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Raise Rents on Apartments | cuddles


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
-1 not everyone has that much, it would be unfair for those who can't afford it. There are more expensive and cheaper ones, such as pent and shared houses. But raising them all is unreasonable.
This is the most baffling attempt at seemingly "fixing" the problem of players having excess wealth I have seen across any game I have ever played. It will do nothing but harm poor students further. Karakura's homeless student population is already troublingly high this is the last thing they need.
The costs for new students are pretty high already. The only reason Miro, Gene, and I were able to get an apartment so fast was a mix of spending a metric ton of time fishing and the sheer luck of finding the perfect apartment so quickly.

If the proposed change were to take place (which I doubt it will given the negative community feedback but let's humor this for a moment, also assuming said students are greenies who had as much knowledge as I did going in) apartments would cost far more than you intend.

Students would be spending more money on rods (2k each) as fishing is one of the easiest ways for students to make money before they have an apartment. They would also be missing far more classes to fish or have to carefully plan when to join so they can fish at the beach to have easy access to more rods. Given how long it would take they would also need more food (I was easily burning through money faster than I could make before I bought a rank because of how much running around I was doing). A bank card to keep your funds safe (5k) You also need a phone ( 13k-50k+ ) for QOL reasons and possibly to buy an apartment at all? (Gene was the one who bought it so I'm not sure) If you want to keep a stash of rods at school, protect your items as you grind, etc. you need a locker (20k) If you run into the family store as a greenie as I did you might panic thinking you need school supplies (I spent around 10k I believe?) That doesn't even begin to cover the auction house, player stores etc.

Overall I don't mind a little bit of extra competition when looking at new apartments if that means costs stay low. I'd rather they stay accessible to greenies so they can have more time to explore the server and have fun.

Perhaps it is time for the rat to bring mutual aid to Karakura


Level 29
It'd be a pain for all of us... and ruin the overall SRP experience when it becomes too hard to find a place to live.


Level 2
All this does is hurt the new players. There is literally no benefits as it doesn't even combat the idea that people are becoming too rich


Level 73
InflationRP sounds... uuuuuuughhhh. Raising rent would mean raising salaries and whatnot. Lets not get into that and let us homeowners and apartment/room owners enjoy our personal spaces!


Level 86
Apartments are already incredibly difficult for new players to get. Extreme realism is bad.

New players do not have the mounds of money old players too. No point or benefit in raising the rent cost.

Want to make a new money sink? Build "deluxe" housing units/apartments, but don't increase rent on the already existing ones.


Level 47
This is the most baffling attempt at seemingly "fixing" the problem of players having excess wealth I have seen across any game I have ever played. It will do nothing but harm poor students further. Karakura's homeless student population is already troublingly high this is the last thing they need.
The costs for new students are pretty high already. The only reason Miro, Gene, and I were able to get an apartment so fast was a mix of spending a metric ton of time fishing and the sheer luck of finding the perfect apartment so quickly.

If the proposed change were to take place (which I doubt it will given the negative community feedback but let's humor this for a moment, also assuming said students are greenies who had as much knowledge as I did going in) apartments would cost far more than you intend.

Students would be spending more money on rods (2k each) as fishing is one of the easiest ways for students to make money before they have an apartment. They would also be missing far more classes to fish or have to carefully plan when to join so they can fish at the beach to have easy access to more rods. Given how long it would take they would also need more food (I was easily burning through money faster than I could make before I bought a rank because of how much running around I was doing). A bank card to keep your funds safe (5k) You also need a phone ( 13k-50k+ ) for QOL reasons and possibly to buy an apartment at all? (Gene was the one who bought it so I'm not sure) If you want to keep a stash of rods at school, protect your items as you grind, etc. you need a locker (20k) If you run into the family store as a greenie as I did you might panic thinking you need school supplies (I spent around 10k I believe?) That doesn't even begin to cover the auction house, player stores etc.

Overall I don't mind a little bit of extra competition when looking at new apartments if that means costs stay low. I'd rather they stay accessible to greenies so they can have more time to explore the server and have fun.

Perhaps it is time for the rat to bring mutual aid to Karakura
Skill issue pal, get gud.

sir meow

Level 45
Community Team
-1, what made you think this was a good suggestion? this is 100% un-needed. raising the rent of apartments would make the server unfun and ruin the experience for MANY players. think about what your posting as suggestion next time


Level 57
I think people who own apartments are players who have been playing for a while, and when they learn that their apartment rent has gone up, they are not happy about it, and neither am I.

gold fish

Level 286
-1, what made you think this was a good suggestion? this is 100% un-needed. raising the rent of apartments would make the server unfun and ruin the experience for MANY players. think about what your posting as suggestion next time
Right? Those 150k apartments that are smaller than some of the 50k ones are already outrageous

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