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  1. pepsae

    car req

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: the red lancer revolution car EVIDENCE: images and clip - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: As known, there had been a glitch among other of my friends as well, where their...
  2. pepsae

    car request

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: the red lancer revolution car EVIDENCE: img ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: previously it turned into an ''item'' with the parts and description gone, couldn't place it down and now it turned into a brick.. i believe
  3. pepsae

    uouu item(s) request

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: A whole lot of bugged items. EVIDENCE: Image below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I figured a chest is easier since there's quite a bunch. Located in my apartment by the IGN uouu - coords; 1313 54 834
  4. pepsae

    item request

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Piano ''Golden Grand'' EVIDENCE: Image below. Additionally I can send a full clip if needed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 2 seconds later, I right click on the ground to place the furniture and it just disappeared saying 'You cannot place that block there.'
  5. pepsae

    uouu's KPD application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): uouu (applying on/main acc) herway Discord Name & Tag: mayswag Which timezone are you in?: CEST / GMT+1 List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: ACCEPTED 2020 [KPD] 2020 [EMS] DENIED 2023 [EMS] Describe your activity on...
  6. pepsae

    forums suggestions

    What's your Minecraft Username?: uouu What's the title of your suggestion?: forums suggestions What's your suggestion?: add dark mode on forums, just like how onrain functions between bright mode and dark mode. the forums isn't all bad for me but i believe it'd be nice to settle with a...
  7. pepsae

    uouu | lost all items bc of server crash

    IGN: uouu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Fake I.D Spartan football Silver frame glasses (idk the exact name) Disposable lighter (Red) My melody phone Chocolate pocky EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had many more items but no ss. Idk for what reason would I save screenshots of my inventory just...
  8. pepsae

    Denied uouu doctor application

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION - Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): uouu (alts; Pluj & iheartace999) What is your discord username? mayswag Describe your activity on the server: I am fairly active throughout the whole week, but as of right now I do not have an in-game role that...
  9. pepsae

    pepsae college council application

    __________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: pepsae Past warns/kicks/bans?: N/A What is your timezone?: CET | GMT+1 Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: may#1000 Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server...
  10. pepsae

    urbludmay's Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): urbludmay Previous bans: N/A Describe your activity on the server: I am thoroughly most active on weekends due to on school days I am busy with school work until approximately 4PM or less. I am simply on SRP whenever I am not busy, which...
  11. pepsae

    Item request

    IGN: Pluj VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pearl Butterfly Earrings EVIDENCE: Below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you could, please remove the two extra Cosmetics ender chests that is in my inventory.
  12. pepsae

    Pluj item request

    IGN: Pluj VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Two pearl butterfly earrings EVIDENCE: Below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A
  13. pepsae

    pepsae item request

    IGN: pepsae VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Totoro backpack and the Hello Kitty plushie EVIDENCE: I don't have any screenshots of it being on the auction house because I never knew it was a glitch. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost it due to auction house.
  14. pepsae

    pepsae's doctor application

    Doctor application IGN (alt account, also account that I'm applying for now): Pluj Main account: pepsae What timezone are you in?: GMT+1 Do you have Discord? If you do, list it here: I do, it's pepsae#2988 How long have you been on the server for?: I've been playing for quite a while...