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  1. pashy

    Excuse me but. . .

    This was the best answer. I tried to say that but I'm bad at explaining. But here's how I've been thinking to explain it though It's just like you closing your eyes to sleep. You will feel yourself with closed eyes not seeing, yet you feel you're awake. Then after some amount of time, you...
  2. pashy

    Excuse me but. . .

    I THINK When you're dead you no longer have any sense. You can't feel, see, think, talk, hear, or anything. So whether you're blind or not when you die your mind won't even think to be able to acknowledge whether you're dead or not, and you won't see just like a blind person... Unless you mean...
  3. pashy

    School Staff's Own Hotline Suggestion

    That's lit... I think that's better than a private hotline like a radio between teachers
  4. pashy

    School Staff's Own Hotline Suggestion

    -111111 1. "realistic" No, but that's not realistic at all. Teachers IRL do not have a hotline they use to interact with each other. Maybe some schools, but not usually. It's true they don't use intercom to call another teacher, yet your suggestion won't fix realism. 2. Teachers in SRP can...
  5. pashy


  6. pashy

    Join Date Suggestion

    1+ Maybe not the join date, the playtime.
  7. pashy

    /me goes offline?

    /me goes offline?
  8. pashy

    No you

    No you
  9. pashy


  10. pashy

    I'm the very very free. Just DM me on discord Pash#9244 and I will do my best (:

    I'm the very very free. Just DM me on discord Pash#9244 and I will do my best (:
  11. pashy


  12. pashy


  13. pashy

    True True!

    True True!
  14. pashy


  15. pashy

    Yes you're hot

    Yes you're hot
  16. pashy


  17. pashy

    Sad. You always be doing activity in the forums

    Sad. You always be doing activity in the forums
  18. pashy

    You grade-up by activity time. Try doing /grade. If you're have any issue grading up, or it...

    You grade-up by activity time. Try doing /grade. If you're have any issue grading up, or it says maximum grade. You can DM me Pash#9244, or ask in SchoolRP #help channel.
  19. pashy


  20. pashy

