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Accepted [!] WhoTfAreU_ - Psychology Professor Application


Level 82

What is your Minecraft username?:

_ImHere4You_ || WhoTfAreU_ (APPLYING WITH)

What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats):


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

JSL [ ] accepted

3RD LANG [ ] accepted
RUSSIAN [ ] accepted
FRENCH [ ] accepted
MANDARIN [ ] accepted.
TEACHER [ ] accepted.
BAN APPEAL [] accepted.
BAN APPEAL#2 [ ] accepted.

TEACHER [ ] denied.

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
My activity level on SchoolRP is heavily influenced by the state of the household and my schools-work. There are days where I am able to stay on for over six-hours and some, where I cannot.. However, I can supply a base-schedule of my time and activity.


FRI : 12-2PM , 6-8PM

SAT-SUN : 9-11AM, 6-8PM

Overall, I’d rate my activity a solid 7.8/10.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I Have been roleplaying ever since Hypixel housing was all the rage. There were my humble beginnings in fantasy-based roleplay- this took place between 2018-2020. My discovery of SRP came around late-2020, back then, Hypixel Roleplay had been dying out and I was seeking a new space to roleplay in. Ever since then, I have been a dedicated player on the server. My five-year trophy is coming sometime in late-2025. However, during this time and due to OOCly circumstances, I was forced into a year-long break from SRP. Making a comeback during the early-2024.

I have roleplayed in various settings and roles, from the characters on Hypixel- to SRP. During this time, I have been part of families, gangs, delinquents and school-faculty as well! With my previous character in that role being EIICHIRO HIRAGI. I have my FIVE year badge coming in this year aswell! I consider myself to be well aquainted with SRP and how it works. Roleplay has been a big part of my writing passions, every chance I get to explore that further is a golden one in my eyes.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

[APPLYING WITH] WhoTfAreU_ [ADULT] – Chuuya Ai

WhoTfAreU_ [HIGHSCHOOL] – Umitsuka Shi****mi

_ImHere4You_ [COLLEGE][M] – Zankokuna Ai

_ImHere4You_ [HIGHSCHOOL] – Zetsumi Gurei

What is the subject you want to teach?:



What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

Somewhere along my SRP journey, I have applied to be a DRAMA teacher for my character EIICHIRO HIRAGI .. During this time, I can say with absolute certainty that it was the most fun I have ever had in Roleplay. This field allows for much creativity when handling students- opening for new roleplay opportunities and unique circumstances to face me and Eiichiro.

I had my role removed due to the abrupt break I had to take. I acknowledge that I did not properly inform staff of my leaving, however, it was truly out of my hand- and I sincerely apologize. I have come to apply today seeking that experience of teaching a subject I am passionate about OOCly- and I aspire to stay in this role LONG-TERM. I have held back on applying since the early-2024, in order to verify with myself if I will be able to handle this commitment.

I write this with certainty when I say I am ready to step back into a FACULTY role, this time as a PROFESSOR.

All in all, I am applying because my experience with faculty roleplay (OOCly and ICly) has been one of the most amazing times I have had, with memories sticking with me years after my unfortunate departure. This role has provided me with amazing insight, experience, connections and friends. If I get accepted, I am more than thrilled to hop back into this side of SchoolRP and make new experiences.

What makes this role even more fun and amusing, is that everything taught here is in fact real. This provides people with the chance to learn something new in whatever class they choose to enter- and it also stimulates the life of college (given I am going into college this year.)

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

This class will start with an INTRODUCTORY QNA about the topic of medical diagnosis of mental disorders, in this section student get to ease themselves into the topic and kick the thinking gears on! This is a rather important way to aid students to understand the topic by discussing :
' what do I know? '
' What do I want to learn? '
Secondly, and after introducing the student to the topic- I will being to explain in further detail on the history of mental illness disorders- Namely, the DSM-books and their versions.
Lastly, an interactive activity will be done as the last section of the lesson.

This activity focuses on giving students a fake-patient medical history, alongside some symptoms for them to hypothesize and theorize which disorder does this fake-individual have. This activity will test students' critical thinking ability, memory-based information, and teach them to ask the right questions about the fake-patient in order for them to figure out the correct answer.

This activity will be done in groups ranging from two to three students, with the answers being vocalized rather than written down in an assignment.

To add an element of competition, the fastest -correct- answer is the one to be rewarded. As this will show that the student is able to sort through information quickly, ask questions, and provide a diagnosis efficiently.

It will also be a good-way to get students' to think about how people present themselves and a good note to end off the lesson. In the end, we will answer thia question :
' What did I learn ? '
to help students recall the lesson and ask for clarifications.

The introduction to this the definition and practices used in Therapy sessions. In this lessons, students will get an insight into what goes in the room!

In this class, students will play the role of the psychiatrist with myself being the patient. In this session, they will ask and converse with myself whilst I act as an individual with a certain mental disorder. In this activity, they will learn to read body language, subtext, and ask the correct questions- as well as providing them with insight on how an individual with a mental illness may behave in a medical setting.

This activity aims to stimulate their minds, allowing them to hone in and train themselves to focus on the subtle cues of a patient, the questions to be asked and the manner in which they are asked. Therapy is NOT an interview, it is a conversation in which we are trying to get into the mind of the patient to understand their world and view. This activity also aims to teach them just that. Patients are not a list of symptoms, they are human and should be treated as such.

Work out a field trip you will host if accepted:


Often times, a change of location would do students well. In the case of College-students, it is safer to take them a little further than school grounds.. As such, We shall head to the forest, using the campfire and empty cabinets to our disposal during this trip. Students will be able to relax, have a light chat and ask questions if they would like. This trip’s goal is to provide them a meaningful break in which they can spend time with their classmates and discuss lighthearted topics around a campfire- which will be done in TWO periods.


A calming trip to the public library. In this, students will be seated and given a choice between three topics to discuss. This would allow them to voice their thoughts on that topic, proceeding the way a normal lecture will go- however, they will be requested to look for resources using the public library. This trip aims to aid them to depend on themselves to find information, distribute work amongst their peers- and then public speaking skills once we have returned to the classroom to present our findings on the topic- which will be done in TWO PERIODS.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Professor Chuuya tilted his head, a frown coming over his features as he observed the scene before him. With his radio in hand, he stepped closer to the bunch .. assessing the situation before clearing his throat to alert them of his presence. With a cool, yet, confident tone- He’d instruct them to back away from the bobcat jock and explain what is the matter. . He will then ask them to not corner or surround students, explaining meanwhile the consequences of such actions with detention being the final punishment. If they comply and leave, all is well and he will look over for any wounds on the bobcat - and make a radio request to keep an eye on the spartan jocks.

If they prove to be troublesome, then he will issue them a verbal warning. Once, twice, and on the third warning- a detention will be issued for disturbance and ignoring faculty. He will also ask to keep an eye on them, whilst keeping the bobcat near him for a short duration until the threat of the spartans’ is gone or until a friend of the bobcat arrives.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

He’d first give them a warning look, a heads-up that what they are doing is not acceptable. However, if the signs go over their heads- Professor Chuuya will approach them, requesting for them to stop asking obvious questions and remain silent until the detention task is done. If they do not comply, then a threat to call SLT will be issued. He will explain to them that this behaviour is disturbing, and that the detention room is not the place to ask such. He will request them to hold their questions until the detention period is done. If this does not work, then it will be reported to SLT.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Chuuya would initially, also give them a warning look. However, it seems that they are not heeding any cues so he will pause the lesson in order to give them a verbal warning, alongside explaining to them that they are disturbing the class- and are currently adults who should be able to behave themselves. He will give them two verbal warnings before a threat of detention will be issued- if they continue to misbehave, then they will get detention slips and kicked out of the class for creating unnecessary disturbances and ignoring faculty warnings.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Due to the fight being in action, Chuuya understands that he needs to act quickly. Firstly, he will instantly issue a threat of receiving detention if the fight doesn’t break, all whilst he is calling for backup from any available faculty over the radio. Until help arrives, he will attempt to break them apart once more- if it proves useless, he will have to remind them of the consequences of their actions, namely- the suspension they could receive for harming one another on school grounds.

[ IF HELP ARRIVES ] - If help arrives, Chuuya will finally be able to break the fight. Firstly, the students involved will get moved to the nurse’s office, there, they can discuss what had transpired and ask for an explanation from both parties, this doesn’t stop the fact that a detention will be issued for whomever started it.

[IF HELP DOESN'T ARRIVE] - In this case, he will have to act alone. Which means that he will issue a detention and a threat to call SLT over this reckless behaviour and the danger it has caused to both parties involved and students who (likely) began to surround the fight. On that note, students involved will be taken to the nurse’s office. Where Chuuya will ask for an explanation of the fight, and explain the dangers of this behavior to the students.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

As a descendant of the Ai manour, Chuuya Ai embodies the elegance and pride that the name Ai holds. He carried himself with pride, confidence seeping through and a gaze set ahead.

Chuuya may appear a little .. cold, at the start. His hair is almost always perfectly styled according to his outfits. Dark eyes calmly observing his surroundings and a set of sharp-features. He seems to have his clothes constantly ironed to perfection, rarely can you ever spot a wrinkle or a stain. The soft scent of natural oils and roses follows him. He speaks in a deep, steady voice. Years of experience with life seeping through his every word.

What makes Chuuya Ai unique is his relationship with education. The Ai family values academic excellence- employing creative methods that encourage their children and kin to score well. Chuuya had learned from these methods, the means to hold attention and teach. He is also well acquainted with the teaching sphere. Having worked in middle and Highschool before- he is well accustomed to school-work. The wide range of ages he had dealt with, this includes adults and young-adults- His outlook on students is quite experienced.

Students are human. They are not to be treated like numbers. Each student has a story behind them, and it is up to the educator if they want to leave a lasting impression or not. Chuuya Ai aims to make a lasting impression. He wants to be a safe-lecture for students to attend.. And he is aiming to do that by hosting interactive classes, light discussions at the start of each period to ease the students in- and field trips. Once a student views a lecturer as a safe-person, they are much more likely to attend their classes over and over again.

Chuuya Ai has met all sorts of educators. From those that were horribly misplaced in the education system to those that were a blessing to work with and to teach with. Educators are the supporting spine of the school, what sets each school from another is the quality of the teaching programs. As such, Chuuya views it as his responsibility to present the school well to the general public. He views the faculty as his acquaintances, people to advise and take advice from. He had and will continue to treat them with the utmost respect.

Chuuya Ai is a very straight-forward individual with morals set in stone. He is unwavering in his dedication to teaching, despite working in psychiatry- he had found teaching to instead be his calling. He feels at home in a classroom full of eager students (or less than eager) to learn from the knowledge and wisdom he had. Despite coming off as rather cold, he is a rather caring individual. He is attentive to details and is able to respond quickly to random situations that are out of his control.

After the unfortunate tragedy that had struck the Ai manour, and with the decree of the head of the manor for them to relocate in Karakura- Chuuya’s mission is to aid his family to feel at home. He plans to work as a professor in Karakura College and Highschool to remain in close vicinity with his family whilst being able to pursue his passion. With the relocation, he plans to stay as a professor in this school long-term. Hopefully, he will be able to achieve as such.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

‘ Chuuya Ai .. A distasteful child of Mirai Ai and [REDACTED] Ai. ‘

Born from love and hate was Chuuya. A marriage that was never approved by his family. He grew up following the Shino religion, the pulsing heart and blood of the Ai family with deep dedication to the religion. His loyalty to the Ai family is unwavering despite the .. worrisome childhood he had experienced in Tokyo as a child of that branch of the Ai Manour.

His childhood lacked any social interaction, getting taught instead by private high tutors- Individuals trained to foster curiosity and problem solving skills in the young Chuuya. Elegance, pride and leadership- The fundamentals Chuuya had been raised with. He is the older sibling of two, giving him ample time to pass that experience onto his younger sibling. . which was the first hint of the joy he experiences when passing knowledge.

In teaching his younger sibling, he had found how .. refreshing it is- to see that realization cross the younger Ai’s features. That small ‘oooh’ with each new concept learned. A breath of fresh air, a feeling of pride blooming in his chest. Chuuya at the age of fifteen, had begun doing tutoring jobs to different branches of the Ai family before eventually extending out to lay his hands on Psychology ..A curious book written by the father of psychology .. huh.

There was a spark, a light that shone in his eyes. A new life breathed into him. Chuuya began dedicating his time to learning the intricacies of the human mind and teaching his findings to any listening ear. A well spoken young man, a wide set of vocabulary- A now proud member of the Ai family. He was a bright young man, full of life - so much so, that the rules were bent for him. He may pursue Teaching, tutoring- lecturing as his profession so long as he takes Psychology as his subject. This way, he’d be able to thrive. This way, he’ll be able to lift the family’s name. This way, he can amend his mother’s sins. Chuuya Ai would grow up to be a fine man. Pursuing Psychology and social sciences for his majors and a minor in marketing due to his curiosity on the prospect. This allowed him to become a teacher. For five years, he has taught in schools for middle and Highschool kids- retiring for three years to work in two of them as a psychiatrist. This has provided him with true insight in the nature of the job, however, he can tell- this was not what he wanted to pursue. He wanted to see that flicker of realization, the way a student’s eyes would light up in pride once understanding something ..

Then tragedy struck. The Ai manour in the Yakushima island had been the victim of a strange fire. A devastating event that has rendered the family weakened- and a decree would be sent out, for them to regroup and relocate to Karakura Island- where now, he hopes to rebuild the life they had after this.. Seeing as to the job slots in karakura highschool and college are open- he felt hope fill his chest. This is how he will provide. Pursuing his passion, whilst ensuring that there is food on the table.



Full Name:

‘’ Chuuya Ai ‘’

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

“ Mister Ai , thank you. ‘’

Given Name(s):

“ Chuuya Ai “

Preferred Name:

“ Please call me Chuuya. No nicknames or pet-names. “


“ I am forty-nine years of age.“

Gender & pronouns:

“ Cis male, using He and Him pronouns. “

Religious Denomination:

“ I follow the Shino religion. “

Marital Status:

“ Divorced. “

“ Japanese. “

Current Location:
“ Karakura, Japan. “

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

“ I have five years of teaching experience in middle and high school. “

Working Experience (# of years):
“ Two years of working experience as a psychiatrist, in addition to the previously mentioned five- It equates to a total of seven years of working experience. “

Academic Degree:
“ PhD in psychology “

“Masters in Social sciences ‘’

Year of Graduation:
“ 2017 I have graduated with my aforementioned Academic degrees. “


Social Sciences


Native Languages:


Other Languages:

JSL - Sign Language


Preferred Teaching Subject:

Alternatively, I can also teach Social Sciences.


Additional notes about your application (if any):

I would like to move my ADULT rank to the secondary slot in /character on my alt-account WhoTfAreU_ for the faculty role to be in the primary slot, if accepted.
I am willing to go ahead and teach SOCIAL SCIENCES if the college-faculty has had enough of psychology professors!

The reason WhoTfAreU_ has been inactive is due to the ban, which will get lifted today, I believe(it should have gotten lifted, however, I am facing a few issues. Though, hopefully- during this week and before it ends, it'll get lifted! I'll keep it updated in here.) . On usual terms, I am active on this account alongside my main-one _ImHere4You_.
Working as a teacher beforehand was such a memorable experience- and I am ready to dedicate time to this, there are many ideas flooding my head for class activities that I can't wait to test out (if this application gets accepted)

Once the ban gets lifted, I will instantly get on my WhoTfAreU_ account! <3.

Ifff ... It's possible to be assigned classroom 312 [if] I am accepted ;eyes; .. given someone used to teach there ages ago, it's not too far fetched . . right? heh. What's it like to be the one responsible for that classroom?

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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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