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Spiked bat rework!


Level 9
What's your Minecraft Username?: NotSp4des
What's the title of your suggestion?: Spiked bat rework!

What's your suggestion?:
So as we all know for awhile you have only been able to use the spiked bat with majors. Well here today I want to give my reasons on why I think the spiked bat should be changed from majors, to minors.

First lets start off with how hard it is to get the item. Spiked bats cost around 400K within SRP now as some you of say that's not much, to some people its quiet a lot. On top of that the only way to obtain said spiked bat is by being a Bounty Hunter, or being in a Verified gang. Now that isn't all that bad, since it is a one hit KO Weapon without a ballistic mask on. But now I want to talk about the cons as of right now, on why no one wants to buy the item even when they are able to get one!

#1 Restrictions: Spiked bats are only able to be used once you get majors, meaning once someone has majors is the ONLY time you are allowed to use it. I have some feed back after talking with 10 gangrp'rs I know and asked them all the same question, once you have majors would you A: Use a sharp weapon to stab the male. B: Use a normal bat to find and break the person leg. Or C: Grab a spiked bat find someone KO them with it first then use it to break someone leg. 4 Gangrp'ers had chose A, and 6 had chose B. Once they had chosen I would ask them why not C? And they all gave me the same answer that its a waste of time, and money to use something that a bat can do better.

#2 Actions/Range: As of right now spiked bats have 2 block range, and a normal bat has 3 block range. Putting it into perspective When using a spiked bat you would first, have to act to get in range, then after getting in range if said player has a ballistic mask on, you have two actions left before hopefully KO'ing them. With a normal metal bat, you have as well 3 actions total to KO someone, and they are all used to hit someone in the head to KO them, not only that but normal bat outranges every weapon in the game except for a naginata.

#3 Dangers of having a spiked bat: Some of you all know that spiked bats are illegal, meaning if you so happen to be carrying one around and you get searched that is 400K down the drain, along with a 150K bail. Once you get a spiked bat you are basically wasting 400K, and you can only use one once you have majors which you will probably never do.

This whole message is just to give spiked bat a reason, if we could use a spiked bat with minors, and not majors. So please make it switched from Major permissions to minor permissions.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
BMD would make so much more money than they are now, and it would benefit the Gangrp community a whole lot. So all I'm simply asking is please make spiked bats usable with minor permissions.


Level 11
+1 / -1

Like the idea, however, if this were to be implemented, there should defo be a balancing nerf or something.


Level 0
I enjoy this idea. The only major issue I could see in it is the fact it would make ballis an absolute must in combat. (im an avid lover of the gasmask)


Level 9
Thread starter
I enjoy this idea. The only major issue I could see in it is the fact it would make ballis an absolute must in combat. (im an avid lover of the gasmask)
thats if they have a spiked bat tho not many people can spare 400K and not many people are in VG's


Level 29

spiked bat is supposed to be used when shit hits the fan, like a last resort. if they were to be used for minors then it'd make things a lot less risky and a lot less fun in the long run.


Level 66


I understand why spiked bats seems useless right now, but the fact its one hit KO weapon is unchanged. I don’t think you need to action getting into range, since approaching from front does not require rolling. So when you catch ‘em, one hit and all done.

But to be honest, I’d just change a price to 250k instead of 400k. Maybe it would encourage people to use it, idk.


Level 9
Thread starter


I understand why spiked bats seems useless right now, but the fact its one hit KO weapon is unchanged. I don’t think you need to action getting into range, since approaching from front does not require rolling. So when you catch ‘em, one hit and all done.

But to be honest, I’d just change a price to 250k instead of 400k. Maybe it would encourage people to use it, idk.
250K is too cheap, and this suggestion is to make it used more. Lowering the price wont change how much its used, it will only make it where BMD don't make as much money. The suggestion I'm giving is making it how it was awhile back, and the only time it will be one hit KO is if you do not have a ballistic on. You have to action to get in range if someone has a normal bat, since spiked is two block range and bat is 3.


Level 9
Thread starter

spiked bat is supposed to be used when shit hits the fan, like a last resort. if they were to be used for minors then it'd make things a lot less risky and a lot less fun in the long run.
I do see where you are coming from, but I also want to state that spiked bats are never used now, mainly due to people not seeing a point in having them. Once you have a spiked bat your last thought is to KO someone with it when you have majors, or use it to break a leg since almost every blunt can already do that. In this case though it makes things a lot more risky, since the user is spending 400K and risking that money to use it in a fight. Just like a normal bat it can be mugged without a sai, or KO, meaning that using a spiked bat will be very risky but have high reward.


Level 37

bmd wouldn’t make more money, since spiked bats are locked behind verified/organised gangs (of which there are currently none) (which is also why not many people have them)

further, spiked bats do a lot of damage in comparison to regular bats (open wounds, since they’re spiked, as well as unconsciousness and likely concussions) + a one-hit knock out being utilised for something as small as someone pushing or grabbing you (which you get minors from) is unfair

#1 Restrictions
the way i see spiked bats (which isn’t how you have to use them, it’s just my opinion) is to assist with kidnapping, and to make that easier — or to assist with knocking someone out to enact limb removal when using kps

#2 Actions/Range
the shorter range is to balance the weapon, since it’s a one-hit knock out (and is very powerful if used to the best of its ability)

#3 Dangers of having a spiked bat
risk for reward — this point could be said about the majority of the weapons in the game


Level 66

bmd wouldn’t make more money, since spiked bats are locked behind verified/organised gangs (of which there are currently none) (which is also why not many people have them)

further, spiked bats do a lot of damage in comparison to regular bats (open wounds, since they’re spiked, as well as unconsciousness and likely concussions) + a one-hit knock out being utilised for something as small as someone pushing or grabbing you (which you get minors from) is unfair

the way i see spiked bats (which isn’t how you have to use them, it’s just my opinion) is to assist with kidnapping, and to make that easier — or to assist with knocking someone out to enact limb removal when using kps

the shorter range is to balance the weapon, since it’s a one-hit knock out (and is very powerful if used to the best of its ability)

risk for reward — this point could be said about the majority of the weapons in the game

just what wind said! agreed.


Level 154
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I actually think this is a reasonable suggestion. I think the spiked bat is a little tacky and should be replaced with something like a sledgehammer for a 1 hit KO, and the range should stay as 2 blocks, however I think it should be able to be used for minor permissions. If it’s bumped down to UVG instead of VG then the price can easily be bumped up to 500k for the weapon


Level 9
Thread starter

bmd wouldn’t make more money, since spiked bats are locked behind verified/organised gangs (of which there are currently none) (which is also why not many people have them)

further, spiked bats do a lot of damage in comparison to regular bats (open wounds, since they’re spiked, as well as unconsciousness and likely concussions) + a one-hit knock out being utilised for something as small as someone pushing or grabbing you (which you get minors from) is unfair

the way i see spiked bats (which isn’t how you have to use them, it’s just my opinion) is to assist with kidnapping, and to make that easier — or to assist with knocking someone out to enact limb removal when using kps

the shorter range is to balance the weapon, since it’s a one-hit knock out (and is very powerful if used to the best of its ability)

risk for reward — this point could be said about the majority of the weapons in the game
I do understand what you are saying, but with KPS and limb removal all being oocly consented now, makes it harder for us to have the drive in wanting to use the spiked bat. As for the VG/UVG spiked bats are obtainable for BH to buy at anytime, and even when there was a VG gang spiked bats were seen once in a blue moon during a consented RP situation. For BMD making more money, anyone can argue they can or can't but if people are buying them more, and then demanding a higher priced item more, would benefit both Gangrp'rs and BMD with making money, and giving us something fun to use. Unconsciousness, and concussions, can both come from using a normal bat. Inflicting open wounds is another thing, when wanting to use a spiked bat not many people have thought to waste there chance to KO someone to just cause an open wound, but that's my POV you might have another. For the way minors are gained, I do see that it isn't "fair" to use it against someone for doing something so little, but if someone has the amount of money to buy a spiked bat, more than likely they wont use it for something as little as that. Rather they might use it for brawls, big fights, or against KPD/BMD. Now I understand the range situation and have no issue with that, I was more focused on the permissions. Now the risk, is I'm spending 400K to KO someone that could be using a bat, and they would have more range than me. Not only spiked bats are able to be mugged without a sai, or KO, giving the defender with a bat the chance to grab it if the spiked bat user fails to get in range. If someone wasn't using a bat they would be in the same range with any blunt besides spiked glove, and have the chance to snatch it from them use it against them, or run with it. Then you are down 400K if you don't get it back. Along side the spiked bat being illegal makes it have more of a risk, only for you to break a bone with it or maybe cause an open wound, when a normal blunt of any kind could do the same thing.

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