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  1. UhmMoe

    My KPD Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Wigglle [2][Bird][Toki “Night”] MrWiggle_ [20][College][Baseball-Team][Hyun-Ki “Chi” M.] Previous bans: Two 24 hour [Can’t Appeal] Two 5 day bans [Appealed] Describe your activity on the server: My Activity on the server has...
  2. UhmMoe

    My Item Requests

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bat Parasol, Lostvayne, Zodiac Katana, Spartan Bat, Spiked bat, Ballistic mask, (A random scythe of which I don't remember the name of), also my toy Z glock which glitched into a cane EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost this during the baseball plugin...
  3. UhmMoe

    I mean i guess ill come back

  4. UhmMoe

    My maybe Quit?!?!

    Lately due to many reasons oocly I haven’t got the chance to get on the server, it’s been quite stressful not being able to do the things I need and I honestly have been extremely bored with it to say the least. another reason is I’ve just lost the will to play I’ve played for so long it’s...
  5. UhmMoe

    MrWiggle's Police application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): MrWiggle_ [20][College][Moe “Tokyo” Ernst] Wigglle [2][Bird][Toki “Night”] Previous bans: Two 24 hour [Can’t Appeal] Two 5 day bans [Appealed] Describe your activity on the server: My Activity on the server has lessened more and more...
  6. UhmMoe

    My Item Request and car

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The wiggle mobile, Toy Rose Glock (Z) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: They both glitch when ever I Right click or if i have two items in hand i find i franctly annoying and i attempt to do it a least as i can but i some times slip up and accidentally do...
  7. UhmMoe

    My Item Request and car

    IGN: Mr.Wiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toy Glock (Z), The Wiggle Mobile, Toy Blue Scythe, Triple Bladed scythe. EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  8. UhmMoe

    My car and item request.

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The Wiggle mobile! EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: They have glitched every time and I'm honestly quite annoyed I've tried stopping them and I honestly might just get them and keep them in a chest, I obviously don't want to do this but I might this makes...
  9. UhmMoe

    My Car and Glitched item request.

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The Wiggle mobile, Toy Rose Glock (Z) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost both by right clicking the ground both of them are mine and I bought them with ooc money.
  10. UhmMoe

    My Glitched Glock

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Glock Rose (Z) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it Glitched when I was left clicking the ground and turned into the black military's night vision hat, which then happened to a lot of people like me.
  11. UhmMoe

    My Item request.

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: My custom car(White Porche), Toy Katana, cross mask, Cartoon flower earrings, Zabuza sword. EVIDENCE: The car disappeared and turned into a duped sword, the toy katana was lost in a restart as well as the rest of the list was. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I...
  12. UhmMoe

    My item request. :p

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Multiple: Zabuza Sword, The Great sword, Bomb pop Spear. EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I don't really know what happened one day i had my custom the next morning I woke up I didn't have them this has been happened in the last few days and its very...
  13. UhmMoe

    My item Request

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toy red Toerx Axe, And gas mask EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost it during the roll back and it was given to me in, ((The Red one)). And the Gas mask i bought it in auction.
  14. UhmMoe

    My car request.

    IGN: MrWiggle_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Code car EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I don't know what keeps happening but people surround me when I'm in the car and it just disappears ((like the turtle dies)) and I don't know if its just De spawning or they are making it drop, i don't know if...