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  1. CTC0

    block placement glitch

    USERNAME: CaptYT3699 APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1806, 59, 664 ISSUE: there is a 1 block space where I cannot place blocks or items, I put a concrete powder block on it so it's easier to see ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: the cords is exactly where the issue is
  2. CTC0

    Riku's Biography

    First Name: Riku Surname: Ikeda Preferred Name: Ricky Gender: Male Age: 14 Height: 4'11 Weight: Build: Average?? idk?? Skin Color: Tan Eye Color: Blue Hair Style: Short at the back and sides, longer at the front and top Hair Color: Brown Fashion: He'll wear anything he's given...
  3. CTC0

    Haru Hasuke | Biography | CaptYT3699

    First Name: Haru Surname: Hasuke Preferred Name: Haru Gender: Female Pronouns: Her/They Age: 33 Height: 5'7 Weight: idk weight measurements everywhere so imma let people guess >:D Build: has a slightly chubby build, but this is barely noticeable Skin Color: White Eye Color: Blue-ish...
  4. CTC0

    Denied CaptYT3699 | History Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: CaptYT3699 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): the cat#3850 Do you have a microphone?: yes I do How old are you? (Optional): 20 What is your time zone?: BST (British standard) Do you acknowledge that...
  5. CTC0

    Lost phone and bag

    IGN: CaptYT3699 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: smart phone and cat backpack EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: just realised I did my ign wrong, fixed now I lost the items by crashing while in editmode
  6. CTC0

    Hank's Biography

    Basic Information First Name: Hank Surname: Lynn - Leia Preferred Name: Xīniú (translation: Rhino) Gender: Male Age: 20 Height: 5'3 Weight: 126 lbs Build: average Skin Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Hair Style: Messy Afro Hair Color: Black Fashion: anything with a jacket...
  7. CTC0

    Bethany Matthews' Bio

    Basic Information First Name: Bethany. Surname: Matthews. Preferred Name: Beth. Gender: Female. Age: 14. Height: 5'6. Build: average build, slightly underweight. Skin Color: light tan. Eye Color: blue-grey. Hair Style: she's not too bothered about her hairstyle, she'd most likely just roll with...
  8. CTC0

    Cordy Kaisaku's Biography

    Cordy Kaisaku Basic Information Full Name: Cordy Charlie Kaisaku Gender: male Age: 18 Height: 5'9 Weight: average Build: fairly muscular Skin Color: pale white Eye Color: brown Hair Style: he prefers long hair so that people can play with it, but nowadays he has a medium length...
  9. CTC0

    Suggestion - Discord bot that tells the in game time and day

    not sure about anyone else but whenever I spawn in I'm always doing it during the in game night or weekend, sometimes that's ok but I'm the type of role player that tries realism at it finest, meaning if I make it so my character doesn't sleep then I roleplay out that he's tired, so I'm...