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  1. autumnizer

    Good Evening (it's literally morning), I'm praxor!

    I know one day someone's gonna ask "Who's this praxor guy I hear of?", so I'll just write it on the forums! If you didn't know already, I am praxor! An American, (currently) 17-year-old casual RPer who plays on SchoolRP actively. You might know me in-game as "Morioka Satoshi" or "Kawamoto...
  2. autumnizer

    Random: "The Professor Mafia"

    One fine evening, I was just taking a stroll around the plaza and I spot these fine gentlemen in formal attire... "Seems like they're plotting something..." "One of them has a... book? What would they need that for?" "Seems like they mean business, they even have security detail of...
  3. autumnizer

    Lost a scythe because of a bug

    For some reason, when I right click items while the scythe was in my offhand, it would bug and swap the item i right clicked into my offhand, including items like Gadgets and the School Planner. For some reason, I tried to right click the School Planner while the scythe was in my offhand, and...
  4. autumnizer


  5. autumnizer

    Denied Praxor's Librarian Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: praxor_ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): praxor How old are you? (Optional): 16 What is your time zone?: Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) Describe your activity on the server: Active, balancing school and...