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  1. wethecreature


  2. wethecreature

    Return /Book

    What's your Minecraft Username?: wethecreature What's the title of your suggestion?: Return /Book What's your suggestion?: I'm unsure if this needs a bug report instead a suggestion (if a suggestion is inappropriate I can just make a bug report) , but at the moment, the faculty command (/book)...
  3. wethecreature

    Favourite Characters of 2024

    Who were your favourite characters to interact with this year (or maybe overall)? I haven't decided mine yet but I want to know everyone else's!
  4. wethecreature

    rodentology's Maiden Application

    rodentology's Shrine Maiden Application OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name): rodentology, wethecreature What is your discord username?: wethecreature What is your timezone?: MST Describe your activity on the server: As of the last four months, I've been pretty inactive on the server, and in...
  5. wethecreature

    Accepted wethecreature's Professor Application | Literature, Creative Writing

    made with Novaskin Wallpapers OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: wethecreature, rodentology wethecreature is my main account which I'm applying on. What is your time zone?: MST/MDT What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) @wethecreature Link all previous applications you...
  6. wethecreature

    Removing Search Issue

    What's your Minecraft Username?: wethecreature What's the title of your suggestion?: Removing Search Issue What's your suggestion?: When searching on the forums, any small or common words are ignored making it often harder to find what you're looking for. Important words that are small will...
  7. wethecreature

    Denied ✦ wethecreature Hospital Application ✦

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): wethecreature (college account.) What is your discord username? wethecreature Describe your activity on the server: The level of my activity would have to be a 7-8 out of 10. I am only on around half the week...
  8. wethecreature


  9. wethecreature

    Player-Ran Events (DIY Events!)

    PLAYER RAN EVENTS because not all events are gonna be done, brotato. DISCLAIMER: PLAYER-RAN EVENTS ARE MOST LIKELY NEVER GOING TO BE AT ALL THE SAME SCALE AS AN EVENT-TEAM RAN EVENT WHAT IS A PLAYER-RAN EVENT? Player-Ran events are, to be specific, any event not involving Event Team's official...
  10. wethecreature

    weth writing commisions (pls comm me I'm broke)

    WILL WRITE anything within rules light gore (violence) most genres (unless I don't like them >:( ) WON'T WRITE gore NSFW subjects hateful writing (homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc) PRICES Biography Format - 50,000 yen starting Backstory - 10,000 per chapter Description - 10,000 without...
  11. wethecreature

    Denied [DELETE]

  12. wethecreature

    Animal Whitelist Switching

    What's your Minecraft Username?: wethecreature What's the title of your suggestion?: Animal Whitelist Switching What's your suggestion?: Gave animal whitelist users access to switching their animal once WITHOUT the time cutoff. This may be an experience many have experienced but I bought a...
  13. wethecreature

    Ask me things (cuz I gotta get with the times)

    pls ask me things so I can pretend to be interesting (i am an asogi, I was on event team for a long time, I uh... write! and I have cool characters. also if you have questions specifically associated with the babadook spirit I am an expert. also I was in prof and shrine a while back.)...
  14. wethecreature

    Color Codes for Non-Donor Ranks

    What's your Minecraft Username?: wethecreature What's the title of your suggestion?: Color Codes for Non-Donor Ranks What's your suggestion?: Allowing people who haven't bought a donor rank to have access to at least two color codes, specifically one of the BASIC color codes and the white color...
  15. wethecreature

    Doing Something with the Cosmetics Menu

    What's your Minecraft Username?: wethecreature What's the title of your suggestion?: Doing Something with the Cosmetics Menu What's your suggestion?: The cosmetics menu, which you can reach using /cosmetics (some of you may have never even used it), is rather... outdated and untouched. What can...
  16. wethecreature

    A Kind Letter

    Letter #1 Dear Vårens Moder, ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ I send my kindest regards along with this request which you may not perceive to be so considerate. I ask with utmost sincerity that you remove your "Spring-Gift Cult" activities out from Karakura. You have caused a bit of...
  17. wethecreature

    Accepted Hand Fan "Ketsui Suru" Copy Request

    Username: wethecreature What is your Minecraft username? wethecreature Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-17725723a79736-e5ef98 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Hand Fan "Ketsui Suru" What type of item...
  18. wethecreature

    Denied wethecreature's Monastery Maiden Application [2]

    SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY APPLICATION ─────────────────────────────────────── Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IN-GAME NAME (IGN): bethecreature, wethecreature DISCORD NAME & TAG: wethecreature#6625 WHAT IS YOUR TIMEZONE?: MST DO YOU HAVE A MICROPHONE?: I prefer not to speak in voice calls but...
  19. wethecreature

    Accepted Hand Fan "Ketsui Suru" Copy Request

    Username: wethecreature What is your Minecraft username? wethecreature Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-17725723a79736-e5ef98 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Hand Fan "Ketsui Suru" What type of item...
  20. wethecreature

    Take Our Hand and Be Complete

    As you would browse on your computer an email would be sent to you, directing you to a website. Were you to click on it, the following would appear before you: [THIS MAY BE TAKEN ICLY] "A dark age arrives. I have completed a long-foretold prophecy. My mistakes have returned to not only...