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  1. AdventureApollo

    FRP one could very well be made with the consultation of a couple people, for the 6 years of SRP...

    FRP one could very well be made with the consultation of a couple people, for the 6 years of SRP good luck.
  2. AdventureApollo

    @NikTalks [IMG] [IMG] It's been nearly 2 months!

    @NikTalks It's been nearly 2 months!
  3. AdventureApollo

    Come at me you phisher arses, got all day

    Come at me you phisher arses, got all day
  4. AdventureApollo

    Wrong, please remember to follow the rule "Do not lie in OOC or LOOC..."

    Wrong, please remember to follow the rule "Do not lie in OOC or LOOC..."
  5. AdventureApollo

    Lemme get 1# in most likes

    SchoolRP, the only place where you get notifications consistently on two week old comments
  6. AdventureApollo

    CodeineSmasher's forum role suggestion

    +1 Coming as an active FantasyRP forum user, LT and ET roles on the forums are tremendously important. They help more easily distinguish between RandoPlayer27 making a ****post, for players who are unfamiliar with the members of the staff teams. To benefit LT and ET posts, possibly also colour...
  7. AdventureApollo


  8. AdventureApollo


    +1 Very cool idea Though as an introvert I am offended at the prospect of human interaction
  9. AdventureApollo

    Lemme get 1# in most likes

    Unfortunately, your like request has been Denied. You may reapply at any time, or you may contact me on Discord at AdventureApollo#0001 and myself and other forum users will help you in remaking your like request. The reasons you were denied are listed below. - No
  10. AdventureApollo

    ERP Adjustment Suggestion

    > 18+ player doesn't read rules > Adult player erotic roleplays with a minor > Adult is perma-banned after claiming they "accidentally" shoved an █████ up a ████ of a █████ while ██████ with a few dozen emotes. It's like "accidentally" walking into a police station with a weapon drawn as It's...
  11. AdventureApollo

    Help me, everything I post is being upvoted by a beaver in a hat

    Help me, everything I post is being upvoted by a beaver in a hat
  12. AdventureApollo

    Is schoolRP dying

    I'd say SchoolRP isn't dying, just that it may seem more "dull." Games becoming boring are natural, and ofc that's gonna happen when you invest hundreds of hours in a single one. Here's a few ideas on how you can make SchoolRP (or other games) last longer for you. 1. Take breaks. Try playing...
  13. AdventureApollo

    Grade up

    IGN: AdventureApollo WHAT YOU NEED: Grade 9. I've played for quite a bit afterwards getting the glitch, so if possible, grade 10. YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK: 8 EVIDENCE:
  14. AdventureApollo

