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  1. A7XM

    Missing Vehicle Second Time

    IGN: A7XM VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Prince of Darkness EVIDENCE: Check Attachment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had it parked before Reset at Gates, this is the Second time this has happened --> Previous Thread
  2. A7XM

    Broken Car Windshield

    IGN: A7XM VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: BCNR33 Prince of Darkness EVIDENCE: Windshield being too low not being able to See without F5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LithiumLibido created my Car
  3. A7XM

    Busted Items for A7XM

    IGN: A7XM VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Flip Phone (Wheat) Green Bicycle and Japanese Lantern (Both Diamond Hoe) EVIDENCE: Photos sent ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: These items were given to me by someone who is quitting
  4. A7XM

    Missing Vehicle

    IGN: A7XM VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Prince of Darkness EVIDENCE: Check Attachment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had it parked before Reset at Complex H