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  1. Dalparpe

    Rira's biography

    { Name } Rira { Race } Eastern carrion crow { Gender } Male { Age } 1 { Height } 52cm [ wing 33cm, tail 19cm ] { Weight } 420g { Date of Birth } October 1, 2022 { Place of Birth } Ochiba Forest { Appearance...
  2. Dalparpe


  3. Dalparpe


    IGN: Dalparpe VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: television EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The TV installed in my property has disappeared
  4. Dalparpe

    disappered furniture

    IGN: Dalparpe VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 4k television (or just TV, television? ) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The TV installed in my property has disappeared
  5. Dalparpe

    Erik Finster, Student & Scholar, エリック・フィンスター

    Really good one <3 Your writing is amazing
  6. Dalparpe

    { Sakura Nakazumi's Biography }

    ahhh I LOVE this art !! cute <3
  7. Dalparpe

    { Sakura Nakazumi's Biography }

    aww thanks :) and.. YES SAKURA IS TALL GIRL !! :D
  8. Dalparpe

    { Sakura Nakazumi's Biography }

    it's still WIP it's can be update in future
  9. Dalparpe

    { Sakura Nakazumi's Biography }

    { Close Friend } Cait Bunty Cassidy [ Alive ] { Family } { Kushiguro Family } { Backstory }