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  1. Pkandaz

    ah! alright

    ah! alright
  2. Pkandaz

    Pkandaz's Police Officer Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In Game Name): Pkandaz Previous bans: Toxicity and Lying to staff + Reaching warn limit (2 total) Describe your activity on the server: When I play MC, I play SRP. So when I get out of school I usually play. You will see me on around 3pm-10pm Do you have...
  3. Pkandaz

    "Anime is for idiots" Oh wait, wrong quote.

    "Anime is for idiots" Oh wait, wrong quote.
  4. Pkandaz

    Billie Eilish: *breaths* ... 14-year-old girls: OMG SIS SNAPPED SKSKS DEEP

    Billie Eilish: *breaths* ... 14-year-old girls: OMG SIS SNAPPED SKSKS DEEP
  5. Pkandaz

    bille eiliesh: *breaths*

    bille eiliesh: *breaths*
  6. Pkandaz

    what anime is that pfp from? looks sick

    what anime is that pfp from? looks sick