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GuttedValentine | 2nd KPD Application


Level 23
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IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Psychiatrist Application
KPD Application
Shrine Application
Shopkeeper Application

Describe your activity on the server:
I am a fairly active player, though I mainly spend my roleplays on Nobara Heddo. JOCKRP and SchoolRp are what I stick to as my two top characters are Mizuki Kirishiki and Noob! I get on, almost, daily- Though, I am a full time University student, so I sometimes take short breaks. Besides that, I try to engage a lot in different roleplays - Making efforts to try new things to better my detailrp and such. I was very active on my adult characters, and sometimes bring them to light- But so far, roleplay has been quite bland with them as of lately. I still make an effort to try and bring roleplay and drama into their lives.. I am very active on my guttedcupid account, considering this is the only faction I am in currently! I have been in cheer for a year now, and want to make an effort to expand my roleplays ..

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have a few reasons for wanting to join KPD.
1. Expanding my roleplays. I spent a long while in EMS and would like the chance to move onto a different side of things. KPD has interested me for a long time, including when I was in EMS, but hesitated on joining. My schedule is much more cleared up now, and I would love to be given the chance to join kpd. As I was on the side of EMS, I became more and more intrigued by the side of KPD- I adore the emergency factions, and want to enjoy/try out that side of my srp experience !
2. Trying out a new faction. I have not really experienced much other factions on SRP, and want to try something new out -! AGAIN, the government side of srp has always intrigued me (whether that is KPD, EMS, or Town!)

3. The community. I have been back to roleplaying on my adult characters, after taking a break from them, and it has been very fun. I forgot how much I adored these two OC's I made, but sometimes the roleplay became bland.. I am more than aware a faction is not the only way to roleplay on adult characters, but it sure gives a boost to finding roleplay! The community of people have always been kind to me, and included me in fun events/scenarios/roleplays! I miss the exciting and silly rps, and while I get a lot of that on my main character - I would adore it once again on my adult.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
All of the information I have on police-work is what I witnessed first-hand, during my time in ems, or what i've heard those in Kpd talk about.

Emergency Levels Overview
ALERT! The city goes on to have 'emergency levels' to further explain the understanding of Karakura's current state. Its entire purpose is for that, leading for officers to not be able to be alone if the levels raise as a way to avoid troubles/dangers. There are three levels within this; Level 2, 3, and 4 (safe, caution, dangerous). The higher the level is, the more dangerous the state of Karakura is. Due to the caution levels, it determines if an officer can patrol, or simply, be alone. The more dangerous, the more individuals will be needed in a party to patrol.

These are all the things handed to you, icly.. Some things do not apply to all, for different ranks are given equipment as their responsibility rises. A few things are itemrp, while others are actual items you receive in game.

ItemRP Equipment:

Luminol Spray:

A ✨magggiccaaalll✨ spray that is used to identify if weapons have dents or blood on them. One spray, and it reveals.

Cameras worn on the chest of their uniforms capturing everything at all times while on duty.. (unless if turned off.)


These are used when arressting and detaining an individual. The person being cuffed is able to resist (as told in LOOC), though this will have later consequences.

A communication device given to all the officers; With a radio, they can talk to one another, EMS, and town hall. This is very important as it is a resource to communicate with co-workers and ems in case needing to question a knocked out individual in the hospital, needing blood work, etc.

Gas Mask:
A use of protection to avoid inhaling dangerous toxicants, alongside hiding their face when suited into their riot gear. There is two ways to protect an officer when it comes to the mask.

An item to help get into apartments/houses when raiding. (Unaware on what ranks are able to get this.)

Sergeants+ have access to this item.
This is used to protect oneself, and your co-workers, when being attacked. One shot and they are seated, unable to move, for a short amount of time.

Used for self-defense.. It blinds the individual hit for a short amount of time.

Other Knowledge

Taking a stroll around the town to make sure there is no illegal activity or crime occuring. As mentioned in the security levels, the higher the level - The more people will need to go in a group to patrol.

Assault on a government official, street racing, assault, evasion, etc.. With this, you are the first-hand witness to arrest them. With any arrest you WILL need evidence. I am aware that there is such thing as 'detain at sight', or something along the lines- Taking a person back to KPD and further questioning them to get a better understanding of whatever situation, to further see if they qualify for getting arrested or not.

A squad of officers go together into a building.. Entering when searching for a kidnapping/person on the run, weapons, or any type of illegal activity. I believe this falls under getting a 110 call to support the decision of raiding and 'suiting-up.'

Cameras of almost the entire town, the kpd faction is playing #fnaf. CCTV is very convenient for further proof and investigations (as long as screenshots are taken.. lol!) I do not know which ranks have access to KPD, but I know that when it comes to the hospital's CCTV - An officer will need to contact an ems higher up for the footage.

After jailing a person, they will sometimes qualify for bail. When that day arrives, a person will arrive to the station and ask you to unbail them - They pay the fee, or whatever it is called, and boom.. They are free to leave!

Not everybody is able to get visitors when arrested. How this works is you head on over to the station, stating exactly your purpose for being there; You provide your full legal name, then head on over to the wall to get padded down to make sure you have nothing on you. It's 5 ooc minutes, with one or two officers in the visitation room with you. The rules provided to you are, no other languages, no whispering, no physical contact.. If any of these are broken, the visitation ends.

If I am correct, this falls more under the detective devision. The purpose of this is to question a citizen to get more information on a situation, almost like when being detained for questioning..! Using information you have on whatever goal you're wanting to achieve, the detective will ask a series of questions to try and get the truth out of a person.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police is is crucial for crimerp and gangrp to blossom. I have quite literally heard a series of my friends in crimerp stating they love the adrenaline, enjoying the roleplay of running and hiding- Doing things and making their best efforts to stump officers. This further creates a bigger motivation and drive for KPD as they want to achieve the chance to stop the crime from continuing. Both help one another out BIG TIME, helping motivate each other to do more.
On my previous application I stated something I would like to rephrase, because of how important I thought it was.
People often like to think it's to protect Karakura and be wary of the crime. I think it helps give gangrpers a push, and create much more fun collaborations for everyone.. KPD is there to keep things well balanced in the town. It is not just to 'stop' people, but they help give citizens justice for the crimes that have occurred to them.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge and understand this.

In-Character (IC) Section


What's your character's full name?:
'Sunako Kirishiki.'

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
Her gaze falling up to the person as both hands were tightly clasped to her lap. Kirishiki smiled quite brightly, she has not been to an interview in quite some time.
'I am thirty-nine.'

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
'My pronouns are she, and, her. I identify as a woman.'

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Her smile appeared to grow at such a simple question. Perhaps these few words asked her way touched something within her.
'I speak Russian as well.'

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Crystal blue eyes, almost looking like the Miley Cyrus red carpet picture when she smiles! Kirishiki is 4'10, a classy woman with amazing style. The color red showcased as her favorite no matter what as it is 90% of her wardrobe. Her hair is a burgundy-purple, long and fluffy as it falls down to the end of her spine. Kirishiki's lips are painted a red tone, and her makeup is usually done lightly. She'd have a beauty mark right underneath her eye, while a serpent family hairpin tied her hair back. Skin as pale as snow, a large contrast was made whenever wearing shorter dresses. On her right leg, a huge scar kissed her skin from her upper thigh - Down to above her ankle. What a story...!

What makes them unique?
She's a total cat mom! She has two cats, Moop and Silver, that are her entire life.. Sunako would fight 100 demons if it meant to protect them! oh, she has four kids too... Kirishiki was a huge advocate for mental health, caring very much about it when it came to moms and officers. Was it because of a certain detective she felt she failed to 'help.' or losing her best friend to a brutal death in KPD? Who knows.. Maybe she's convinced she can make a change when becoming an officer.

Random Facts that add to her uniqueness:
- Sunako Kirishiki had over 1k coffees in her hospital office.. If we're being honest, it was probably over 5k. Out of all the caffeine products that are, or were, in Karakura. . Coffee pudding was her forever favorite. (Atlas Edgeworth can attest to this.)
- She was a figure skater since she was a young kid, up until twenty years old.. Blame her dad for that! oh- and the scar on her right leg.
- Her favorite animals are snakes.
- Sunako is the oldest of three siblings, being left to take care of her younger brother and sister... Their parents were not the kindest.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Sunako is a very serious and strict person; Her ideals and morals are something she holds close to her, which is an important trait to have when working in a government job such as this.. Many could find her intimidating.. but once getting to know her, she is such a lovely and kind person. She is quick on her feet, ready to respond to an emergency call if needed- Offering assistance and guidance. She clearly is well at taking a leadership role on, considering she had one, as well as listening to her higher ups attentively. Respect and kindness is given to people regardless of their treatment towards her. She heavily believes in good karma, so she will showcase how she wishes to be treated regardless of their treatment towards her.

Sunako remains very serious, BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG.. She can be silly. come on, this is the same lady who was in a rap duo. Sunako dresses extremely classy off her shifts, she will usually be seen in pearls and heels! Has she ever seen a pair of jeans on herself? NOPE. Long gowns are what she prefers, alongside skirts, avoiding showcasing the scar to the public. The moment her kids and Atlas come around, her entire mood and tone shifts. She's very kind, still, wanting to bring smiles and care to her friends and families lives.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Kirishiki LOVES teamwork. The idea of building and establishing platonic relationships is very important to her, and she will very much make an effort to initiate conversations with those around her. She use to always invite people off duty, regardless if she was close to them or not- As a huge effort to make friendships. When it comes to work, Kirishiki values her co-workers in hope they will have her back just as she has theirs. I'd like to note, when this character was first made in 2023, she was a very shy lady who did not like talking to others.. She worked alone, minded her business, but has fully changed as she really makes an effort to have conversations with people first.
Let's allow her to answer this,

'I worked in the hospital for years.. We constantly had our radio with us to communicate about the situations at hand. I was very thankful to know my co-workers had my back. I am a person to very much appreciate my colleagues as much more than just 'co-workers.' It is quite important to make friendships in this field of work. You don't want to drown yourself in cases and reports, but have a person to make the job less stressful on certain days. It will really make a change on our mental health. '- Sunako brought a smile to her face, humming before continuing her answer. 'Working in a setting like that, made me appreciate working as a team. Unlike the hospital, officers really need one another heavily! You must be on guard at all times, so imagine the amount of protection you will have while working as a team. It's quite beautiful to see such a devision come together to help one another.'

What's your character's backstory?
0-15 years old
A high and wealthy family in Moscow Russia, gifting their decedents the wisdom of careers and a lifestyle. Kirishikis were most known for their roles in the medical field, specifically one man in particular - Ryūtarō Kirishiki. It's not his fault for wanting to climb up the ranks of the mafia back in Russia, he needed a way to get 'leader'. Whispers of shady dealings in the world of politics and business surrounded the mafia. Many believed that they had made dark pacts with underworld figures to ensure their continued success, while others spoke of their mastery of espionage and blackmail.. But he was a simple man, as any mafioso is. He married himself a gorgeous artist, and had three kids who he had such big plans for.
Sunako Kirishiki was his best hope. He'd gift her all if she asked for it, under the condition that she takes care of her two siblings and plays 'parent' while he's too busy with.. the hospital! She was a well student; Perfect grades, perfect behavior, and hobbies filling her future university applications. Her real passion laid with ice skates and a rink, leaving dreams in her mind to remain just 'dreams' because Ryūtarō would never accept of something as such. Surgeon was the only goal she had to care about, and it is what she worked her way up to... Until her mother fell victim of a glass filled with red tint wine. Two siblings to raise, the job to maintain a ‘perfect family image’, and making big efforts to be the top of her class to someday escape this awful family. Sunako found herself drawn to something to help escape the reality she calls ‘home.’ Soaring on ice, twirling effortlessly; The thought of becoming a professional figure skater seemed surreal to this Kirishiki, but not impossible.. At least, not impossible in the eyes of her trainer. So graceful, and so delicate that she skated for hours. Competitions and awards were a breeze as she remained the top of her class, alongside, the top figure skater in Moscow Russia.

18 - 20 years old
Fixing her laces that were deeply knotted once again, ‘How can someone dance so Exquisite?”
To look up and see a Japanese-Russian was the worst mistake she could make as a smile formed. She appeared to feel the rush of nerves enter her body as he stood there, waiting for an answer. He was very tall, charming too- Dark blue long waves, and sapphire eyes were what mesmerized her.
‘Oh, right. I think that when you spend years making efforts to feel proud of oneself, you tend to practice until.. You get it right?”
Are you questioning yourself or telling me?” He was so smug with every answer. Maybe she should've ran there, but how could she when he was willing to hear about her.
‘Then tell me more about you.’

Tooru Ozaki. He was eighteen and charming, a foreign exchange student from Japan who wanted to learn more about his Russian culture. Daily after school, they’d meet to discuss anything and everything. He was supple with her, she was patient with him. Sunako had her entire life planned up ahead, for her father decided she would be a surgeon and follow his steps in making the Kirishiki name proud. Her mother decided she would become a psychiatrist, though she never outwardly said such.. It was a hint that Sunako was willing to take; Sunako decided on her own that she wanted to focus on the teachings and understanding of mental health after witnessing her mother tear herself to bits. In her young mind, she wanted to help any child neglected and overlooked as she was… Though she ended up following truly into her mother’s footsteps.. (But thats a short-lore story for another time.)
A routine was made within the first month of Ozaki there: School, meeting up, Figure skating, dinner, calling until the morning sky came again. Every girl dreamed to be by Ozaki’s side, but how can he mind them when his heart was set on Sunako. Ryūtarō Kirishiki was no fan of him. Anger and disappointment were all he could think as Tooru would step into a room, how can someone like him be good enough for any Kirishiki? Having said that, the two were banned from stepping near one another. No interacting, no speaking, no glancing at one another. Sunako had to continue her father’s path he had set in stone for her, not this silly dream she made an attempt to reach! The one thing to remain the same was figure skating, a place and hobby she could sink her pain into.
Fully aware that the two continued to meet in private, Ryūtarō had to take action - A mafioso never feared getting his hands dirty, there was no guilt to enter his body. Tooru knew where Sunako would be, the ice skating rink, a place she felt the stress leave her body. Running to her, he made the effort to warn her the truth about Ryūtarō.. But a motorcycle is much faster than legs.

The accident
Heartbreak and tragedy laid in Ozaki’s arms as he reached for her; The objective was to terminate this idiotic blue-haired moron, which was easy considering he was a mafioso. Ozaki’s hands reaching for Sunako’s body that was on the edge of the ice - An ice skating rink being built outside is quite convenient for their tragic story, for Ozaki used his strength to fully pick her up and launch her to the side.. Her body slammed itself onto the metal fence as the motorbike fled. Concussed, bruised, and a shattered leg were not the worst injuries to occur today. Glancing up with a broken heart was the worst as this was the last day she was able to skate. Their was no motivation to continue her goal, their was no possibility to get back into her skates. Her ribs are bruised, her leg was shattered - Her heart was hopeless. Perhaps the goal of becoming a psychiatrist should be her priority!
‘Marry me.’
Sunako was far too stunned to even think of a proper response. What would her parents think? What would her siblings say? Filled with shock and horror of the many tragic outcomes, she’d stare at him. ‘Marry me and move to Japan with me; I will support you with whatever, solntse. Become a psychiatrist, I will work day and night to pay for your schooling.. I will care for you through whatever - Lets elope, lets leave this town. Your parents will never support you, and it is not your job to care for your siblings.. When will you choose yourself? Please- Choose you by choosing me.” A bit manipulative, don't you think? And with that, she was off to pack her bags. Two parents who stared down at her as she admitted what was yet to come. The real tragedy was her drunk of a mother who suffered and relied on poor Suni to raise her siblings.
Wasn't he a total romantic..? I mean, he did cheat on her once on a reporter trip. . Leave her to take care of SAID-PRODUCT of the affair, and proceed to beg for her back..

The Present
After struggling mentally due to the heartbreaks occurring in EMS; Witnessing her son get hurt, losing her ex boyfriend, being attacked.. It was time to take a leave and take care of herself. Russia was her next stop as she left with her two daughters. It was a time for peace and tranquillity, no more worri-
'Sunako. She's dead.'
Bags packed, contacting her family, she had to go back to Japan. The loss of her best friend drove her away from the depression, and into dedication to do what she couldn't. It was time to continue her legacy, and fight to make sure her family is safe. She was not able to protect her best friend, but she can maybe protect her kids.. Cousins.. Atlas.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
'You can not own any sharp items legally, so of course not. That falls under possession of illegal weaponry, which is instant jail time. No detaining, just arresting right away.' Her expression became more serious upon answering the question; This clearly triggered an old moment in her life.. Clearing her throat, she'd bring a smile back to her face.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Kirishiki could not help but giggle at the question. Was this deja-vu she was experiencing? Crossing her right left over the left, Kirishiki planted her hands back down to her lap. 'Eyepatch, wooden cane, glasses..' She'd raise just one hand up to count the items on her fingers. Two fingers were still tucked down, 'OH! Paracetamol, of course. That was something that CONSTANTLY needed restock..' Another finger was lifted just as she answered that. 'The last item i'll pick is... cough syrup! Citizens were always trying to return their cough syrup like we were a grocery store..' Just like the start of her question, she'd conclude the answer with a final giggle.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Grimaced at the question, leading her expression with a long and dramatic sigh. 'Oh my Kamis.. I hope I never have to see something like this- But I am very aware it is a possibility I could deal with. We want to stop violence, not bring more of it into Karakura- So what type of officers would we be to punish citizens for bringing violence into an environment, just for us to do it? I am no hypocrite, which is why I would not hesitate to enter the situation right away.' Her arms crossing as she held her head high, frowning a slight bit before continuing her answer. 'Calling for back-up, I would radio for assistance while stepping at a distance to avoid escalating the situation. My co-worker could think I might bring harm to them for their actions, which is why I need to bring their attention to me RIGHT away! My hand would be placed on my stunblaster, hoping my co-workers will be here by this time.. With more people to help me, the situation would calm down as we detain my co-worker.. sadly. Anyways, it's important to make sure the inmate is not hurt badly. With my medkit, I would assist them to the best of my ability, just as I was trained- Of course, if EMS needs to be raided for, I will make sure to bring that medical attention the inmate right away... Let's say if EMS were to have to come, and tend to the inmate- I would ask one of my co-workers to watch over, while I go speak to my higher up and turn in the bodycam footage of everything that just occurred!'

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Raised a brow at the question, bringing her hand to cup her chin like she's in some cartoon needing to captivate the fact she was thinking! A short hum released from her before proceeding to answer the question,
'Much of my steps would fall under my previous answer. I've mentioned I love teamwork, right? I would go on to radio for back-up, of course. It's important to take note of the situation before proceeding with charging an item at them; What if we're near a body of water? Would my taser be a smart idea? Of course not, considering I could hurt me and the people around me. Normally this is what I would do, though.' Took a pause to proceed, looking directly at the interviewer.
'Hopefully my co-workers have arrived to the scenario by now, helping me take my co-worker to EMS just to make sure they are perfectly okay. While that is being taking care of, i'd handcuff the citizen and proceed to arrest them right away.'

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
A frown slammed onto her face.
'OH, I have experience in this.. Sadly.' A loud sigh released from her lips as she fixed her posture, no longer shrimping. Her gaze falling down to her hands, 'If I find out they are corrupt, I would most likely have proof by now- That could be me seeing them off duty, and recording from a distance.. Or my body cam could possibly have captured this. With whatever proof I have, I will take it to my higher ups, right away. I'd prefer to present the evidence to the captain or the commissioner, but I think that any higher up works..' A nod was given to herself, almost as a way to reassure what she was saying.
'I think evidence is crucial to any claim being made against somebody, we don't want to look the fool or hurt a person's entire career with just claims - My brother was a lawyer, can you tell where I get my wisdom from?' She'd laugh.. 'It is why I want to bring emphasis to the fact I will provide clear cut evidence of whatever I am bringing to my higher up's attention.'

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Crossed her arms once again. 'I would not accept it. Of course I would not, it's sickening to see such behavior- A clear NO directed their way before fining them. They'd probably be making an effort to stop me from either arresting them or already fining them- So that would just add up to what was already being set in place. Forgive me for my harsh words, but it is quite pathetic to see such citizens act and make attempts to do! I am not a hypocrite, especially when it comes to my work- That would qualify me as corrupt, which is something I look down on. I have far too much respect for my job, and my morals are very important to me.'

Additional Notes?
sunako comeback arc.
Last edited:


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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