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  1. Ironics

    Shop application

    IGN: II_Ironics_II Previous Applications [Accepted] [Denied] [Denied]...
  2. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: II_Ironics_II Vehicle: Breaker motrobike Additional information: Wifi got cut out, so I ended up losing the vehicle.
  3. Ironics

    Lmao, I see you all over forums....watching....liking 0-0.... Are you stalking us?

    Lmao, I see you all over forums....watching....liking 0-0.... Are you stalking us?
  4. Ironics

    Hey Hatchet

    Hey Hatchet
  5. Ironics

    Hey Harriet

    Hey Harriet
  6. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: II_Ironics_II Vehicle: Breaker Motrobike Additional information: Let a friend DevinBlackBlood borrow the bike a while ago, but he hasn't been on for a long time, so I'd like to get the vehicle returned, thank you.
  7. Ironics

    I was never banned lol? If you're referring to my previous ban, why don't you actually read what...

    I was never banned lol? If you're referring to my previous ban, why don't you actually read what the ban was for? Because I can assure you, I'm still playing SRP.
  8. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: II_Ironics_II Vehicle missing: Black Motorbike ''Venom'' Evidence: Image Additional information: Lost the bike a couple of days ago when I was riding around with it, then the server restarted, which caused the vehicle to glitch.
  9. Ironics

    Vehicle(s) Request

    IGN: II_Ironics_II Vehicles: Black motorbike (venom), and breaker motrobike Additional information: I have additional proof on my discord (Night_Rider#4185)
  10. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: II_Ironics_II Vehicle: Black Motorbike (Venom) Proof: Might have to message me via discord, cause the file won't send on here. Night_Rider#4185 additional information: The vehicle was placed down when i lagged out the server, then when I joined back in, it glitched.
  11. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: II_Ironics_II Vehicle: Black Motorbike (Venom) Proof: Might have to message me via discord, cause the file won't send on here. Night_Rider#4185 additional information: The vehicle was placed down when i lagged out the server, then when I joined back in, it glitched.
  12. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Vehicle: Black motorbike (venom) Proof: Discord: Night_Rider#4185
  13. Ironics

    Court system Suggestion

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Date: 11/12/2020 Mention/Suggestion: For a while now, I think a court system would be a very cool and exclusive new way of GangRP situations or just general public problems. Instead of just being arrested and teleported, I feel like there should be due process for one's...
  14. Ironics

    Item glitch

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Item: Bo staff (Black and White) additional information: Accidently stood on a pressure plate, causing the item to glitch.
  15. Ironics


    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Roll/Rank: Suspended information: The suspension was 3 ooc days, and I didn't bother asking for a change up until about a couple weeks later. Thanks :D
  16. Ironics

    Item request

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Item: Dita Mach One glasses additional information: I was lagging pretty hard after switching the glasses, and someone minged grabbed them, but I couldn't catch the IGN. (Due to me being frozen) Proof: Won't let me place file here, discord is Night_Rider#4185
  17. Ironics

    Custom Item untextured

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Item: Bo staff (Black and White) Additional information: After handing it to a friend, then she relogged and it became untextured.
  18. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Vehicle: Black Motorbike ''Venom'' additional information: The vehicle disappeared after I disconnected, whilst on the motorbike.
  19. Ironics

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Vehicle: Black motorbike (venom) additional information: Happened early yesterday when I was lagging a lot. I have proof that I own the motorbike. Discord: Night_Rider#4185. (File was too large for me to upload)
  20. Ironics

    Custom Item

    IGN: Ironics_Playz21 Item: Hinikuna watch Information: This was a long missing custom item that a bought a while ago, and ever since the apartment reset little over 4 months ago, I couldn't figure out the name of the custom item. But found an old picture of me wearing it.