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  1. caviive

    Items lost during Sport event

    IGN: caviive Item Name(s): Sakura's Staff Ofuda "Kami" Crashed and they were gone, was lucky enough to take a ss when I realised I'd crash.
  2. caviive

    Item Lost

    IGN: caviive Item Name: Backpack "Cinnamon Roll"
  3. caviive

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: caviive VEHICLE NAME: Kawaii Ninja 400 N.C EVIDENCE:
  4. caviive

    Cat Plushie "Cavi" Copy Request

    Username: caviive What is your Minecraft username? caviive Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-39820724a36160-eaa4a7 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Cat Plushie "Cavi" What type of item are you...
  5. caviive

    Tinted Glasses "Flash" Copy Request

    Username: caviive What is your Minecraft username? caviive Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-39820724a36160-eaa4a7 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Tinted Glasses "Flash" What type of item are you...
  6. caviive

    Missing items

    IGN: caviive Item Name(s): Gucci Peppa Hat Bunny Chainsaw Angel Plushie Kirbo Hat Mask "Crazy Horse" Mask "Cat Burglar" Context: Items went missing during different/seperate times, hence why different screenshots. All of which went missing after restarts
  7. caviive

    Connection problem, items gone.

    IGN: caviive Item Name(s): Toy Katana "Sakura" 3x Stone Lantern "Ishi Doro" Portable Speaker "Melody" Umbrella "Umbrella Corp" Sunscreen "50 Plus" 2x
  8. caviive

    Fan "Inunaki" Copy Request

    Username: caviive What is your Minecraft username? caviive Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-62933923a30449-a782bb What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Fan "Inunaki" What type of item are you requesting...
  9. caviive

    Logged during restart this morning, now my things are gone

    I'm missing my items which vanished. I logged off this morning as it said in chat "Restart happening in 1 minute", but had bought things beforehand. Weirdly enough everything is gone that I picked up from the post office, and I checked there to see if it got rolledback, but it got rolledback to...
  10. caviive

    Server crashed... /*again*/

    Several furniture items vanished after the server just crashed. They are no longer in my inventory after purchase and they are back on auction, however my money is gone (870k......) If possible I'd like them replaced.. Item names: Certificates "Qualified" Certificates "Important" Certificates...
  11. caviive

    Items gone because of repeated crashing

    I bought some things off of auction before the server crashed again and they vanished. They're no longer in the post office and back on auction, however my money is gone. I had bought: 2 Potted Trees, Plushie Apple, Oval Sapphire, Lighting PC Tower, Eloquence Guitar and the Starlight Duffel I'd...
  12. caviive

    Items lost :<

    The server just shut down and I lost my entire inventory. I don't have a screenshot, which makes me very upset as it means I can't get back my items, but I have a screenshot of me wearing my Ballistic mask, which I really REALLY want back, so please- The item name was Ballistic Mask "Rise of...
  13. caviive

    Roll back... Aldos Glasses lost

    The server just restarted and I had purchased Aldos glasses (if spelled correctly) from auction beforehand, however now after the restart they're gone and no longer on auction. I'd like to have them back please :'> My IGN is caviive
  14. caviive

    Accepted Fan "Inunaki" Copy Request

    Username: kcvive What is your Minecraft username? caviive Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-62933923a30449-a782bb What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Fan "Inunaki" What type of item are you requesting...
  15. caviive

    Accepted Earrings "Nametag Set" Copy Request

    Username: kcvive What is your Minecraft username? kcvive Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-74334223a67392-c9bb2a What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Earrings "Nametag Set" What type of item are you...