IGN: BlueTonator
Discord: DarKShoW#6038
Describe your activity on the server:
I am on server as much i can but i have school for 7hours and one brother who sharing the pc but general i am on for 5-6 hours
but he's going to stop eating and sleeping all day and he will get a job so i will be...
Michael ''Hunt'' Roger...
First Name: Michael
Surname: Rogers
Preferred Name: none
[Something like 'Nicky' 'Johnny']
Aliases: Hunt
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6.3 (1,90)
Weight: 150lbs (68kg)
Build: Muscle
Skin Color: White
Eye Color: brown
Hair Style:
Hair Color:
like that but with brown color
Fashion: none...
IGN: bluetonator
Discord: DarKShoW#6038
Describe your activity on the server: normal and boring... a lot of my friends is offline for holidays and i dont have anything to do i need a shop for i have something to do in this server without boring
Previous applications: i do one more application...
USERNAME: bluetonator
ISSUE: i cant break blocks, i want someone break all the blocks i have there, its only the blocks i cant (not the chest right from the front door)
IGN: Bluetonator
Discord: DarKShoW#6038
Describe your activity on the server: i got kicked from a gang, and i want make mine job
Previous applications: i send one time in KPD. but i got denied. i cant find the application link
Previous warns/kicks/bans: no kicks no bans and warnings only cause...
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