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  1. Vexosphere

    HAYASAKA | Family lore & Invite!

    Want to become part of Hayasaka family? Join our discord! Applications are currently OPEN. We’re seeking for creative and entertaining inviduals! Link: The Hayasaka Family Lore The Hayasaka family had established itself in Kyoto as a wealthy, prestigious, and respected family that seemed...
  2. Vexosphere


    I posted family lote here instead of using roleplay documents section (im silly)
  3. Vexosphere

    [AdvancedChat] Regular Expressions

    i didn't understand a single thing from it but cool tutorial (i'm just too dumb for this mod) oh and it's worth to mention that someone updated this mod for 1.21.1! slay
  4. Vexosphere

    Language Toggle!

    YESS, it’d be cool especially for JSL if someone is deaf, as they are using jsl mostly all the time.
  5. Vexosphere

    Automated Class System

    -1 roleplay with npcs wont be intetesting at all.
  6. Vexosphere

    Bail or release notification

    +1 why not ig
  7. Vexosphere

    SchoolRP Time to Real Time Calculator

    hi crustable
  8. Vexosphere

    Compensation for commands broken

    But no one blames developers… Idk if thats about me, however i was saying loudly that they are doing just fine and they can take time. But we still need compensation, that would be fair for players. And keep in mind that applying for IC shops and jobs takes a lot of time (and auction method is...
  9. Vexosphere

    Compensation for commands broken

    Having no positive things doesn’t mean you can’t give your opinion. While i don’t agree with @SkiXD they have still full right to comment, even if it’s not positive; as long as it’s constructive. However dear SkiXD, It wasn’t constructive. You’re just saying get a job :shrug: which is not...
  10. Vexosphere

    Compensation for commands broken

    +1 Listen to me people who say „It’s not good for economy” „Get a job” „Deal with it” „Broken plugin doesn’t stop you from making money” are you guys aware that for some players, allowance is the ONLY way to pay rent for their apartments…? If plugin was broken, WE should get compensation. We...
  11. Vexosphere

    Metro/Subway Re-Adjustments

    Yeah, having a custom sound is nice thats for sure; My main issue with train sounds is related to the first sound (When train is coming) The loop of this specific sound is not neccesary, and the second part of the sound could have another pitch or tone, idk. It’s just too squeaky in my opinion...
  12. Vexosphere

    [Request Thread] ErikFinsters' Custom List [Propose new Customs]

    actually i have few other suggestions - Portrait of Hitomi McMullen (totally not biased suggestion) - Model of the Pepsi Zero Mango - Curved tv - Fridge furniture - Dog bed (for dogs of course…?) - bunny ears, cat ears, pup ears; cuz why not - Monopoly board game furniture - maybe brand new...
  13. Vexosphere

    Metro/Subway Re-Adjustments

    everyone has their opinion, yeah- HOWEVER, HOW??? these current sounds are so.. weird- also, these are just examples! what about the speed of the metro? it should be adjusted :D
  14. Vexosphere

    Metro/Subway Re-Adjustments

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Vexosphere What's the title of your suggestion?: Metro Re-Adjustments What's your suggestion?: Hi! Have you found the metro sounds… annoying? Yeah, me too- it tries to be in the style of MC but… it’s just too squeaky- what is my suggestion? Well, updating...
  15. Vexosphere

    what was your character's biggest aura moment

    When Neon stood out against faculty, it was so impressive tbh (with a reason obv)
  16. Vexosphere

    what was your character's biggest aura moment

    It had to feel so good damn..