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  1. BaldOnYT

    Bald1s car went poof

    IGN:Bald1 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I did a silly and spawned my car by accident and when i went to pick it up it just disapeared mi tried re logging and it didnt...
  2. BaldOnYT


    IGN:bald1 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Toyota prius EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Went to do smth and left my car placed recently bought so dont know how it happened came back 2 mins later and when i went in render the car was gone i have 2 clips 1 shows me driving the 2nd shows me coming back for...
  3. BaldOnYT


    IGN:Bald1 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Forelli Katanna spiked bat custom bat crowbar axe tac knife and bat EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This was in my chest before i was banned, i talked to the staff Diving and she said i could make a request and see if im able to get my stuff back, a friend told...
  4. BaldOnYT

    Denied Bald1 [] Lawyer app

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Bald1 Discord Tag: bald7594 Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Timezone & Country: England GMT Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your activity on the server: 9/10 have work and college but i try my best to be...
  5. BaldOnYT

    Bald1 Reporter APP

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: Bald1 Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: bald7594 and yes i do have a mic! List your timezone and country: GMT ENGLAND Describe your activity...
  6. BaldOnYT

    Denied Receptionist Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Bald1 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): bald7594 How old are you? (Optional): Rather not say. I'm above 16 What is your time zone?: BST Describe your activity on the server: Around 4-5 hours a day...
  7. BaldOnYT


    So my friend has been perma banned and me and my other friend are looking for a penthouse and we asked if we could have his and he said if we are able to get a staff to disown it we are able to. Room is the penthouseblock in shopping district room 208 his discord is Porkchoppy#1368 incase you...