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  1. 5C4R77

    Glitched regions; Complex F4, 363

    There are two glitched regions (to my knowledge) in my apt. Both of the glitched regions are in the form of light blocks. Glitched region 1; 1589, 60, 607 Glitched region 2; 1598, 65, 607
  2. 5C4R77

    Gun mods but no guns on srp????

    Literally sobbing, how are guns allowed as mods such as like techguns but why aren't they allowed on srp.. How does it on srp violate the EULA but it doesn't as a mod..
  3. 5C4R77

    Denied 5C4R77's Art Teacher Application

    About Me What's your Minecraft Username?: 5C4R77 What's your Discord username?: 5c4r77 What's your Time Zone?: AEST (Australian eastern standard time) Provide any link(s) to previous applications: What are your current roles on the server?: 5C4R77 [Adult] Cassian T. Yokuna-Meyer / Hanz...
  4. 5C4R77


    THE MEYER FAMILY REINSTATED 1834 HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO BE PART OF A LEGACY? JOIN THE MEYER FAMILY AND BE A PART OF THE TRADITIONS! INVITE WHAT IS THE MEYER FAMILY? The Meyers are an international family originating in Germany with branches worldwide, from Croatia to Australia and the UK. The...
  5. 5C4R77


    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: 5C4R77 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): 5c4r77 Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a microphone. What is your time zone?: My timezone is AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Do you acknowledge...
  6. 5C4R77

    Felix M. Drakos Takada | BIOGRAPHY

    Felix M. Drakos Takada Basic Information Full Name; “My name is Felix M. Drakos Takada.” Nicknames; “I don’t have any nicknames, not any I like anyway.” ‘Fix it Felix’ ‘Feli’ ‘Drakos’ Aliases: “Different names, for different purposes I guess?” ‘Saint’ ‘Absolute’ ‘The Angel’ Gender; “I’m a...
  7. 5C4R77


    OOC INFORMATION: IGN: 5C4R77 Describe your activity on the server: I play almost every single day, and the times of each day that I play change depending on if I want to stay up during the night to play with people from other time zones or if I want to play with people in my time zone. (AEST) I...
  8. 5C4R77

    Flynn M. 'Schatz' Cobalt's Biography <3

    “Flynn M. ‘Schatz’ Cobalt” ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ “I’ll do the talking, you just sit and look pretty!” - Basic information - First name: Flynn Surname: Cobalt Aliases: Schatz - Appearance - Age: “18” Height: “6ft” Weight: “163lbs” Build: Flynn would have a t****zoid shaped body Voice...
  9. 5C4R77

    lost items

    IGN: 5C4R77 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Smart phone and debit card EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i dont use the texture pack so i know its hard to identify the items, but i know people have seen me around with these items
  10. 5C4R77

    "Elijah C. Cobalt" Biography <3

    ‘Elijah C. Cobalt’ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ “What is anyone or anything without love and hate?” - Appearance - Age: “18” Height: “6’3” Weight: “140lbs” Ethnicity: “German” Eye colour: “Brownish grey” Hair colour: “A deep ruby red” Date and place of birth: “Berlin, Germany. 15/04/03”...