USERNAME: Giga_boi
ISSUE: owner offline 30 days please disown for me
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: vibeey is previous owner
IGN: Giga_boi
DATE: September 16th
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: We should make it so that eating and drinking have an effect on our drunkness. Also my character is a big guy so two shots shouldn't make him all that drunk, so perhaps add a weight thing
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: guitar, sunglasses, and an umbrella
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: those items aren't in my inventory anymore, if you need more evidence let me know, and ill be happy to give you what you need :)
so a while ago i wrote about onrain and i was given a link to the Trello for it but if I go back and press that link (i will put it at the bottom) it says the card was archived so does that mean onrain isn't being fixed? or is it just a new web address for it? It's still "index of /" I really...
so a while ago I got the link to the Trello for the Onrain update but now it says that the card was archived and the website is still down, was it scrapped? or is it still gonna be fixed, I really like it, and hope it wasn't decided that it should be gone forever
IGN: Gameboi0990
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would appreciate it if we could get some more medical staff and them not be afk all the time, I like to make character arcs all the time and some of them include medical-related things but there aren't any medics online and...
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