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  1. Oli

    SAIKY-AKIHITO, Katsuhito | The Thorn-Tongued White Swan

    updated: - updated recent events relating to karakura and added a new relationship: miosa saiky
  2. Oli

    KUERT SITE DOI-002 (Paranormal list)

    You haven't interviewed the right people then :3
  3. Oli

    KUERT SITE DOI-002 (Paranormal list)

    this is so good mother is so regal that she is not mentioned is so funny to me
  4. Oli


    This has been a rule that &k shouldn't be allowed in the first place, but +1 either way
  5. Oli

    Question for the Gangrp community!!

    ill just say thanks x
  6. Oli

    what was your character's biggest aura moment

    stepped into a ballroom and everyone went silent while my character had his dramatic entrance, everyone watching him
  7. Oli

    PHD -> adult degrees

    Personally, I don't think anyone on their right mind would go for adult via PhD
  8. Oli

    PHD -> adult degrees

    From what I knew as a former SLT, it is possible for PhD to assist in applying for careers, so this is already something semi-implemented. As for exactly attempting to get PhD students to become adults, I don't find it suitable since we already lack with the number of PhD students. There is no...
  9. Oli

    What do you think should be SRP's Next update?

    The Eastern tunnel leads to a collection of farms and the continuation of the Itsbyoshi forest so there wouldn't be a major need for it, especially with the change of the current Ochiba forest which is amazing (props to the builders :D) The Western tunnel leads to the airport and then a...
  10. Oli

    LORE | Takagi Scrolls Exposures

    A new collection of scrolls has been revealed to the public on 'takagiscrolls.ka'. SCROLL 102: A SUMMONING FROM HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, THE EMPEROR AUTHOR: THE IMPERIAL COURT, EDO LOCATION: TAKAGI HUT ATTIC DATE FOUND: April 2nd, 2024 A scroll has been retrieved as of the 2nd of April, 2024...
  11. Oli


    this feels like a personal dig ngl
  12. Oli

    Allowing Advertisement in RPH Channels, #skins and #art

    Remember that staff members are trying their best and are putting significant effort into ensuring the prosperity of the server. Coming from former staff, there is so much that happens behind the scenes and so much done that players aren't aware of, and that is for their own good. As for the...
  13. Oli

    Accepted gncme | Doctor Application

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): hadeseal What is your Discord username? gncme (Discord has not been capitalized appropriately in the original application format. Fix it.) Describe your activity on the server: My activity on the server...
  14. Oli

    ALL major lore documents have been updated!

    ALL major lore documents have been updated!
  15. Oli

    new generation of srp players ????

    I have so many people here to ping and show them this and them going: "Yeah, I know what you mean, Oli." LOOOOOL hey sak eco shadonk lewk come look at this!
  16. Oli

    HEDDO, Rokku | Hospital Director

    someone pls play this guy's father
  17. Oli

    Karakuran Lore Characters important enough to be in a Framed Painting?

    Saeko Asogi-Heddo, she is major since she held the third trial of Karakura ICly and that is her case against Bao Koji
  18. Oli

    Group Chats on Phones

  19. Oli

    Who is your favourite SRP character? Why?

    "I saw the old mayor get killed."
  20. Oli

    Karakura Museum Exhibit (& possibly permanent installation)

    It wasn't a matter of denial actually since we did plan on adding proper official lore items but I am not sure what stopped it from being executed. Either way, I don't see a problem with it being brought back