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  1. ARareUsername

    No no no, I'm saying that I'm a stranger and you shouldn't talk to me.

    No no no, I'm saying that I'm a stranger and you shouldn't talk to me.
  2. ARareUsername

    My mother always said to me, don't talk to strangers, now I'm giving this advice to you.

    My mother always said to me, don't talk to strangers, now I'm giving this advice to you.
  3. ARareUsername

    "Life has ups and downs, power through them and you'll get a reward, something special to you...

    "Life has ups and downs, power through them and you'll get a reward, something special to you and me, no one could deny it." - ARareUsername
  4. ARareUsername

    It doesn't seem bad at all.

    It doesn't seem bad at all.
  5. ARareUsername


    Hello, you don't know me. But I've been here before. I hope we can be friends AGAIN. Prev IGN: XPixelRedstoneX IGN: ARareUsername
  6. ARareUsername

