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  1. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: Which Karakura Local Are YOU!? PT 2!

    WHICH LOCAL KARAKURA PERSON ARE YOU! TAKE THIS QUIZES BELOW TO FIND OUT! N. Jaibatsume, 2024 WHAT LOCAL KARAKURA PERSON ARE YOU!? (Pt. 1) WHICH one are you? Male - 4 points Female - 3 points Other - 2 points DO you work for a shop? Yes- 4 points No - 2 points WHAT kind of business do...
  2. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: Which Karakura Local are YOU!?

    WHICH LOCAL KARAKURA PERSON ARE YOU!? TAKE THE QUIZ BELOW TO FIND OUT! N. Jaibatsume, 2024 WHAT LOCAL KARAKURA PERSON ARE YOU!? (Pt. 1) What do you like to do in your freetime? Fishing - 4 points Swimming - 3 points Walking - 2 points Do you have facial hair? Yes - 4 points No - 2...
  3. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: The Karakura Umbrella Crisis!

    THE KARAKURA UMBRELLA CRISIS! WHY ARE THEY SO SMALL!? DO THEY EVEN WORK!?!? AND WHY ARE THEY ALL FROM THE SAME BRAND!?!? N. Jaibatsume, 2024 There is an issue in Karakura that NO one seems to talk about.. In plaza, at the beach, at the pier, around the city! They’re everywhere! All these...
  4. Sakuragakure

    SCHOOL NEWS | The End Of Keio

    Brandy Millwell's Paranormal blog of Karakura Academics: Case 07. The End Of Keio Some spirits come in spite, don’t they? Others strike merely due to being summoned by others, doing the bidding of the summoner to act revenge and terror in hindsight of a situation. I am Brandy Millwell, and...
  5. Sakuragakure


    WHERES THE POSTS!! WHERES THE UPDATES!??! WHERE DID ONRAIN GO!!?! Onrain logo, 2024 Usually Onrain posts quite regularly! If not once a month at a MINIMUM! Yet … it appears they have gone - INACTIVE!! For not just one month .. but TWO! @ onrain screenshot, 2024 IN ADDITION...
  6. Sakuragakure

    Items lost | ProChefJohnCena

    IGN: Prochefjohncena items: Fish Tank "Lagoon" x16 Fish Tank "Tropical" x16 Fish Tank "Bounty" x16 Fish Tank "Coral Reef" x16 Fish Tank "Coral Tree" x16 Sparking Sake x65 Chemistry set x16 Situation: Server crashed suddenly when I was in creative updating my shop, i have no ss of my inventory...
  7. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: Onrain June-July Update Summary!

    EVERYTHING NEW AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ONRAIN AS OF THE END OF JUNE & JULY! Onrain logo, 2024 Starting strong! On June 16th Onrain announced a NEW feature onto the platform called COMMUNITIES! Their announcement stated: “Introducing…. #Communities! Onrain now has...
  8. Sakuragakure

    SCHOOL NEWS | Nakamura's Zashiki-warashi Encounter

    Brandy Millwell's Paranormal blog of Karakura Academics: Case 06. Nakamura's Zashiki-warashi Encounter Japanese folk tales, something told and passed down from generations to generations ... but is that all they are? A folk tale? A mere tale to tell ...? Or perhaps are they far more than just...
  9. Sakuragakure


    LESS THAN 24 HOURS AGO KARAKURA’S MAIN SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM ‘ONRAIN’ ANNOUNCED A HYPE-TEAM THEMED PARTY WILL BE HOSTED SOMETIME THIS SPRING. Onrain logo, 2024 @onrain Official made a post asking its users what party it would rather see more; an #antsparty or an #acesparty. To vote the...
  10. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: The Club For The Misunderstood - "Fight Club"

    It’s beyond known that Karakura’s youth population is severely undefined. This has been shown time and time again through groups such as Bosozoku and other delinquents. However, there are other outlets that have been made through the years to help allow the population, without help, to get some...
  11. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: Shrine's Cleansing Festival Announcement!

    GUESS WHAT'S COMING UP!! THE SHRINE’S CLEANSING FESTIVAL! HOW DO WE KNOW? THANKS TO THE NEW ONRAIN ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE! @ArticMonkeys, Hotsprings - 2022 According to the shrine’s advertisement, 7 AM Monday, May 26th is the cleansing festival! Why it’s in Western time on the...
  12. Sakuragakure

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Kameko's Doppelganger

    Brandy Millwell's Paranormal blog of Karakura Academics: Case 05. Kameko's Doppelganger They say everyone on Earth has at least one other person who looks identical to them, typically somewhere on our planet there's about seven people who could pass as a twin. However, what if this person...
  13. Sakuragakure

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Kumer's Haunting Jumpscare

    Brandy Millwell's Paranormal blog of Karakura Academics: Case 04. Kumer's Haunting Jumpscare The saying goes ‘Curiosity kills the cat’, but perhaps sometimes it simply only gets close to killing. Such was the case for a curious high school student who stumbled upon an unexpected fright in...
  14. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: ONRAIN! March update summary

    Onrain has gotten several new updates this month! This is what they are and what they’re about! Onrain Screenshot, @onrain, 2024 At the very start of this month Onrain released the update and bug fixed that resolved the issues regarding messaging! The message they released went as...
  15. Sakuragakure

    Accepted Mechanic Tool Box Copy Request

    Username: AllenBUwU What is your Minecraft username? AllenBUwU Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Mechanic Tool Box What type of item are you requesting? Miscellaneous Item (5,000) How many copies are you...
  16. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: Best Exterior House Decor

    Have you ever walked around Karakura just to see the houses? We did! Here is the TOP 10 exterior house decor, in no particular order! Mizukawa Street, 2024 Up first, a dragon across the street from the Shopping District! To Celebrate the Lunar New Year, house 009 has put up an amazing...
  17. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: The BRAND NEW Onrain Badge Update!

    Released out of the blue.. Karakura’s Onrain released a whole new update, giving several accounts a sticker of verification along with collectable badges! Onrain Screenshot, @onrain, 2024 First, we just HAVE to announce becoming officially verified on Onrain! Along with many other...
  18. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: The Rise In Gyaru Fashion!

    Have you ever seen girls walking around with bleach blonde hair, many accessories, unique makeup, and creative clothes? There is a very good chance they were part of the up-and-coming Gyaru Trend in Karakura! Alyssa Yasushi, 2024 Before we begin, what even is Gyaru? Well, according...
  19. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: The Abandoned Shops of Shopping District

    In the shopping district and the surrounding area, there are a few shops that have just been either untouched, unused, or totally abandoned! Here are those shops and businesses! Shopping district, 2024 First up, at the VERY front of the Shopping District, we have the old Mai-Yume...
  20. Sakuragakure

    KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: The Latest Onrain Update!

    Have you seen the latest update that has come to Onrain? Let's check it out! Onrain home page, WhizFeed, 2024 Eighteen days ago, Onrain greeted us with a new post talking about how they just did their ‘biggest design update ever!’. As such, they talk about the new dark mode option...