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  1. GEBynum

    Julien has interesting dreams

  2. GEBynum

    Who was your SRP's character's first love?

    (CRUSHES SLIGHTLY INCLUDED??) Sage G. Osiris-Jökull: Maria Reyes Didn’t last too long but it was nice! Although Sage used to crush on one of SleepyLobo’s old characters (Willow) Aleks ‘Shuna’ S. Moyta: Pink Hori Was some potential, but didn’t work out Juliette C. Estrella: IT WAS A GUY NAMED...
  3. GEBynum

    What are some of your 'SRP hot takes'?

    ANOTHER HOT TAKE!! you don’t need gang roleplay to have a well thought out and complex character, and you don’t need gang roleplay to have a good experience EITHER!!
  4. GEBynum

    pet peeves?

  5. GEBynum

    pet peeves?

  6. GEBynum

    Whats your best pick-up line?

    “Is your clothes the Kentucky Derby? AND THEY’RE OFF!” random.
  7. GEBynum

    How did your character(s) receive their scar(s)?

    um. mine just got bitten by a cat. (things like bones have been broken MANY times, included by other people.)
  8. GEBynum

    Favorite Songs

    you hurt me doing this BLA BLA BLA - MANESKIN The rhythm makes me teleport :]
  9. GEBynum

    pet peeves?

  10. GEBynum

    pet peeves?

    gangrpers (occasionally)
  11. GEBynum

    What are some of your 'SRP hot takes'?

    Hot take: Tom brown is okay.
  12. GEBynum

    Is your character a bad person?

    I MEAN- she hasn’t killed people.. yet
  13. GEBynum

    Is your character a bad person?

    GOOD QUESTION! *inhale* Sage G. Osiris-Jökull: Sage has some.. questionable things wrong with her. She will insult people, like a lot.. but she hasn’t done anything I would say is necessarily evil? Her heart is in the right place, so I’d so no. I would like to include one of my characters who...
  14. GEBynum

    Denied GEBynum's Caretaker Application

    What is your Minecraft username?: GEBynum Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): I do not have discord. How old are you? (Optional): Rather not say for conservative reasons. What is your time zone?: PST (Washington) Describe your activity on the server: I play most days...
  15. GEBynum

    new ways to say things in gangrp

    You have 10 seconds to remove that mask<<<<“ONE!” *shoots you cutely*
  16. GEBynum


    good good
  17. GEBynum

    my juicy edits

    Okay. That first one was BEAUTIFUL??
  18. GEBynum

    Would You Rather..

    Sadly, I’d probably kill off Juliette (not my first character, but my favorite character!)
  19. GEBynum

    wait a minute.. hear me out.

    that is definitely something you should draw- I hold no restraint to that
  20. GEBynum

    wait a minute.. hear me out.
