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  1. BaldOnYT

    A new/updated rule book + Turf

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Bald1 What's the title of your suggestion?: A new/updated rule book + Turf What's your suggestion?: Now before i start my rant this is NOT me saying this is staffs fault, as its pretty much just a problem thats been around for years, but its just driving...
  2. BaldOnYT

    A Brief Thanks!

    Hello!! so basically for a while ive wished for the opportunity to just thank a lot of srp players, as srp has helped a lot with my life, for a while ive dealt with mental health struggles and stuff irl but through that a big thing that has helped me keep focus on stuff and make my day less...
  3. BaldOnYT

    Tips For New Gang Roleplayers

    HI GUYS its baldy waldy your fav criminal So recently ive seen alot of new faces around gang rp and crime rp and ive been asked certain questions by a few people I've helped so I thought, why not just make a forum post! For those who don't know me I've been involved in gang rp for around 3...
  4. BaldOnYT

    Bald1 BMD Application

    IGN: Bald1 Describe your activity on the server: Most days i am able to log onto srp for a long amount of time, with work this cuts down some hours I can play however when I get free time I do log on for average of 4-6 hours a day. Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a...
  5. BaldOnYT

    Making duffel bags be used to carry large weapons, or other objects

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Bald1 What's the title of your suggestion?: Making duffel bags be used to carry large weapons, or other objects What's your suggestion?: HEY GUYS! so i came across something which i thought would be cool to implement within gangrp and make stuff seem more...
  6. BaldOnYT

    Large weapons being put in bags

    HEY GUYS! so i came across something which i thought would be cool to implement within gangrp and make stuff seem more, realistic, so we all know and love our large weapons like bats, katanas, naginatas, axe so on and so forth, well instead of just having it in your inventory, and then /me...
  7. BaldOnYT

    Bald1 Reporter Application

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: Bald1 Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Yes to both! my discord is bald7594 List your timezone and country: England GMT Describe your...
  8. BaldOnYT

    Question for the Gangrp community!!

    Who is the top ten gangrps/crimerps on srp rn this can be bmd gang members leads, it can be based on activity rp anything state reasons <3
  9. BaldOnYT

    Denied Bald1s Lawyer App (Accidently deleted my other one)

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Bald1 Discord Tag: bald7594 Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Timezone & Country: GMT +1 England Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your activity on the server: 9/10 depending on my work shifts, but more than likely...
  10. BaldOnYT

    UVG/VG Tournament,

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Bald1 What's the title of your suggestion?: UVG/VG Tournament, What's your suggestion?: Now this will probably never happen but, what if instead of simply applying for uvg/vg the crime factions hosts a tournament quite like fc where 5 members for example G.V...
  11. BaldOnYT

    Denied KCW | Business app

    IGN: Bald1 Discord: bald7594 Describe your activity on the server: 7-8/10 depending on work shifts and irl plans! What is the name of your business?: KCW aka Karukura Combat World Attach a discord link to your business here: In a paragraph or more, please describe...
  12. BaldOnYT

    Bald1s car went poof

    IGN:Bald1 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I did a silly and spawned my car by accident and when i went to pick it up it just disapeared mi tried re logging and it didnt...
  13. BaldOnYT


    IGN:bald1 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toyota prius EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Went to do smth and left my car placed recently bought so dont know how it happened came back 2 mins later and when i went in render the car was gone i have 2 clips 1 shows me driving the 2nd shows me coming back for...
  14. BaldOnYT


    IGN:Bald1 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Forelli Katanna spiked bat custom bat crowbar axe tac knife and bat EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This was in my chest before i was banned, i talked to the staff Diving and she said i could make a request and see if im able to get my stuff back, a friend told...
  15. BaldOnYT

    Denied Bald1 [] Lawyer app

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Bald1 Discord Tag: bald7594 Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Timezone & Country: England GMT Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your activity on the server: 9/10 have work and college but i try my best to be...
  16. BaldOnYT

    Bald1 Reporter APP

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: Bald1 Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: bald7594 and yes i do have a mic! List your timezone and country: GMT ENGLAND Describe your activity...
  17. BaldOnYT

    Denied Receptionist Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Bald1 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): bald7594 How old are you? (Optional): Rather not say. I'm above 16 What is your time zone?: BST Describe your activity on the server: Around 4-5 hours a day...
  18. BaldOnYT


    So my friend has been perma banned and me and my other friend are looking for a penthouse and we asked if we could have his and he said if we are able to get a staff to disown it we are able to. Room is the penthouseblock in shopping district room 208 his discord is Porkchoppy#1368 incase you...