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  1. AureolinWander

    Age Restrictions

    The largest +1 I can issue, the size of the moon at least Oh I could say a LOT about this. As someone who came from a server on another game that crash landed into the sun because of rampant pedophilia I think that rule should have already been a thing, regardless of if its an obvious thing or...
  2. AureolinWander

    Give us a 24/7 NPC convenience/corner store

    It's honestly so frustrating trying to level your cooking skill when you always seem to log on at the wrong time. I try to fish and then keep certain types to cook but then I usually don't make enough to buy another rod. I hate having to join multiple shop discords just to hope that I'll be free...
  3. AureolinWander


    Kugrash from Unsleeping City created 90% of Rat Pope's (now heavily changed lol) backstory :3
  4. AureolinWander

    "I poisoned your tea"

    "pog" also fun fact rat poison only works on rats cos they cant throw up :3
  5. AureolinWander

    Interest Rates for putting money in the bank for a long time, etc

    Neutral leaning +1? I think it could be good depending on how its implemented (for instance having the interest rate lower over time or capping at a certain amount so inflation doesn't get too out of control) (or like maybe even a stock market where its randomized or shares of actual shops idk...
  6. AureolinWander

    Tell me your favourite char on SRP but..

    miro beloved a scurvy free life for you bestest friend ever <3 rat pope is bad at haikus but good at friendship!
  7. AureolinWander

    What is your country’s food that is also your favourite

    Canada :3 Bannock Bison (bison meatloaf sandwiches or bison stew is god tier tbh i like anything with bison) Cold plates (corn apple salad and pasta salad are the closest thing to ascending) Jig's dinner (its better the day after when u mix the salt beef with cabbage, some mushed up carrots...
  8. AureolinWander

    drop a song that reminds u of autumn

    like yxu wxuld knxw is the only valid answer
  9. AureolinWander

    Event Hall/Civic Center

    +1 It would be so cool! If people are worried about it not being used/being empty maybe have it be a sort of community centre? (I'll try to edit this to sound smarter and stuff later lol)
  10. AureolinWander

    Wrath's silly /character suggestion (live reaction)

    +1 I've ran around as Citizen thinking I was Rat way too many times lol
  11. AureolinWander

    its so pretty and way better than the old one :D (also were the zig zags removed because it was...

    its so pretty and way better than the old one :D (also were the zig zags removed because it was hurting peoples eyes too or is my brain just making up that memory lol)
  12. AureolinWander

    On the topic of Gardening...

    +1 It could be cool to have different types of planters so people in apartments without balconies can still grow plants! A little community garden where you can rent a plot could be cool too! Idk I just love gardening and any excuse to have it in more games I like! :D Like maybe even a little...
  13. AureolinWander

    Messages for friends to see later, like tickets

    +1 If it's possible it would be the best thing ever. I have some friends that don't have discord or I don't have added and I'm too awkward to ask. I wind up forgetting important or fun things and wind up with giant stories for them days later with chunks missing because we don't run into each...
  14. AureolinWander

    Grade 12 Request :)

    IGN (Minecraft Username): AureolinWander WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: Grade 12 WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade 7 EVIDENCE: Accidentally deleted my character when I was trying to redeem my animal whitelist :(
  15. AureolinWander

    What's your favorite story from when you were a greenie?

    Someone gave me alcohol and carried me around while I yelled at people to believe in themselves and I got detention and wrote 30 pages for my first task that nobody read :( Or that time someone tried to lock me in a room in the sewers when I asked how to go to the beach during school to get...
  16. AureolinWander

    Suggestion <33

    Neutral to +1 (heavily leaning +1) I have one irl!!! It's slowly being recognized in more places outside of the uk which could make a good argument for having it on the server (the airport where I live just got training and offers them conveniently after I paid a ton to get one shipped to me...
  17. AureolinWander

    Raise Rents on Apartments | cuddles

    -1 This is the most baffling attempt at seemingly "fixing" the problem of players having excess wealth I have seen across any game I have ever played. It will do nothing but harm poor students further. Karakura's homeless student population is already troublingly high this is the last thing they...
  18. AureolinWander


  19. AureolinWander

    Sewer housing (Yes this sounds dumb I know but hear me out)

    +1 It would be AMAZING!!!!! It could also be cool to have even a teeny tiny bit of shack looking houses that aren't for sale for the sad homeless youths of Karakura to squat in since there are so many