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  1. Amongus_pawn_69_3

    Ali Hatake - In prison for life

    I'm a hatake m8
  2. Amongus_pawn_69_3

    3rd account, forget password never works

    3rd account, forget password never works
  3. Amongus_pawn_69_3

    Ali Hatake - In prison for life

    Ali Hatake Basic Information First Name: Ali Surname: Hatake Preferred Name: The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is a quick building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man...
  4. Amongus_pawn_69_3

    Lost item

    IGN: amongus_pawn_69 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kiesal guitar (bottom left) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was in apartment edit mode when I did /am and had a permanent invisible bow used for the animation in my hotbar, I went out of edit mode and saw that the item in the place where It was had...