Level 9
What's your Minecraft Username?: NotSp4des
What's the title of your suggestion?: Spiked bat rework!
What's your suggestion?:
So as we all know for awhile you have only been able to use the spiked bat with majors. Well here today I want to give my reasons on why I think the spiked bat should be changed from majors, to minors.
First lets start off with how hard it is to get the item. Spiked bats cost around 400K within SRP now as some you of say that's not much, to some people its quiet a lot. On top of that the only way to obtain said spiked bat is by being a Bounty Hunter, or being in a Verified gang. Now that isn't all that bad, since it is a one hit KO Weapon without a ballistic mask on. But now I want to talk about the cons as of right now, on why no one wants to buy the item even when they are able to get one!
#1 Restrictions: Spiked bats are only able to be used once you get majors, meaning once someone has majors is the ONLY time you are allowed to use it. I have some feed back after talking with 10 gangrp'rs I know and asked them all the same question, once you have majors would you A: Use a sharp weapon to stab the male. B: Use a normal bat to find and break the person leg. Or C: Grab a spiked bat find someone KO them with it first then use it to break someone leg. 4 Gangrp'ers had chose A, and 6 had chose B. Once they had chosen I would ask them why not C? And they all gave me the same answer that its a waste of time, and money to use something that a bat can do better.
#2 Actions/Range: As of right now spiked bats have 2 block range, and a normal bat has 3 block range. Putting it into perspective When using a spiked bat you would first, have to act to get in range, then after getting in range if said player has a ballistic mask on, you have two actions left before hopefully KO'ing them. With a normal metal bat, you have as well 3 actions total to KO someone, and they are all used to hit someone in the head to KO them, not only that but normal bat outranges every weapon in the game except for a naginata.
#3 Dangers of having a spiked bat: Some of you all know that spiked bats are illegal, meaning if you so happen to be carrying one around and you get searched that is 400K down the drain, along with a 150K bail. Once you get a spiked bat you are basically wasting 400K, and you can only use one once you have majors which you will probably never do.
This whole message is just to give spiked bat a reason, if we could use a spiked bat with minors, and not majors. So please make it switched from Major permissions to minor permissions.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
BMD would make so much more money than they are now, and it would benefit the Gangrp community a whole lot. So all I'm simply asking is please make spiked bats usable with minor permissions.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Spiked bat rework!
What's your suggestion?:
So as we all know for awhile you have only been able to use the spiked bat with majors. Well here today I want to give my reasons on why I think the spiked bat should be changed from majors, to minors.
First lets start off with how hard it is to get the item. Spiked bats cost around 400K within SRP now as some you of say that's not much, to some people its quiet a lot. On top of that the only way to obtain said spiked bat is by being a Bounty Hunter, or being in a Verified gang. Now that isn't all that bad, since it is a one hit KO Weapon without a ballistic mask on. But now I want to talk about the cons as of right now, on why no one wants to buy the item even when they are able to get one!
#1 Restrictions: Spiked bats are only able to be used once you get majors, meaning once someone has majors is the ONLY time you are allowed to use it. I have some feed back after talking with 10 gangrp'rs I know and asked them all the same question, once you have majors would you A: Use a sharp weapon to stab the male. B: Use a normal bat to find and break the person leg. Or C: Grab a spiked bat find someone KO them with it first then use it to break someone leg. 4 Gangrp'ers had chose A, and 6 had chose B. Once they had chosen I would ask them why not C? And they all gave me the same answer that its a waste of time, and money to use something that a bat can do better.
#2 Actions/Range: As of right now spiked bats have 2 block range, and a normal bat has 3 block range. Putting it into perspective When using a spiked bat you would first, have to act to get in range, then after getting in range if said player has a ballistic mask on, you have two actions left before hopefully KO'ing them. With a normal metal bat, you have as well 3 actions total to KO someone, and they are all used to hit someone in the head to KO them, not only that but normal bat outranges every weapon in the game except for a naginata.
#3 Dangers of having a spiked bat: Some of you all know that spiked bats are illegal, meaning if you so happen to be carrying one around and you get searched that is 400K down the drain, along with a 150K bail. Once you get a spiked bat you are basically wasting 400K, and you can only use one once you have majors which you will probably never do.
This whole message is just to give spiked bat a reason, if we could use a spiked bat with minors, and not majors. So please make it switched from Major permissions to minor permissions.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
BMD would make so much more money than they are now, and it would benefit the Gangrp community a whole lot. So all I'm simply asking is please make spiked bats usable with minor permissions.