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  1. KimiNoUso

    Competitive Sports suggestion by Drnqk

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We're already discussing a similar system to this
  2. KimiNoUso

    Animals and shoes | MushyRP

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion!
  3. KimiNoUso


    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We'll add this onto our list
  4. KimiNoUso

    More Sports In SRP | camwrld_

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We're still actively working on our current sports plugins and teams, and we feel it would be best to continue supporting those plugins and teams before considering new ones.
  5. KimiNoUso

    SHRINE SUGGESTION | 'Kannushi'

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - This role already existed with a different prefix, the Shrine Lead has been given this role.
  6. KimiNoUso

    Polar's Dojo Suggestion

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - This would be a great idea for a Club with a dojo inside of a Club Room, you can definitely keep the doors open to the public if you were to do this.
  7. KimiNoUso

    The benefits of Bedrock support for RPH

    Denied Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it. - We have dropped support for Bedrock on SchoolRP, and we're unlikely to support Bedrock again on SchoolRP until some major compatibility issues with the software we were using is fixed. -...
  8. KimiNoUso

    Maybe another natural disaster event?

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - This is definitely something we'll likely do again, the Event Team are open to your ideas if you get in touch with one of them
  9. KimiNoUso

    37454 Suggestion.

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We currently can't add any additional reactions, and we wouldn't plan on adding negative ones back to the forums at this time.
  10. KimiNoUso

    KPD K9 Units | AbbadonFotoforos

    Denied Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.
  11. KimiNoUso

    Fountain making without barriers

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - Whilst this is possible, it would also interfere with some other features
  12. KimiNoUso

    OnRain Moderation + Filter suggestion.

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We're actively moderating the website, if you catch anything you believe is wrong (or shouldn't be on ONRAIN), please tell a member of staff
  13. KimiNoUso

    diskou | Map Suggestion

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We won't updating the map on the website until the map updates are completed
  14. KimiNoUso

    Description suggestion | boohbs

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - Descriptions are already very long given that it's designed to describe the physical appearance of your character, instead we recommend making a Character Biography which you can link in /setbio - We're still planning on making descriptions even more...
  15. KimiNoUso

    Moderation Quality of Life Improvement | HampterHunter

    Denied Thank you for your suggestion! Just to reassure you, Staff Members cannot accept evidence if it has clearly been tampered/edited, and they are unlikely to issue a punishment without full screenshot evidence. tl;dr: We have an appeal system for this reason. If your appeal was denied...
  16. KimiNoUso

    Bird /lang

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - This update will be live on Friday morning! If you want to see on-going projects, check out
  17. KimiNoUso

    ONRAIN suggestion!

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We'll look into another colour for this
  18. KimiNoUso

    Item Frame Displaying Name of Item

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We'll remove the nametags from these in a later update!
  19. KimiNoUso

    Track outside of school!

    Denied Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it. - We may consider doing a trail or something in the forest for walking/running, however a track field will only be found in the school or faction buildings which aren't able to visit the school
  20. KimiNoUso

    Unique Phone Numbers | NikaBlossom

    Reviewed Thank you for your suggestion! - We're already looking into doing something similar to this!