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  1. RAYHM

    Role Request | GammaHeart

    PENDING Are you waiting for a donor rank fix or in-game role? if donor rank, we'll need screenshot evidence of purchase.
  2. RAYHM

    Will never do slattypoo

    Will never do slattypoo
  3. RAYHM

    Item Request | Newspeak

    ACCEPTED For the future please make sure to put ALL your items in the chest before getting GMC.
  4. RAYHM

    PauseRP's Vehicle (2)

    ACCEPTED The car has been returned
  5. RAYHM

    Slushee's Bo Staff

    DENIED I tested off-hand death myself and the item remained with me.
  6. RAYHM

    Vehicle dissapear (Motorbike)

    ACCEPTED Even though your app wasn't explaining how you lost it, I already know you purchased the bike. I'll return it soon
  7. RAYHM

    Tippieee’s Holy Bible

    ACCEPTED Item returned
  8. RAYHM

    Custom Earrings

    Pending I'll try to find the model. Are you sure it was called just "Earrings" in-game?
  9. RAYHM

    Tippie_'s Car

    ACCEPTED Car returned
  10. RAYHM

    Baseball inv lose.

    ACCEPTED Returned your stuff.
  11. RAYHM

    zTwo's Shop Application

    ACCEPTED DM me on discord MikeShotZ#0960
  12. RAYHM

    Kurasu Shop Application

    ACCEPTED DM me when you're available.
  13. RAYHM

    Happy Goods Shop owner Application

    DENIED Very short application, no effort put into it.
  14. RAYHM

    Time of Eve Application

    DENIED That library is for public use and is not a shop you can apply for.
  15. RAYHM

    Izakaya Shop Application | 居酒屋

    DENIED The idea and all isn't bad but I believe you could've done a better job detailing your application.
  16. RAYHM

    Shop Application

    DENIED You did not put any effort into this application.
  17. RAYHM

    Frog Coin Purse

    Denied The model itself was removed as far as I'm aware. Just hold onto that pink and black box until further notice.
  18. RAYHM

    Missing Custom Item

    Denied / Pending I checked in, there's no item called moomin plush, I suggest you message either Duckings or Im6 on discord about this for it to be added again.
  19. RAYHM

    gabriyell's Role Change

    Accepted Your role has been changed.
  20. RAYHM

    Col-basketball-team role

    Accepted You now have the role on the server.