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  1. Swimmerboiii


  2. Swimmerboiii

    I got faith in you and I

    I got faith in you and I
  3. Swimmerboiii

    Item Request

    IGN: soft_shorty_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Ribbon Backpack EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I literally just bought the backpack from auction and did the terrible mistake of right clicking the backpack instead of dragging it into my off hand.
  4. Swimmerboiii

    Item Request

    IGN: soft_shorty_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: White phone, Round Glasses, Goth Skateboard, Gameboy, Pink Coco Chanel Handbag EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was in apartment editmode when the server restarted, and when i came back my inventory was gone and filled with block and tools from...
  5. Swimmerboiii

    Item Request

    IGN: soft_shorty_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Coco Chanel Handbag EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Same thing as before, i managed to accidentally right clikced on it while i was loading in and it turned into this block, apologies for this happening again.
  6. Swimmerboiii

    Role Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): soft_shorty_ WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) [18][Grade-12][Swim-Team] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [18][Grade-12] EVIDENCE: [/Attach]
  7. Swimmerboiii

    Item Request

    IGN: soft_shorty VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Coco Chanel handbag EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had it on my off hand while I was putting on the round glasses and it turned into this giant purple and black block...
  8. Swimmerboiii

    R.K. Rank Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): soft_shorty_ WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) R.K. YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): F++ EVIDENCE:
  9. Swimmerboiii

    Age Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): soft_shorty_ WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade 12, age 18 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 12, age 17 EVIDENCE:
  10. Swimmerboiii

    Item Request

    IGN: DxrkDavid VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Cat Backpack EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I opened a book while having the Cat Backpack in my off hand, which caused it to glitch into an action figure again...
  11. Swimmerboiii

    Item request

    IGN: DxrkDavid VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Cat backpack EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I accidentally right-clicked the cat backpack onto a surface which caused it to glitch into an action figure...
  12. Swimmerboiii

    Item request

    IGN: DxrkDavid VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Dino hat, Fedora, Hello Kitty plush, 2 surgical face mask and tiara EVIDENCE: Before: In between: After: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I suspect that a hat glitch was used, since I am not the only one that has had their items disappear from their chest, in the...