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  1. carice_x

    Adult role request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): luvCarice WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: Adult WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Governor EVIDENCE: I dont know if this is enough evidence? I took a break for 5 months but now i want to continue with my adult role please!
  2. carice_x

    Lost vehicle request

    IGN: luvCarice Item/Vehicle Name: Testarossa F40 ''CaRizz" Evidence: Additional Notes: I forgot to pick it up before logging off a while ago.
  3. carice_x

    Accepted Governor | luvCarice's Application

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: luvCarice Discord Tag: xcarice Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, I have a working microphone that i'm also willing to use if needed. Timezone & Country: CET, Central European Time - The Netherlands. (GMT+2) Links to any current & past applications...
  4. carice_x

    Vehicle Request

    IGN: luvCarice VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Testarossa F40 ''CaRizz'' EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It's in my inventory on the right.
  5. carice_x

    Vehicle Despawned

    IGN: luvCarice VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Testarossa 40 ''CaRIZZ'' EVIDENCE:
  6. carice_x

    luvCarice | Vehicle Return

  7. carice_x

    Accepted Culinary Teacher Application | luvCarice

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: luvCarice Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): xcarice Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do, I own a working microphone. What is your time zone?: CET, Central European Timezone. Do you acknowledge that...
  8. carice_x

    Lost Vehicle | Carice_x

    IGN: Carice_x VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Testarossa F40 ''CaRizz'' EVIDENCE: A picture of proof that it's my car and a picture of my empty inventory! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A
  9. carice_x

    Vehicle return | Carice_x

    IGN: Carice_x VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Tessarossa F40 ''CaRIZZ'' EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I forgot to do /qav callback and now I don't have it anymore! Could you please return it into my inventory?
  10. carice_x

    Denied Hospital Application - Doctor | Carice_x

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Carice_x What is your discord name & tag?: xCarice#8711 Previous bans: I have never been banned, although I do have a previous warn from the 22nd of November 2021, for AvoidRP. It's been 2 years later and I...
  11. carice_x

    Denied Sheena's Accesoires ~ Shop Application

    Sheena's Accesoires IGN: Carice_x Discord: Carice_x#0174 Describe your activity on the server: I am very active, atleast online everyday for 1-2 hours minimum, in weekends im online atleast for 4-5hours a day. Previous applications: I don't remember applicating for any other jobs...