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  1. Vexosphere

    glitched block

    Code: USERNAME: vexosphere (apartment owner is 172Os) as im bulding interior im requesting it APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1846 62 614 ISSUE: cant break this powder ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  2. Vexosphere

    Item request (Furnitures bug)

    IGN: vexosphere VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Furnitures: Computer, Monitor, TV, Toaster, hanging fan. (All except Bike on screenshot) EVIDENCE: Dont have all, Customable gave computer and monitor once but it disappered again. ,
  3. Vexosphere

    Hitomi Mc. Cherie | Biography Reworked

    ❖Name❖ Hitomi McMullen Cherie ❖AGE❖ 18 years old ❖DATE OF BIRTH❖ 24.06.2004 ❖PLACE OF BIRTH❖ Poland, Warsaw ❖GENDER❖ Female (She/her) ❖SEXUAL ORIENTATION❖ Bisexual ❖OCCUPATION❖ High School Councillor ❖DISEASES❖ Deuteranopia Color Blindness ❖MENTAL ILLNESSES❖ OCD, ED (Anorexia)...
  4. Vexosphere

    ★Few suggestions that could improve the SRP!★

    IGN: FurnaceRP DATE: 13.02.2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Character selection in the Lobby Currently, to change your character, you have to change your rpname, desc, and skin. You can't have a second character, for example, as an Officer or a cat. To work around this, there could...
  5. Vexosphere


    What is your Minecraft username?: Itz_Mai_ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): ItzMai#2351 How old are you? (Optional): 18 What is your time zone?: CET GMT +1 Describe your activity on the server: I play on the server practically every day, I spend a lot of time...
  6. Vexosphere

    Accepted FurnaceRP || HS COUNCIL APPLICATION

    ✪ FurnaceRP || HS COUNCIL APPLICATION ✪ ✪ ☆☆☆ GENERAL INFORMATION☆☆☆ ღWhat is your Minecraft Username?:ღ FurnaceRP ღPast warns/kicks/bans?:ღ Im clear! ღWhat is your timezone?:ღ CET, GMT+1 ღPlease provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001):ღ ItzMai#2351 ღLink(s) to...
  7. Vexosphere


    Hitomi D. Jahii ♥Hitomi's Theme♥ {Basic Information} =-=First Name=-= Hitomi =-=Last Name=-= Dobosz Jahii =-=Gender=-= Female =-=Age=-= 18 =-=Height=-= 156cm / 5.1 =-=Weight=-= 50kg =-=Skin Color=-= Light =-=Eye Color=-= Pink =-=Hair Style=-= Long Hair =-=Hair Color=-= Bubblegum...
  8. Vexosphere

    cant place block in some places

    USERNAME: Itz_Mai_ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1238 36 749 ISSUE: cant place block in some places 1 bugged place - 1237 37 752 2 bugged place - 1236 38 750 3 bugged place - 1232 37 754 4 bugged place - 1233 38 749 5 bugged place - 1233 37 759 i also cant break jukebox - 1240 37 761...