior.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
"Uh, this guy? What does he think he's doing—applying again? Didn't he apply and leave twice already in the past year!? What a total dweeb!"
Ladies, ladies.. seriously, though—
Council is fun and gives me something to do outside of sitting around and twiddling my thumbs everytime I log on. I admit that my activity wasn't top-tier the last two times I applied, mainly due to my lack of interest in SRP altogether. Recently, I've been much more focused on my life outside of SRP—surprisingly enough—and the overall lack of logging onto the server turned into a routine, so I just didn't feel like getting on at all anymore. Additionally, my mental health experienced some serious ups and downs, which was a challenge for quite a while. While I admit that my mental health is still not where I'd like it to be, being in council gives me something to log on for.
Genuinely, I want to enjoy the faction. During my time in council in the past, there was a lot of teamwork involved and plenty to do. Many fun group activities were organized frequently, and it was always enjoyable to be a part of them when I was. Not only that, but the community was a delight as well. Although I admittedly interacted very little with the people around me, everyone was extremely friendly, and it was easy to connect with others. Everyone is just having fun, and that's my favorite aspect of the student council. As a normal bystander on SRP, you may find it a bit harder to interact with the people around you because you have nowhere to start. In a faction, especially on student grounds, you're given a little more confidence to approach others and try to make friends. With that confidence, I found it much easier to interact with people, alongside the members beside me, and to build my own little group of friends to hang out with.
While I will not and actively don't have my hopes up (since there's other people to give a chance to, alongside my history involving council) about a "third time's the charm" type of situation when applying, I figured there's room to try. You don't get anywhere by sitting back and doing nothing, am I right?
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
(High-school/College) Council Member
(High-school/College) Vice-President
(High-school/College) President
Teachers and school staff. (Counselors, caretakers, etc.)
SLT members—the dean, vice-principal, the principal, all of that.
Most importantly, you!
"Why are these roles important to the council?"
For starters, all staff, including the SLT, are the higher authorities and provide support to the council. They serve as role models for the council, as council members can be considered mini-staff. In situations where the council lacks the authority to address an issue, a council member can seek help from a teacher or higher authority (for example, if they need to use the intercom system to call a student to the front desk) when needed. They're important to help a student council when in need, and you'll find that a good council-faculty relationship is important to keep the council afloat!
Alongside that, the members within the council are just as important. Without members, what is a student council? Teamwork within the faction plays as the most important role, and there's no doubt about that.
"Err, okay, but why me? I don't care about the student council!"
The main purpose of the student council is to support the overall student population. Enforcing rules and hosting events for everyone to enjoy are just two of the many things the council does for the overall student body, and there’s an extensive list beyond that! Without students, what use is there in a student council? While many may view the council as the do-gooders who hand out detention slips for saying one too many swear words, the council genuinely cares about the community and only wants what is best for everyone. Right, guys? Guys?
While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
“Well, I would first assess the situation to determine how bad the behavior is. If minor, I would try and use cues like eye contact or a subtle hand gesture to try and redirect the student from what they're doing. If the behavior continues, I would approach and address them in a calm, low tone, reminding them of the importance of respecting the assembly. If necessary, I would use a quiet verbal intervention or simply stand near to de-escalate the situation. Sometimes, just standing there is enough to give a warning that they’re ‘on watch,’ you know? If they continue, though, I would signal for the student to step aside with the assistance of anyone else if necessary to prevent further interruptions..”
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
“I would avoid escalating the situation by chasing after them, as this could create further disruption. It’s pointless to chase after someone, in my personal opinion—especially since I definitely won't be able to keep up. Instead, I would note their direction and notify staff or even my fellow council members that they’re out somewhere. Once they are found, I would address the issue privately, as it’s easy to create a crowd in this school. . I would give them their detention slip while emphasizing the importance of following school policies. Throughout the process, I would remain professional and composed to maintain control of the situation without escalating anything!”
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
"First, I would gather specific context—if it seems to be an immediate threat, I would explain the situation to SLT and allow them to take care of it, as it's out of my personal expertise and serious threats such as that one may be something needing more immediate action. In a non-emergency case, I would work with the teacher to approach the student calmly, offering them a safe space to express any underlying issues. Sometimes, a short conversation where someone knows they can talk to someone who will listen is enough to redirect any behavior."
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
"If students request permission to protest, I would support their right to free expression while ensuring it doesn’t disrupt people in a negative way. With permission with staff, of course—I’d discuss their intention, review school policies, and set any guidelines for a peaceful protest in a designated area. Clear communication with staff and students would help make sure it is safe while allowing them to voice their concerns responsibly."
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
"I would remain professional and open-minded, calmly listening to their concerns and asking for clarification on what I may be doing incorrectly. I would apologize for my actions and immediately correct them. If any form of punishment came into play, I would accept it without an argument and do better next time."
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
A file was slid across the interview table.
SCAVENGER HUNT: A Schoolwide Detective Case
To start off the event, it would start with an assembly in the gym, creating a designated space for everyone interested in participating in the scavenger hunt to gather. During this assembly, the theme would be introduced, and the rules of the scavenger hunt would be explained in detail to make sure everyone understands. Any questions can be asked during this time as well. To promote teamwork and collaboration across different grades and classes, students would be put into randomized teams divided by how many people there are.
Each team would receive a map and a series of clues that would lead them to various locations throughout the school. At each stop, teams would have to participate in challenges, including trivia questions, puzzles, or mini-games, which they must complete to earn their next clue. To add further interaction, a council member would be stationed at each stop, ready to present teams with different questions or activities of their choosing. Once the challenge is completed, the council member would hand out a small item, such as a book, containing the next clue, keeping the event going.
Additionally, some clues would include “wild card” challenges, where teams must perform random tasks, such as taking a photo near the central tree (on school grounds, of course) or giving another random team a subtle hint about their next clue.
There would be a themed dress code, inviting participants to dress up in costumes related to the scavenger hunt theme—such as treasure hunters or detectives. We could provide themed uniforms or accessories at the beginning or before the event, or students could come dressed in their own creative costumes. Once the scavenger hunt concludes—either by a set timer or when all teams have completed the course—the event would transition into a festival. This festival would serve as a space for students to relax, socialize, and talk about their experiences during the scavenger hunt. We could set up snack and drink stands nearby, allowing students to recharge after all of the energy they just let out.
Isiah Del
Cisgender Male
Phone number:
How would you describe your personality?:
"I’d say I'm pretty approachable as a person. I’m always eager to help and share ideas, and I enjoy engaging in conversations—uh, sometimes I am less open to conversation, but it depends. I'm—what is it—ambiverted. As a whole, I try to be as open-minded as I can, which helps me learn from different perspectives. I value creativity, so I love working with others to brainstorm and solve problems. Overall, I try to be positive, making sure everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves in any way."
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
"What separates me from other applicants is my different experiences and perspectives. While I can be somewhat disorganized at times, I would like to use teamwork to help improve that aspect of myself—collaborating with others has proven effective for me in the past, so I'd like to utilize that here. I pay quite close attention to those around me, which helps me identify what interests the student body by recognizing current trends. It helps to pay attention, because when creating events, you want to put together something that will interest people instead of boring them away, you know?"
Why do you want this position?:
"I want this position because I am genuinely passionate about making a positive image within the school and actively listening to the needs and interests of those around me. As I mentioned, I enjoy observing what is new and popular, and I would like to put those elements into events or activities. I am open to new things and can adapt to situations with ease, allowing me to contribute to any team. I believe that being part of the student council will allow me to contribute to creating engaging events that bring the student body together and enhance everyone's overall experience."
Additionally, this role presents a good opportunity for personal growth and development. I am eager to learn more about leadership, teamwork, and event planning, especially in Karakura. Everyone is different, and that's what I'd like to experience first hand by meeting those around me."
What interests you the most about student council?:
"What interests me most about student council is the opportunity to put together events and activities. Some school days can get repetitive and boring, so I'd love to be able to participate in enforcing more engaging school events from time to time.
I also love the aspect of leadership and being able to serve as a role model to people around me. It’s not just about organizing events, but about inspiring others and helping create a positive, supportive school environment. When students come to school—you don't want them to think it's a useless waste of time, you know? The chance to contribute to something bigger than myself and help shape the school experience for my fellow students is truly what excites me the most."
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"I believe I can contribute to making the school a safe and fun environment by enforcing inclusivity and respect. By actively listening to my peers and encouraging open communication, I can help ensure that everyone feels valued and heard. I want people to walk into the front gates and think that there's something new to learn, because there always is. Opportunities are everywhere, and I want students to feel open to the idea of exploring something new."
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