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  1. Avazil

    Accepted AvazilAlt's | Chef Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: (Main: Avazil ) (My alt - AvazilAlt (Applying for chef on ALT) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Avazil#9042 How old are you? (Optional): What is your time zone?: PST. Describe your activity on the...
  2. Avazil

    Commission time!!

  3. Avazil

    Commission 2/2!!

    MOTHERR, this is amazing :D
  4. Avazil

    Commission time!!

    Ahhhhh!!! I love it so much. Tysm!
  5. Avazil

    Kumiko K. Quinn | Biography [WIP]

    Awh!! This looks amazing love it <3
  6. Avazil

    Remus Concept Art!

  7. Avazil

    Remus Concept Art!

    Damnn, Looks sick!
  8. Avazil

    Indeed me.

    Indeed me.
  9. Avazil

    Age request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Avazil WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: Grade 12 [18] WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade 11 [17] EVIDENCE: Glitched it again
  10. Avazil

    Age/Grade request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Avazil WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): grade 12 [18] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): grade 11 [17] EVIDENCE:
  11. Avazil

    Lost all my items due to basketball.

    IGN: Avazil VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Every item in my inv beside:I didn't have the pack of cigs or the hairclip, Teabag, Or eye bandage the 2 alcohols were also not on me, And the pentagram earrings. And drug, Everything else was I had a few books but they didn't matter EVIDENCE: Pictures listed...
  12. Avazil

    Drawing of friend's character <3

    This is so good!!!
  13. Avazil

    Age up due to glitched grade

    GN (Minecraft Username): AnnieMara WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [18][Grade-12] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [15[Grade9]