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  1. Minobu

    Grade up request

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  2. Minobu

    Grade request

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  3. Minobu

    BradyGoneBad Rank

    ACCEPTED - Your Role will be applied shortly
  4. Minobu


    As stated above, this is simply not an update and is a push for a Format. It’s considered a Rough Draft, and is likely to change. As of why it states the Combat Section is under development. For now you would still be sticking to the current rolling system until the Rule-Book updates
  5. Minobu

    disappeared mask <//3

    DENIED - Elaborate further on how you gained ownership of the following mask and or how the item was lost in your next Item Request
  6. Minobu

    Disappeared Rounded Reading Glasses

    DENIED - Use the proper format provided here [CLICK HERE]
  7. Minobu

    Bike glitch

    DENIED - Drop your evidence in a different platform such as Imgur, as I cannot view the evidence provided because the Google Doc is locked
  8. Minobu

    Bike Glitched

    ACCEPTED - Your item will be returned shortly
  9. Minobu

    Age application my bad for the other one....

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  10. Minobu

    Age Change

    ACCEPTED Your Role & Rank Request has been Accepted - Link the following application within /help next time you are online for an Administrator to apply the following Rank. Alternatively, you may shoot me a message on discord if you are receiving no response on the following You may contact...
  11. Minobu

    Age / Grade Up (IGN: Charlotte_Senpai)

    ACCEPTED - Your Role will be applied shortly to your account
  12. Minobu

    Age/Grade up

    ACCEPTED - Your role will be applied shortly
  13. Minobu

    Age / Grade Up (IGN: Lichts)

    ACCEPTED - Your role will be updated shortly
  14. Minobu

    rank request

    ACCEPTED - Your role has already been applied to your account You may DM me on discord with any questions or concerns
  15. Minobu

    BradyGoneBad missing items

    ACCEPTED - Returned a realistic amount of what was requested
  16. Minobu

    FqllenFocoozo's Missing Car

    PENDING - DM me(aesthetic#1400) with information on how you've gained ownership over the vehicle alongside evidence
  17. Minobu

    CatboyRP Car Despawned

    PENDING - DM me(aesthetic#1400) with information on how you've gained ownership over the vehicle alongside evidence
  18. Minobu

    rank request

    DENIED - Your request lacks information as to why you need the following rank; and or any evidence to back you gaining it You may use third-party sources such as Imgur to upload evidence if your files are too big
  19. Minobu

    Star stuck in my invientory

  20. Minobu

    Grade Request

    ACCEPTED - Your role will be administered shortly Feel free to contact me on discord with any questions or concerns